Pensum/l?ringskrav v?ren 2014

Litteraturseminar (Sosant 4400)

B?kene/monografiene er ? f? kj?pt p? og Akademika har ogs? noen eksemplarer. I tillegg skal de fleste b?ker/monografier kunne l?nes p? biblioteket.

Pensum, seminargruppe "Resonans, empati og metode"

Foreleser: Unni Wikan


@ Wikan, Unni (2012): Resonance: Beyond the Words. Chicago: University of Chicago Press. Paperback 384 sider.

Online artikler

Hollan, Douglas. 2008. “Being There: On the Imaginative Aspects of Understanding Others and Being Understood”, Ethos vol. 36, no. 4: 475-489. last opp pdf

Hollan, Douglas. 2012. “”Emerging Issues in the Cross-Cultural Study of Empathy”, Emotion Review 4:70.

Rosaldo, Renato. “Grief and a Headhunter?s Rage: On the Cultural Force of Emotions”, Culture and Truth: The Remaking of Social Analysis, 1-21. Boston: Beacon Press.  (NB. Denne legges ut p? fronter).

Throop, C. Jason. 2010. “Latitudes of loss: On the vicissitudes of empathy”, American Ethnologist, 37:771-782.

Pensum, seminargruppe "?konomi og intimitet: kapitalisme, neoliberalisme, slektskap og moral"

Foreleser Marit Melhuus

@ Han, Clara (2012): Life in Debt.  Time of Care and Violence in Neoliberal Chile.  Berkeley: University of California Press.

@ Yanagisko, Sylvia (2002):  Producing Culture and Capital: Family Firms in Italy.  Princeton: Princeton University Press.

Pensum, seminargruppe "'? f? det tause i tale` Matierialitet i antropologisk analyse"

Foreleser: Marianne Lien


@ Laura Ogden: Swamplife. University of Minnesota Press, 2011


Callon, Michel (1986): "Some elements of a sociology of translation: domestication of the scallops and the fishermen of St Brieuc Bay", i J. Law (ed.): Power, action and belief: a new sociology of knowledge? London, Routledge. Sidene 196-223. (26 sider)

Gad, Christopher, Jensen, Caspar Bruun og Winthereik, Brit Ross (2013) "Praktisk Ontologi: Verdener i STS og antropologi", Tidsskriftet Antropologi, 67, 81-100 (18 sider).

Mol, Annemarie (2002): "Different Atheroscleroses", i The Body Multiple. Ontology in Medical Practice. Duke University Press. Sidene 29-53 (31 sider)

Müller, Hanne 1996. Veier inn i den ‘tause kunnskapen’.  Norsk Antropologisk Tidsskrift. 7:3 225-233 (8 sider)

Palsson, Gisli: "Ensembles of Biosocial Relations" i Tim Ingold and Gisli Palsson (eds.): Biosocial Becomings, 2013. Cambridge University Press. Sidene 22-44 (22 sider).

Raffles, Hugh (2010): "Language", i Hugh Raffles: Insectopedia.  New York, Pantheon books. Sidene 171-200 (30 sider).

Online artikler

Barad, Karen: 2003 "Posthumanist Performativity, Towards and Understanding of how matter comes to matter" i Signs, Journal of Women in Culture and Society, Vol. 8 no. 3,. Sidene 801-831. (30 sider).

Blaser, Mario 2009. The Threat of the Yrno: The Political Ontology of a Sustainable Hunting Program. American Anthropologist. 111:1: 10-20.  (10 sider). wiley online Library

Damsholt, Tine, Simonsen, Dorthe Gert (2009): "Materialiseringer: Processer, relationer og performativitet", i Materialiseringer. Aarhus Universitetsforlag. Sidene 9-39 (30 sider). Last opp pdf

Ingold., Tim 2011. Materials against Materiality. I: T. Ingold, Being Alive. S. 19-33. Routledge.  (24 sider)

Law, John 2009 Actor Network Theory and Material Semiotics. I. Bryan S. Turner  (red.) The New Blackwell Companion to Social Theory. Blackwell Publishing  S. 141-158 (17 sider). Last opp pdf

Law John and Lien, Marianne (2013) Animal Architextures. I: P. Harvey (red.) Objects and Materials; A Routledge Companion. New York: Routledge. Kap. 29, s. 329-337 (9 sider). Last opp pdf

Lien, Marianne E. (2012): Mot en postkolonial hjemmeantropologi. Akt?r-nettverk teori i studier av oss selv. Norsk Antropologisk Tidsskrift nr. 3-4. S.302-316 (13 sider).

Publisert 28. okt. 2013 11:34 - Sist endret 5. mai 2014 13:41