
SOSANT 4400 Litteraturseminar

@ B?ker selges hos Akademika, og Biblioteket har ogs? noen b?ker til utl?n.

Seminargruppe 4: Globalisering - noen antropologiske perspektiver

Foreleser: Marit Melhuus

@ Arturo Escobar: Territories of Difference. Place, Movements, Life, 2008. Durham: Duke University Press. 456 sider.

@ Eriksen, Thomas Hylland: Globalization - the Key Concepts, 2007. Oxford: Berg. 184 sider.

Seminargruppe 5: Nettverkets antropologi

Foreleser: Knut Christian Myhre

@ Bruno Latour: Reassembling the Social: An Introduction to Actor-Network Theory, 2005. Oxford: Oxford University Press. (Finnes i paperback).. Tilgjengelig online.

@ Annelise Riles: The Network Inside Out, 2000. Ann Arbor: Michigan University Press. (Tilgjengelig i paperback)..

@ Richard Vokes: Ghosts of Kanungu: Fertility, Secrecy and Exchange in the Great Lakes of East Africa, 2009. Oxford: James Currey. (Kun tilgjengelig i hardback).

Seminargruppe 6: Symbolbruk og forst?elsesformer

Foreleser: Arve S?rum

@ Roy Wagner: The Invention of Culture, 1981. The University of Chicago Press, Chicago, Paperback, 169 sider.

@ Marilyn Strathern: Partial Connections, Updated Edition, 2004. AltaMira Press, Oxford, Paperback, 140 sider.

Publisert 1. okt. 2010 09:52 - Sist endret 10. jan. 2011 17:22