
SOSANT4100 Nyere antropologisk teori

F?lgende bok m? kj?pes/ l?nes

@ Moore, Henrietta (ed.) : Anthropological Theory Today, 1999 . Cambridge: Polity Press.

Av denne leses f?lgende kapitler:

Moore, Henrietta : "Anthropological Theory at the turn of the Century" i Henrietta Moore(ed.) Anthropological Theory Today, 1999. Cambridge: Polity Press. (s 1-23).

Carrier og Miller: "From Private virtue to public vice" i Henrietta Moore (ed.): Anthropological Theory Today, 1997. Cambridge: Polity Press. (s. 24-47).

Moore, Henrietta : " Whatever happened to women and men? Gender and other Crises in Anthropology" i Henrietta Moore (ed.): Anthropological Theory Today, 1999 . Cambridge: Polity Press. (s. 151-171).

Artikler i kompendium

Ortner, Sherry : Theory in Anthropology since the 1960’s, 1984. Comparative Studies in Society and History (26) . (s.126-166).

Harvey, David : "The art of rent, globalization and the commodification of culture" i D. Harvey: Spaces of Capital , 2001. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press . (s. 394-411).

Solheim, Jorunn : "Kropp som symbolsk univers" i Solheim: Den ?pne kroppen, om kj?nnssymbolikk i moderne kultur, 1998. Oslo: Pax forlag . (s.59-78).

Tilley, Chris : "Space, place, landscape and perception. Phenomenological Perspectives" i Christopher Tilley: A phenomenology of landscape, 1994. Oxford: Berg. (s. 7-34).

Appadurai, Arjun : "The Production of Locality" i A.Apppadurai: Modernity at Large, 1996. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press. (s.178-199).

Callon, Michel : "Elementer til en oversettelsessosiologi: kamskjell, fiskere og forskere" i K. Asdal, B. Brenna og I. Moser (red.): Teknovitenskapelige kulturer, 2001 . Oslo: Spartacus forlag. (s.91-124).

Ingold, Tim : "The Temporality of Landscape" i Tim Ingold: The Percepction of the Environment. Essay in Livelihod, Dwelling and skill, 2000. London: Routledge. (s. 189-208).

Strauss, Claudia and Quinn, Naomi : 'Anthropological resistance' i Strauss, C. og Quinn, N. A cognitive theory of cultural meaning, 1997. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. (s.12-43).

Barth, Fredrik : The Guru and the Conjurer, Transactions of knowledge and the shaping of culture in Southeast Asia and Melanesia, 1989. Man 25. (s. 640-653).

Comaroff, John L : "Ethnicity, Nationalism and the Politics of Difference" i E. Wilmsen og P. McAllister (eds.): The Politics of Difference in an Age of Revolution , 1996. Chicago: Chicago University Press. (s.162-183) .

Geertz, Clifford : "Ethos, World View and the Analysis of Sacred Symbols" i Geertz: Interpretation of Cultures, 1973. New York: Basic books. (s.126-141).

Blom Hansen, Thomas and Steppuat, Finn: "Introduction: States of Imagination" i Blom Hansen, T og Steppuat, F: States of Imagination. Ethnographic explorations of the postcolonial state, 2001. Durham: Duke University Press. (s. 1-38).

Tsing, Anna : "The Global Situation" i J. Xavier og R. Rosaldo (eds.): The anthropology of Globalization, 2002. Oxford: Blackwell. (s. 453-485).

Bugge, Lars : Pierre Bourdieus teori om makt, 2000. Agora nr. 3-4 (temanummer om makt) . (s.224-248).

Eriksen, Thomas Hylland : "Traditionalism and neoliberalism: The Norwegian folk dress in the 21st century" i Erich Kasten (ed.): Culture as Property , 2004. Oxford: Berghahn. (ca. 25 s.).

Gupta, Akhil og James Ferguson : "Discipline and practice: ?The field? as site, method, and location in anthropology" i Gupta and Ferguson (eds.): Anthropological Locations , 1997. Berkeley: University of California Press. (s. 1-46).

Hastrup, Kirsten : kap. 1 og kap. 2 i Hastrup: A Passage to Anthropology, 1995. London: Routledge. (s. 9-44) .

Lakoff, George og Mark Johnson : Metaphors we live by, 1980. Chicago: University of Chicago Press. (s. 3-40) .

Leach, Edmund : Introductio, kap. 1- kap 2 i Leach: Culture and Communication, 1976. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. (s. 1-16) .

Shore, Bradd : Culture in Mind, 1996. Oxford: Oxford University Press. (s. 3-41).

Spiro, Melford E : Is the Western Conception of the Self "Peculiar" within the Context of the World Cultures?, 1993. Ethos 21 (2) . (s.107-153).

Tilleggskompendium, del 3

Asad, Talal: "What Might an Anthropology of Secularism Look Like?" i Talal Asad (ed.): Formations of the Secular: Christianity, Islam, Modernity, 2006. California: Stanford University Press. Sidene 21-66.

Asad, Talal: "Secularism, Nation-State, Religion" i Talal Asad: Formations of the Secular: Christianity, Islam, Modernity, 2003. California: Stanford University Press. Sidene 181-204.

Selvvalgt pensum

Kursdeltakerne velger fritt 200 sider fra ett eller flere av verkene p? listen nedenfor, eller fra annen antropologisk faglitteratur relevant for masteroppgaven og/eller SOSANT4100. De av studenten som ?nsker selvvalgt pensum som ikke er nevnt p? listen, m? f? dette godkjent av veileder. Pensum som er brukt tidliger p? andre kurs/emer innenfor Bachelorgraden, kan ikke legges opp. Muntlig godkjenning fra veileder er tilstrekkelig. Dersom veileder ikke er tilgjengelig kan listen godkjennes av emneansvarlig. Informasjon om selvvalgt pensum stiftes bakp? hvert av de tre eksemplarene av hjemoppgaven.

@ Latour, Bruno: Science in Action, 1987 . Cambridge: Harvard University Press. (273s.).

@ Strathern, Marilyn : Partial Connections , 1991. Savage, Md.: Rowman & Littlefield Publishers. (153 s.).

@ Douglas, Mary : How Institutions Think, 1987. London: Routledge. (146 s).

@ Tambiah, Stanley Jeyaraja : Magic, science, religion and the scope of rationality, 1990. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. (187 s.).

@ Bourdieu, Pierre : Outline of a theory of practice, 1977. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press .

@ Lakoff, George : Women, Fire and Dangerous Things , 1987. Chicago: University of Chicago Press. (614 s.) .

Publisert 24. apr. 2007 21:12 - Sist endret 2. juni 2007 18:35