Pensum/l?ringskrav v?ren 2014

Litteraturseminar (Sosant 4400)

B?kene/monografiene er ? f? kj?pt p? og Akademika har ogs? noen eksemplarer. I tillegg skal de fleste b?ker/monografier kunne l?nes p? biblioteket.

Instituttet bestiller kompendiet f?r semesterstart, til et forventet antall studenter. Viser det seg at vi har bestilt for f? kompendier, kan vi bestille flere. En slik re-bestilling m? gj?res tidlig i semesteret. Merknad: Tekstene i kompendiet m? klareres f?r kopiering, en prosess som tar tid. Av den grunn er det dessverre ikke mulig ? re-bestille kompendiet n?rt opp til eksamen.

Pensum, seminargruppe "Global Capitalism, Workers and Labour Value"

Foreleser Susanne Brandtst?dter

Pensum finnes i sin helhet som b?ker og onlineartikler.


Ho, Karen (2009) Liquidated: An Ethnography of Wall Street. Durham: Duke University Press

Pun Ngai (2005) Made in China: Women Factory Workers in a Global Workplace. Durham: Duke University Press.

Online artikler

Freeman, Carla (1998), Femininity and Flexible Labor. Fashioning class through gender on the global assembly line. Critique of Anthropology 18(3): 245-262.

Hardt, Michael (1999): "Affective labour", Boundary 2, Vol. 26, No. 2, 89-100.

Kasmir, Sharryn and August Carbonella (2008) “Dispossession and the Anthropology of Labor”, Critique of Anthropology 28 (1): 5-25.

Thompson, E.P. (1967) “Time, Work-Discipline, and Industrial Capitalism”, Past and Present 38: 56-97.

Yanagisako, Sylvia (2012) Immaterial and industrial labor: On false binaries in Hardt and Negri's trilogy", Focaal, no 64, Winter 2012, pp. 16-23(8).

Pensum, seminargruppe "Resonans, empati og metode"

Foreleser Unni Wikan

Pensum finnes i sin helhet som bok, online artikler samt en tekst som lastes ned fra Fronter

@ Wikan, Unni (2012): Resonance: Beyond the Words. Chicago: University of Chicago Press. Paperback 384 sider.

Online artikler

Hollan, Douglas. 2008. “Being There: On the Imaginative Aspects of Understanding Others and Being Understood”, Ethos vol. 36, no. 4: 475-489.

Hollan, Douglas. 2012. “”Emerging Issues in the Cross-Cultural Study of Empathy”, Emotion Review 4:70.

Rosaldo, Renato. “Grief and a Headhunter?s Rage: On the Cultural Force of Emotions”, Culture and Truth: The Remaking of Social Analysis, 1-21. Boston: Beacon Press. LAST OPP.

Throop, C. Jason. 2010. “Latitudes of loss: On the vicissitudes of empathy”, American Ethnologist, 37:771-782. Wiley online Library

AVLYST: Pensum, seminargruppe "Art, Appropriation, Materiality:  New Approaches"

Foreleser: Arndt Schneider

Pensum finnes i sin helhet som en bok og tekster i kompendium.


@ Schneider, Arnd 2006. Appropriation as Practice:Art and Identity in Argentina. New York: Palgrave. 225pp. 225 pages


Gell, A: "The Problem Defined: The Need for an Anthropology of Art" i Art and Agency: An Anthropological Theory, 1998. pp 1-11 (11 pages).

Gunn, W: "Making ‘Fieldnotes and Sketchbooks’: An Introduction" i Wendy Gunn (ed.): Fieldnotes and Sketchbooks: Challenging the Boundaries between Descriptions and Processes of Describing, 2009. Frankfurt/M.: Peter Lang, pp. 1-35 (35 pages).

Henare, A., Holbraad, M. & S. Wastell: "Introduction: Thinking through things" i Amiria Henare, Martin Holbraad and Sari Wastell (eds.): Thinking through things: Theorising artifacts ethnographically, 2007. London: Routledge. pp. 1-31 (31 pages).

Ingold, T. and E. Hallam: "Creativity and Cultural Improvisation: An Introduction" i Tim Ingold and Elizabeth Hallam (eds.): Creativity and Cultural Improvisation, 2007. Oxford: Berg, pp. 1-24 (24 pages).

Kapferer, B. and A. Hobart: "Introduction. The Aesthetics of Symbolic Construction" i Bruce Kapferer and Angela Hobart (eds.): Aesthetics in Performance, 2005. Oxford. Berghahn, pp.1-22 (22 pages).

Knappett, C: "Introduction + Animacy, Agency and Personhood (chapters 1-2)" i Thinking Through Material Culture: An Interdisciplinary Perspective, 2005. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press. pp.1-34 ( 34 pages).

Marcus, G. and F. Myers: "The Traffic in Art and Culture: An Introduction" i George Marcus and Fred Myers (eds.): The Traffic in Culture: Refiguring Art and Anthropology, 1995. Berkeley: University of California Press,.pp.1-51 (51 pages).

Schneider, A: "Unfinished Dialogues: Notes towards an Alternative History of Art and Anthropology" i Jay Ruby and Marcus Banks (eds.): Made to be Seen: Histories of Visual Anthropology, 2011. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, pp. 108-135 ( 27 pages).

Schneider, A: "Appropriations" i Arnd Schneider and Christopher Wright (eds.): Contemporary Art and Anthropology, 2006. Oxford: Berg Publishers, pp. 29 -51, 197-202 (28 pages).

Schneider, A. and C. Wright: "Between Art and Anthropology" i Arnd Schneider and Christopher Wright (eds.): Between Art and Anthropology, 2010. Oxford: Berg, pp. 1-21, 163-67 (25 pages).

Schneider, A. and C. Wright: "The Challenge of Practice" i Arnd Schneider and Christopher Wright (eds.): Contemporary Art and Anthropology, 2006. Oxford: Berg Publishers, pp. 1-27, 191-197 (33 pages).

About this course

This course will address recent discussions on the construction of authenticity, the relation between between ‘original’ and ‘copy’, and more generally, of how ‘cultures’ are generated (Kapferer & Hobart), and change. We will explore these issues in relation to art (Marcus & Myers, Schneider) and material culture (Knappett, Henare et al.). In particular, we will focus on theoretical models of appropriation (Schneider), creativity (Hallam & Ingold), agency in relation to artefacts, or ‘things’ (Gell, Henare et al., Knappett). Much of this research has focused on visual and performing arts (Schneider’s study of artists in Argentina), and material culture more generally, but insights from this discussion can also be applied to any kind of social and cultural authenticity construction (identity). In addition, for anthropologists doing research in this area poses the epistemological challenge of how to represent their sensorially rich findings, as forms of embodied knowledge and visual practice beyond traditional forms of writing (Gunn, Schneider & Wright).

We will have lectures, discussions based on readings, and student presentations. Students are advised to read the indicated literature before each session.

Publisert 2. mai 2014 13:49 - Sist endret 13. okt. 2014 10:37