
Seminargruppe 1: Law, justice and moralities

DatoUndervises avStedTemaKommentarer / ressurser
12.10.2009Susanne Brandtst?dter? Monday 12:15-16:00, Seminarrom 013 Harriet Holters hus? Human Rights and Gender Violence? READ: Merry (2006) Human Rights and Gender Violence

There will be no student presentation ’as usual’. Rather, after a short intro in the course by me at the first session, each student will be asked to explain in two or three sentences what s/he found particularly relevant, interesting, puzzling etc. That will be followed by group work on the texts. The lesson will have a lunch break in the middle.?

26.10.2009Susanne Brandtst?dter? Monday 12:15-16:00, Seminarrom 013 Harriet Holters hus? Law, Anthropology and the Constitution of the Social? READ: Pottage and Mundy (2004) Law, Anthropology and the Constitution of the Social

Comments: See first session ?

09.11.2009Susanne Brandtst?dter? Monday 12:15-16:00, Seminarrom 013 Harriet Holters hus? Law and Disorder in the postcolony? READ: Commaroff and Commaroff (2007) Law and Disorder in the postcolony

Comments: See first session?

Seminargruppe 2: Antropologiske perspektiver p? symbolbruk

DatoUndervises avStedTemaKommentarer / ressurser
15.09.2009Arve S?rum? Tirsdag 10:15 - 12.00 & 13:15 - 15:00, Seminarrom 216 i Eilert Sundts hus, B-blokka? 1) Generell diskusjon av symbolstudier i sosialantropologi. 2) Fenomenologiske perspektiver i antropologi (forelesning)? LES: Wagner (1981) The Invention of Culture. Kap. 1 & 2?
29.09.2009Arve S?rum? Tirsdag 10:15 - 12:00 & 13:15 - 15:00, Seminarrom 216 i Eilert Sundts hus, B-blokka? Symbolers kraft i menneskelivet og kulturell kreativitet? LES: Wagner (1981) The Invention of Culture. Kap. 3, 4, 5 & 6?
13.10.2009Arve S?rum? Tirsdag 10:15 - 12.00 & 13:15 - 15:00, Seminarrom 216 Eilert Sundts hus, B-blokka ? Heideggers betydning for antropologisk tenkning og praksis? LES: Weiner (2001) Tree Leaf Talk?

Seminargruppe 3: Anthropologies of 'life': ethnography in the age of biotech

DatoUndervises avStedTemaKommentarer / ressurser
29.10.2009Paul Wenzel Geissler? Thursday 10:15-12:00 & 13:15-15:00, Seminarrom 013, Harriet Holters hus? Global bioscientific research in the age of neoliberalism? READ: Cooper (2008) Life as Surplus

Introduction: Life, life sciences and survival – anthropological approaches.

Discussion about Cooper’s book. Each student prepares less than 5 minute summary of the central point of the book (as s/he understands it) to initiate discussion.

Students must all have read Cooper before this session, and had a close look at both other ethnographies in order to chose presentations for next sessions.

Eksamensordningens ‘deltatt’ forst?s her som ‘aktivt deltatt’, dvs. grunnlaget for ? best? kurset er at man har lest alle tekstene i seminaret og har p? dette grunnlag deltatt i diskusjonen.?

12.11.2009Paul Wenzel Geissler? Thursday 10:15-12:00 & 13:15-15:00, Seminarrom 013, Harriet Holters hus ? Genomics and biocapitalism? READ: Rajan (2006) Biocapital...

Discussion about Rajan’s book. Each student prepares less than 5 minute summary of the central point of the book (as s/he understands it) to initiate discussion.?

26.11.2009Paul Wenzel Geissler? Thursday 10:15-12:00 & 13:15-15:00, Seminarrom 013, Harriet Holters hus? Transnational pharmaceutical research? READ: Petryna (2009) When Experiments Travel...

Discussion of Petryna’s book. Each student prepares less than 5 minute summary of the central point of the book (as s/he understands it) to initiate discussion.?

Publisert 17. juni 2009 15:24 - Sist endret 21. aug. 2009 16:41