
Seminargruppe 1: Spr?k, tanke, handling: perspektiver i kognitiv antropolgi v/Halvard Vike

I seminaret tar vi for oss et utvalg av sentrale perspektiver i kognitiv antropologi. De mest sentrale tekstene i kurset er Kronenfeld's "Plastic Glasses and Church Fathers" og Strauss & Quinn's "A Cognitive Theory of Cultural Meaning". I seminaret vil det bli lagt spesiell vekt p? disse perspektivenes implikasjoner for v?r forst?else av spr?k, og p? v?r mulighet til ? anvende spr?klige data som innfallsvinkel til ? forst? kulturelle modeller.

Alle deltakere oppfordres til ? v?re forberedt til det f?rste seminaret, og anbefales ? begynne ? gj?re seg kjent med Kronenfelds bok. Seminaret vil starte med en forelesning, og deretter legges st?rre vekt p? deltakernes egne presentasjoner av utvalgte deler av litteraturen, og p? diskusjoner i plenum.

Professor Kronenfeld vil v?re gjesteforeleser p? gruppen.

B?ker som m? kj?pes/l?nes p? biblioteket:

@ Kronenfeld, David B.: Plastic Glasses and Church Fathers. Semantic Extension from the Ethnoscience Tradition, 1996. New York and Oxford: Oxford University Press.

@ D'Andrade, Roy and Claudia Strauss (eds.): Human motives and cultural models, 1997. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

@ Strauss, Claudia and Naomi Quinn: A cognitive theory of cultural meaning, 1997. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Seminargruppe 2: Antropologiske klassikere: Kj?nnsantropologi v/ Elisabeth L’orange Fürst og Cecilie ?ien

Kurset fokuserer p? “den nye kvinneantropologien” som kom i kj?lvannet av sekstitallets oppr?rsbevegelser. Den fikk s? stor tverrfaglig gjennomslagskraft at mange av tekstene i dag framst?r som klassiske. Fra denne tid blir kvinner og menn analysert som kj?nn og sett i lys av maktforhold, materielle og symbolske. Kurset knytter ogs? an til nyere forskningsinteresser, spesielt uformelle slektskapsnettverk for omsorg av barn i migrasjonsprosesser.

Studentene oppfordres til ? lese pensumstekstene som er satt opp til f?rste gang.

B?ker som m? kj?pes/l?nes p? biblioteket:

@ Stack, Carol B.: All our kin: strategies for survival in a Black community, 1975. New York: Harper & Row.

Artikler tilgjengelig i kompendium:

Melhuus, Marit, Ingrid Rudie og Jorun Solheim: "Antropologien og kj?nnet" i Taksdal, Arnhild og Karin Widerberg (red.): Forst?else av kj?nn i samfunnsvitenskapelige fag og kvinneforskning, 1992. Oslo: Ad Notam Gyldendal. s. 9-50.

Lewin, Ellen: "Introduction Feminist Anthropology: A Reader" i Lewin, Ellen (ed.): Feminist Anthropology: A Reader, 2006. Malden: Blackwell Publishing. s. 1-38.

Lewin, Ellen: "Introduction (to Part 1)" i Lewin, Ellen (ed.): Feminist Anthropology: A Reader, 2006. Malden: Blackwell Publishing. s. 41-46.

Brown, Judith K.: "Note on the Division of Labor by Sex" i Lewin, Ellen (ed.): Feminist Antrhopology: A Reader, 2006. Malden: Blackwell Publishing. s. 66-71.

Brodkin, Karen: "Towards a Unified Theory of Class, Race and Gender" i Lewin, Ellen (ed.): Feminist Anthropology: A Reader, 2006. Malden: Blackwell Publishing. s. 129-146.

Ardener, Edwin: "Belief and the Problem of Women og The 'Problem' Revisited" i Ardener, Shirley: Perceiving Women, 1975. London: Malaby Press. s. 1-27.

Rosaldo, Michelle Z.: "The Use and Abuse of Anthropology" i Signs 5/3, 1980. s. 389-417.

Rubin, Gayle: "The Traffic in Women: Notes on the 'Political Economy'" i Reiter, R. (ed.): Towards an Anthropology of Women, 1975. New York: Monthly Review Press. s. 157-210 (referanser s. 396-416).

Rosaldo, Michelle Z.: "Woman, Culture and Society" i Rosaldo, Michelle Z. and Louise Lamphere (eds.): Woman, Culture and Society, 1974. Stanford: Stanford University Press. s. 17-42.

Chodorow, Nancy: "Family Structure and Feminine Personality" i Rosaldo, Michelle Z. and Louise Lamphere (eds.): Woman, Culture and Society, 1974. Stanford: Stanford University Press. s. 43-66 (referanser s. 324-327).

Delaney, Carol: "Seeds of Honour, Fields of Shame" i Gilmore, D. (ed.): Honour and Shame and the Unity of the Mediterranean, 1987. Amercian Anthropological Association 22, special issue. s. 35-48.

Strathern, Marilyn: "No nature, no culture: The Hagen case" i MacCormach, Carol and Marilyn Strathern (eds.): Nature, Culture and Gender, 1980. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. s. 174-222.

Fonseca, Claudia: "Orphanages, Foundlings, and Fostermothers: The System of Child Circulation in a Brazilian Squatter Settlement" i Anthropological Quarterly, 59:1, 1986. s. 15-27.

hooks, bell: "Black Women. Shaping Feminist Theory" i Feminist Theory. From Margin to Center, 2000 (1984). London: Pluto Press. s. 1-17 (referanser s. 167-172).

Seminargruppe 3: Ethnographies of an uncertain present - the anthropology of neoliberalism v/ Wenzel Geissler

In the beginning of the new millennium, the concept of ‘neoliberalism’ and its synonyms – ‘late capitalism’, millennial capitalism’ etc. have featured, often centrally, in ethnographic studies by leading anthropologists working across the five continents. These studies, which all share a renewed interest in political economy, as well as in questions of government, statehood, sovereignty and citizenship, in conjunction with thorough cultural and social analyses, try to make sense the world at this particular historical juncture. Some of them could be described as post-post-socialist, in that they combine in their work the lessons of cultural studies and postmodernism with new readings of Marx and other modern theorists – and with thorough ethnography. They all search for new concepts that match the radically new social, cultural, economic and political forms that in the aftermath of ‘1989’ have arisen in Borneo as well as Ukraine, Denmark and Irak, Zambia and Brasil. Indeed, it is one of the characteristics of these new forms, that they seem to occur between different places, through wide ranging networks, which is why they sometimes are referred to as ‘globalisation’. Yet, they are assembled in new shapes and to different effects in different localities. In this course we will read four recent monographs by leading anthropologists, which all deal ethnographically with ‘neoliberalism’, as it unfolds in four very different parts of the world. Our aim will be twofold: to share their concepts and analyses in order to inform our own ethnographic research; and to examine these ethnographies as texts, attending to writing styles and structure, to find inspiration for our own ongoing work. Presentations and discussion will aim to draw lines between the texts and the concepts they introduce, and the participants research projects in different parts of the world.

Form of the course: 3 sesions @ 4 hours We will read together four monographs. Participants are requested to have a thorough look at all the books (available at the library and at Akademika) before the beginning of the course. In the first session we will distribute the tasks. Each participant will be asked to prepare a very short presentation and less than one-page discussion point for each session. Accordingly, all participants will be expected to read all the texts.

The first session will consist of an introduction to the subject and agreement on workplan and distribution of tasks. Then we will discuss the texts of he day and view a film. The second and third session will consist of two parts, each dealing with one monograph.

B?ker som m? kj?pes/l?nes p? biblioteket:

Harvey, D.: A Brief History of Neoliberalism, 2006. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Collier, S. J. and A. Ong: "Chapter 1: Global assemblages, anthropological problems" i Collier, S. J.: Global Assemblages. Technology, Politics, and Ethics as Anthropological Problems, 2005. Oxford: Blackwell Publishing. pp. 2-21.

Comaroff, J. and J. Comaroff: "Introductory Chapter" i Comaroff, J. and J. Comaroff: Millenial Capitalism and the Culture of Neoliberalism, 2001. Durham, NY: Duke University Press.

Ferguson, J.: Global Shadows. Africa in the Neoliberal World Order, 2006. Durham, NY: Duke University Press.

Caldeira, T. P. R.: City of Walls: Crime, Segregation, and Citizenship in S?o Paulo, 2001. University of California Press.

Ong, A.: Neoliberalism as Exception: Mutations in Citizenship and Sovereignty, 2006. Durham, NY: Duke University Press.

Tsing, A. L.: Friction: An Ethnography of Global Connection, 2004. Princeton University Press.

Seminargruppe 4: Natur og samfunn, "Making places" v/Rune Flikke

Kurset er todelt. For det f?rste vil vi diskutere fenomenologiske tiln?rminger til fysiske omgivelser. Dernest vil vi diskutere forskjellige former for "mapping", hvordan steder p? forskjellige m?ter blir kartlagt.

F?rste m?te er tirsdag 11.09, kl 9:15 p? Instituttets m?terom. F?rste m?te vil kun v?re med masterstudentene. De resterende 5 m?tene vil v?re sammen med Natur og Samfunns littaraturseminar.

Det forventes at artikkelen (se nedenfor) er grundig nok lest til at studentene kan aktivt bidra i diskusjonen. I tillegg oppforders deltakerne til ? ha orientert seg i Paul Connerton, "How Societies Remember".

Artiklene fra Ethnos og Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute (se detaljert undervisningsplan for titler) er tilgjengelig for nedlasting p? bibliotekets hjemmesider. Artikkelen til Hirsch kan kopieres ved henvendelse til ekspedisjonen.

B?ker som m? kj?pes/l?nes p? biblioteket:

@ Feld, Steven og Keith Basso: Senses of Place, 1996. School of American Research Advanced Seminar Series, Santa Fe, NM.

@ Orlove, B. S., and S. Strauss (Editors) : Weather, Climate, Culture, 2003. Berg Publishers Ltd.

Artikkel som kan l?nes for kopiering i ekspedisjonen (hverdager 12.00-15.00):

Eric Hirsch: Landscape: between place and space., 1995.

Anbefalt tilleggslitteratur:

Paul Connerton: How Societies Remember, 1989. Cambridge : Cambridge University Press.

Publisert 24. apr. 2007 21:12 - Sist endret 13. sep. 2007 16:19