
DatoUndervises avStedTemaKommentarer / ressurser
01.09.2008Arild Underdal ? Room 847? Introduction: Main questions and basic concepts. ? Required reading: Hopmann, chapters 3-6 and 13; Carnevale; Pillar; Underdal (1992). ?
05.09.2008Arild Underdal ? Room 847? The logic of distributive bargaining ? Required reading: Hopmann, chapters 4, 5 and 10; Habeeb; Pillar; Sebenius. ?
08.09.2008Arild Underdal ? Room 847 ? The logic of integrative negotiations. ? Required reading: Hopmann, chapters 3, 6 and 8; Pruitt; Sebenius. ?
08.09.2008Giorgi Gogia, Chavchavadze State University, Georgia/Human Rights Watch? Seminar room 11, P.A. Munch's house, Blindern? Seminar: Festering Conflict in Abkhazia: Deadlock in Negotiations and Prospects for the Future. ? ?
12.09.2008Arild Underdal ? Room 847? Power and norms. Causes of negotiation failure? Required reading: Hopmann, chapters 7 and 11; Habeeb; Zartman & Rubin; Meerts; Underdal (1983). ?
15.09.2008Arild Underdal ? Room 847? Mediation/third party intervention. ? Required reading: Hopmann, chapters 8-12; Beardsley et.al.; Carnevale; Curran et.al.; Hampson; Stein; Watkins. ?
17.09.2008Jon Hanssen-Bauer, MFA? Seminar room 106, P.A. Munch's house, Blindern? Seminar: Norway's fascilitator role: The case of Sri Lanka ? NB! The seminar starts at 08:30 a.m. and lasts until 10:00 a.m. ?
18.09.2008Hilde Henriksen Waage? Room 847 ? Third parties in asymmetric peace negotiations: The case of the Oslo process. ? Required reading: Waage; Kelman; Pruitt. ?
19.09.2008Arild Underdal? Room 847? Summing up: Overcoming obstacles to negotiated settlements. Preparations for simulation exercise ? ?
22.09.2008Anne Julie Semb ? Room 847? Power-sharing arrangements and federal state structures.? Required reading: Sisk; Coackley; McGarry; Bose (2007), Johnson. ?
23.09.2008Aanund Hylland? Room 847? Electoral systems as conflict resolution measures? Required reading: Hylland. ?
24.09.2008Anne Julie Semb? Room 847? Peace operations and transitional administrations ? Required reading: Bellamy; Chesterman, Luttwak, Stedman, Bose (2005). ?
25.09.2008Anne Julie Semb ? Room 847? Post conflict peace building.? Required reading: Paris; Englebert and Tull; Vinjamuri and Snyder; Kaufmann. ?
26.09.2008Arne Johan Vetlesen ? Room 847 ? Reconciliation. ? Required reading: Vetlesen; Gibson. ?
03.10.2008Arild Underdal? ? Full-day simulation exercise. Class will spilt into two groups, one meeting on the 3rd., the other on the 4th. ? Hand-out material, to be distributed 19 September. ?
04.10.2008Arild Underdal? ? Full-day simulation exercise. Class will split into two groups, one meeting on the 3rd., the other on the 4th. ? Hand-out material, to be distributed 19 September. ?
06.10.2008Lynn Nygaard? Room 847? Full-day workshop: Writing academic papers.? The dead-line for submission of an outline of your term paper assignment is 30 September. More information about the workshop will be given on the information meetings in mid August. ?
Published June 20, 2008 5:49 PM - Last modified Aug. 27, 2008 12:45 PM