
Published Sep. 3, 2008 7:33 PM

The workshop "Writing academic papers" with Lynn Nygaard starts at 10:15am., room 847, Eilert Sundt's house. The workshop lasts until 3:30pm.

Published Sep. 3, 2008 7:31 PM

The simulation exercise (Friday 3 and Saturday 4 October) starts at 9am. and lasts until 3pm. We meet in room 830, Eilert Sundt's house, Blindern.

Published Sep. 3, 2008 7:29 PM

Time and place for Aanund Hylland's lecture: Tuesday 23 September, 10:15am.-12, room 847, Eilert Sundt's house, Blindern.

Published Sep. 3, 2008 7:27 PM

Time and place for Hilde Henriksen Waage's lecture: Thursday 18 September 10:15am-12, room 847, Eilert Sundt's house, Blindern

Published Sep. 3, 2008 7:25 PM

Time and place for the seminar with Giorgi Gogia: Monday 8 September 2:15pm-4pm., seminar room 11, P.A. Munch's house, Blindern.