
SOSANT4010 Metode og prosjektbeskrivelse


Titler market med @ er b?ker som m? kj?pes eller l?nes. Artiklene finnes tilgjengelig i form av kompendium.

@ Stewart, Alex: The Ethnographer?s Method, 1998. Sage Publications . (85 s).

SOSANT4010 Metode og Prosjektbeskrivelse.

Archetti, E : "Introduction" i Archetti (ed): Exploring the Written. Anthropology and the Multiplicity of Writing, 1994. Oslo: Scandinavian Press. Sidene 11-24 (13 sider).

Barth, F: "Comparative Methodologies in the Analysis of Anthropological Data." i J.H. Bowen & R. Peterson (eds): Critical Comparisons in Politics and Culture , 1999 . Cambridge: Cambridge University Press . Sidene 78-89 (12 s).

Briggs, J: "Kapluna Daughter" i Golde, P (ed): Women in the Field: Anthropological Experiences, 1986. Berkeley: University of California Press. Sidene 19 -44 (25 sider).

Broch, Harald Beyer: The Battle of ?lo, 1996. A Descriptive Analysis of Confrontation Between Greenpeace Activists and Norwegian Mink-Whalers, 2003. Folk Journal of the Danish Ethnographic Society Vol 45. Sidene 177 -206 (29 sider).

Ellen, Roy: Utrag fra "Preparation for fieldwork" i Ellen (ed): Ethnographic Research. A Guide to General Conduct, 1984. London: Academic Press. Sidene 155-170, 178-187 og 192-197 (32 sider).

Ho?m, Ingjerd: "Jeg kan ikke f? sagt hvor mye du betyr for meg! Om spr?k og antropologi" i Norsk Antropologisk Tidsskrift nr. 1-2, 12. ?rgang, 2001.

Fr?ystad, Kathinka: "Forestillinger om det "ordentlige" feltarbeid og dets umulighet i Norge." i M.Rugk?sa og K.T.Thorsen(red): N?resteder nye rom: Utfordringer i antropologiske studier i Norge, 2003. Oslo: Gyldendal Akademiske. Sidene 32 - 64 (33 sider).

Garbett, G. Kingsley: The analysis of Social Situations, 1970. Man vol 5(2) . Sidene 214-227 (14 s).

Howell, Signe: Kinning: The Creation of Life Trajectories in Transnational Adoptive Families , 1993. Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute 9(3). Sidene 1 - 25 (25 sidere).

Lien, Marianne: "Latter og troverdighet. Om antropologi i hjemlige egne" i Norsk Antropologisk Tidsskrift, nr 1-2, 1. ?rgang, 2001.

Leach, Edmund: "An anthropologist?s Reflection on a Social Survey" i Jongmans & Gutkind: Anthropologists in the Field , 1967 . Assen: Van Gorcum . Sidene 194 – 207 (13 s).

Marcus, George E.: "Ethnography in/of the World System. The Emergence of Multi-Sited Ethnography" i Annual Review of Anthropology, vol. 24, 1995. Sidene 95-117.

Miner, Horace: Body Ritual Among the Nacirema, 1956. American Anthropologist Vol 58(3). Sidene 503 - 507 (5 sider).

Mintz, Sidney W : The Anthropological Interview and the Life History , 1979 . The Oral History Review. Sidene 18-26 (9 s).

Sanjek, Roger: "A Vocabulary for fieldnotes" i Sanjek(ed): Fieldnotes: The Makings of Anthropology, 1990. Ithaca: Cornell University Press. Sidene 92- 121 (19 s).

Smedal, Olaf : Antropologi ved ?rtusenskiftet: Om verden, hodejak og universalitet, 2001. Norsk Antropologisk tidsskrift 12(1-2). Sidene 130- 136 (7 sider).

Stoller, Paul : "Eye, Mind, and Word in Anthropology" i P. Stoller: The Taste of Ethnographic Things. The Senses in Anthropology, 1989 . Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press . Sidene 37-55 (19 s) .

Talle, Aud : Kvinner og utvikling - tjue ?r senere, 2002. Norsk Antropologisk tidsskrift 13.?rgang (1-2). Sidene 47 -61 (15 sider).

Vike, Halvard: Culimination of complexity. Cultural dynamics in Norwegian local government , 2002. Anthropological Theory. Sidene 57 - 75 (18 s).

Wadel, Cato: "Feltarbeid som runddans mellom teori, metode og data" i Wadel: Feltarbeid i egen kultur , 1991. SEEK Flekkefjord . Sidene 127-181(54 s).

Wikan, Unni : Fattigdom som opplevelse og livskontekst: Innsikt fra deltakende i Odd Wormn?s (red): Vitenskap - enhet og mangfold , 1996. Oslo: ad Notam Gyldendal. Sidene 181-201 (21 s).

Wikan, Unni : Beyond the Words: The Power of Resonance, 1992. American Ethnologist . Sidene 460 - 682 (25 sider).


Studentene velger fire monografier for et n?rmere studium. Minst en av monografiene skal v?re fra gruppen "Klassikere". En av de tre ?vrige monografiene kan byttes ut med en fritt valgt monografi.

(1) Klassikere

@ Evans-Pritchard, E.E.: The Nuer. A description of the modes of livelihood and political institutions of a nilotic people, 1940. Oxford Oxford University Press . (266 s).

@ Mead, Margaret: Coming of age in Samoa , 2001 (1928) . New York: William Morrow.

@ Turner, Victor : The Ritual Process: Structure and Anti-Structure, 1995 (1969) . Aldine de Gruyter, Reprint edition . (200 s).

?vrige monografier

@ Anderson, Elijah: Streetwise: Race, Class, and Change in an Urban Community , 1992 . Chicago University of Chicago press . (250 s).

@ Broch, Harald Beyer: Jangan Lupa. An experiment in cross cultural understanding, 2002. Oslo: Novus forlag . (232 s).

@ Gullestad, Marianne : Kitchen Table Society: A Case Study of the Family Life and Friendships of young Working-Class Mothers in Urban Norway, 1984 . Oslo: Universitetsforlaget.

@ Feld, Steven : Sound and Sentiment. Birds, Weeping, Poetics, and Song in Kaluli Expression , 1982 . Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press . (235 s).

@ Maggi, Wynne : Our Women are free. Gender and Ethnicity in the Hindukush. , 2001 . Ann Arbor: The University of Michigan Press. (244 s).

@ Miller, Daniel & Slater, Don : The Internet: An Ethnographic Approach , 2000. New York: New York University press. (224 s).

@ Scheper-Huges, Nancy : Saints, Scholars and Schizophrenics: Mental Illness in Rural Ireland. 20th anniversary edition , 2001(1979). Berkeley: University of California press . (400 s).

@ Wikan, Unni: Medmennesker: 35 ?r i Kairos bakgater, 2004. Oslo: Pax.

Publisert 22. apr. 2008 19:33 - Sist endret 22. mai 2008 15:47