
Published June 10, 2020 9:04 PM

16 - 17 September 2020

Religion and politics are sometimes treated as separate domains, but in many societies--ranging from theocracies to avowedly secular states--religion and politics cannot be separated easily. In this course, we examine the religion-politics relationship from both sides: that is, how religious practices addresses political concerns, and how political engagement articulate with religious commitment. The course reading is dominantly ethnographic, examining religious-political relationships in diverse contexts around the world.

See Canvas and the course page for more details about this course. A more detailed schedule will be posted on Canvas.


Published June 10, 2020 9:03 PM

Due to the corona situation, this course may be given on Zoom if physical attendance should not be possible in September. Updates will follow. Rooms will be published in advance of the course (see the schedule on the semester page).