
Seminargruppe 1: Antropologiske perspektiver p? kristendom v/Knut Ueland

Form?let med dette seminaret er ? gj?re studentene kjent med temaer som diskuteres innenfor kristendomsantropologi. Kristendom har i lang tid v?rt behandlet av antropologer, men det har ofte v?rt i forbindelse med at de har studert noe annet. De siste ?rene, derimot, s? er det flere og flere som har kristendom som hovedfokus i sin forskning. I dette seminaret skal vi se p? noe av denne litteraturen. Seminaret er lagt opp for ? gi en generell innf?ring i emnene, og vil derfor v?re nyttig for mange som i sin forskning m? forholde seg til sp?rsm?l rundt kristendom. Pensum er likevel lagt opp for ? gi de som er spesielt interesserte en ide om hva slags litteratur som finnes slik at de p? egen h?nd kan s?ke videre.

Kurset vil bl.a. ta for seg f?lgende sp?rsm?l:

  • P? hvilke m?ter p?virker kristendom samfunn og mennesker? P? hvilke m?ter blir kristendom p?virket av samfunn og mennesker?
  • Gitt de store forskjellene p? forskjellige kirker: Er kristendom én religion eller er det en samlebetegnelse p? mange lokale religioner? Kan disse to synene eksistere samtidig?
  • Hvordan kan man forst? interne forskjeller i en kirke?
  • Hva betyr det ? omvende seg til kristendom? ’Tror’ alle kristne?
  • Er det noe sammenheng mellom misjonsvirksomhet og kolonialisme? P? hvilken m?te?

Til f?rste seminar bes studentene se p? introduksjonskapitlet og kapittel 1 i Asad samt artikler av Robins, Pouillon og Engelke.

B?ker som m? kj?pes/l?nes p? biblioteket:

@ Asad, T.: Genealogies of religion : discipline and reasons of power in Christianity and Islam, 1993. Baltimore; London, Johns Hopkins University Press. F?lgende deler skal leses: Introduction, Chapters 1, 3 and 4.

@ Comaroff, J. L. and J. Comaroff : Ethnography and the historical imagination, 1992. Boulder, Westview Press. F?lgende kapitler skal leses: Chapters 7,8 and 9.

@ Kaplan, M. : Neither Cargo Nor Cult: Ritual Politics and the colonial magination in Fiji, 1995. London, Duke University Press.

Artikler tilgjengelig i kompendium:

Engelke, M.: "The problem of belief: Evans-Pritchard and Victor Turner on 'the inner life" i Anthropology Today 18, 2002. nummer 6, s.: 3-8.

Hefner, R. W.: "World Building and the Rationality of Conversion" i R. W. Hefner: Conversion to Christianity: Historical and Anthropological Perspectives on a Great Transformation, 1993. Oxford, University of California Press, Ltd. s. 3-44.

Kiernan, J.: "Variation on a Christian Theme: The Healing Synthesis of Zulu Zionism" i C. Stewart and R. Shaw: Syncretism/ Anti-Syncretism: The Politics of Religious Synthesis, 1994. London, Routledge. s. 69-84.

Meyer, B.: "Beyond Syncretism: translation and diabolization in the appropriation of Protestantism in Africa" i C. Stewart and R. Shaw: Syncretism/ Anti-Syncretism: The Politics of Religious Synthesis, 1994. London, Routledge. s. 45-68.

Pouillon, J. : "Essay on the verb "to believe"" i M. a. S. Izard, Pierre: Between belief and transgression : structuralist essays in religion, history, and myth, 1982.

Ranger, T. : "The Local and the Global n Southern African Religious History" i R. W. Hefner: Conversion to Christianity: Historical and Anthropological Perspectives on a Great Transformation, 1993. Oxford, University of California Press, Ltd. s. 65-98.

Robins, J.: "What is a Christian? Notes toward an anthropology of Christianity" i Religion, 2003. 33: 191-199.

Schneider, J. : "Spirits and the Spirit of Capitalism" i E. Badone: Religious Orthodoxy and Popular Faith in European Society, 1990. Oxford, Princeton University Press. s. 24-54.

Shaw, R. and C. Stewart : "Introduction: problematizing syncretism" i C. Stewart and R. Shaw: Syncretism/ Anti-Syncretism: The Politics of Religious Synthesis, 1994. London, Routledge. s. 1-26.

Stromberg, P.: "Concensus and Variation in the Interpretation of Religious Symbolism: A Swedish Example" i American Ethnologist 8, 1981. (3): 544-559.

Thorkildsen, D.: "Religious Identity and Nordic Identity" i ?. S?rensen and B. Str?th: The Cultural Construction of Norden, 1997. Oslo, Scandinavian University Press. s. 138-160.

van der Veer, P.: "Introduction" i P. van der Veer: Conversion to Modernities: The Globalization of Christianity, 1996. London, Routledge. s. 1-20.

Seminargruppe 2: Klassisk kj?nnsantropologi v/ Elisabeth L'orange Fürst og Esben Leifsen

B?ker som m? kj?pes/l?nes p? biblioteket:

@ Stack, Carol B.: All our kin: strategies for survival in a Black Community, 1975. New York: Harper & Row .

Artikler tilgjengelig i kompendium:

Melhuus, Marit, Ingrid Rudie og Jorun Solheim: "Antropologien og kj?nnet" i Taksdal, Arnhild & Karin Widerberg (red.): Forst?else av kj?nn i samfunnsvitenskapelige fag og kvinneforskning, 1992. Oslo: Ad Notam Gyldendal. s.9-50.

Lewin, Ellen: "Introduction Feminist Anthropology: A reader" i Lewin, Ellen (ed.): Feminist Antropology: A Reader, 2006. Malden: Blackwell Publishing. s. 1-38.

Lewin, Ellen: "Introduction (to Part I)" i Lewin, Ellen (ed.): Feminist Antropology: A Reader, 2006. Malden: Blackwell Publishing. s. 41-46.

Brown, Judith K.: "note on the Division of Labor by Sex" i Lewin, Ellen (ed.): Feminist Antropology: A Reader, 2006. Malden: Blackwell Publishing . s. 66-71.

Brodkin, Karen: "Toward a Unified Theory of Class, Race and Gender" i Lewin, Ellen (ed.): Feminist Antropology: A Reader, 2006. Malden: Blackwell Publishing . s. 129-146.

Ardener, Edwin: "Belief and the Problem of Women og The ‘Problem’ Revisited" i Ardener, Shirley: Perceiving Women, 1975. London: Malaby Press . s. 1-27.

Rosaldo, Michelle Z.: "The Use and Abuse of Anthropology: " i Signs 5/3 , 1980. s. 389-417.

Rubin, Gayle: "The traffic in Women: Notes on the “Political economy”" i Reiter, R.(ed.): Towards an Anthropology of Women, 1975. New York: Monthly Review Press. s.157-210 (referanser s.396-416).

Ortner, Sherry B.: "Is Female to Male as Nature is to Culture? " i Rosaldo, Michelle Z. and Louise Lamphere (eds.): Woman, Culture and Society, 1974. Stanford: Stanford University Press. s. 67- 87 (referanser s. 327).

Rosaldo, Michelle Z.: "Woman, Culture and Society" i Rosaldo, Michelle Z. and Louise: Woman, Culture and Society, 1974. Stanford: Stanford University Press. s. 17-42 .

Chodorow, Nancy: "Family Structure and Feminine Personality" i Rosaldo, Michelle Z. and Louise Lamphere (eds.): Woman, Culture and Society, 1974. Stanford University Press. s. 43-66 (referanser s. 324-327).

Delaney, Carol: "Seeds of Honour, Fields of Shame" i Gilmore, D. (ed.): Honour and Shame and the Unity of the Mediterranean, 198?. American Anthropological Association 22, special issue. s. 35-48.

Strathern, Marilyn: "No nature, no culture: the Hagen case" i MacCormach, Carol and Marilyn Strathern (eds.): Nature, Culture and Gender, 1980. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. s.174-222.

Fonseca, Claudia: "Orphanages, Foundlings, and Fostermothers: The System of Child Circulation in a Brazilian Squatter Settlement" i Anthropological Quarterly, 1986. 59:1, s. 15-27.

hooks, bell: "Black Women. Shaping Feminist Theory" i Feminist Theory. From Margin to Center, 2000 (1984) . London: Pluto Press . s.1-17 (referanser s. 167-172).

Seminargruppe 3: Subjektivitet, struktur og erfaring... v/ Rune Flikke

B?ker som m? kj?pes/l?nes p? biblioteket:

@ Desjarlis, R.: Shelter Blues: Sanity and Selfhood among the Homeless, 1997. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press.

@ Lutz, C. A., and J. L. Collins: Reading National Geographic, 1993. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.

Publisert 25. apr. 2006 01:18 - Sist endret 7. juni 2006 16:54