SOSANT2510 Environmental Anthropology
Required books can be purchased from online bookstore such as and Required books are also available at the bookstore Akademika and the University Library.
Articles in readers are available at the "kopiutsalg"-desk, groundfloor Akademika. Remember to bring your semester-card.
Required books
@ Adams, William: Against extinction: the story of conservation, 2004. London: Earthscan (311 pages)
@ Dove, Michael & Carol Carpenter (eds.): Environmental Anthropology: A Historical Reader, 2008. Oxford: Blackwell.
@ West, Paige: Conservation is our government now: the politics of ecology in Papua New Guinea, 2006, Duke UP (352 pages)
Articles in readers / compendium
Crate, Susan A.: "Gone the Bull of Winter? Grappling with the Cultural Implications of and Anthropology’s Role(s) in Global Climate Change" in Current Anthropology, Vol. 49, No. 4, 2008. 569-595 (27 pages).
Feeny, David, Fikret Berkes, Bonnie J. McCay & James M. Acheson: "The tragedy of the commons: Twenty-two years later" in Human Ecology, Vol. 18, No. 1, 1990. Pages 1-19 (19 pages).
Nuttall, Mark: "Living in a world of movement: Human resilience to environmental instability in Greenland" in Crate, Susan A. & Mark Nuttall (eds.): Anthropology and Climate Change: From Encounters to Actions, 2009. Walnut Creek, CA: Left Coast Press. Pages 292-310 (19 pages).
Online articles
Conklin, Beth A. and Laura R. Graham (1995): “The Shifting Middle Ground: Amazonian Indians and Eco-Politics” in American Anthropologist 97(4):695-710 (16 pages).
Hardin, Garrett (1968): "The tragedy of the Commons" in Science, 162 (3859). Pages 1243-1248 (6 pages).
Ingold, Tim (2011): “The shape of the earth” in Tim Ingold: Being Alive: essays on movement, knowledge and description. London: Routledge. Pages 99-115 (16 pages).