Teaching plan

DateTeacherPlaceTopicLecture notes / comments
16.08.2010Arild Underdal? 10:15-12:00, Room 847? Introduction: Main questions and basic concepts. ? Required reading: Hopmann, chapters 3-6 and 13; Carnevale; Pillar; Underdal (1992). ?
17.08.2010Arild Underdal? 08:15-10:00, Room 847? The logic of distributive bargaining ? Required reading: Hopmann, chapters 4, 5 and 10; Habeeb; Pillar; Sebenius. ?
23.08.2010Arild Underdal? 10:15-12:00, Room 847? The logic of integrative negotiations. ? Required reading: Hopmann, chapters 3, 6 and 8; Pruitt; Sebenius. ?
24.08.2010Arild Underdal? 08:15-10:00, Room 847? Power and norms. Causes of negotiation failure ? Required reading: Hopmann, chapters 7 and 11; Habeeb; Zartman & Rubin; Meerts; Beardsley (2008) ?
30.08.2010Arild Underdal? 10:15-12:00, Room 847? Mediation/third party intervention. ? Required reading: Atrand and Axelrod (2008); Hopmann, chapters 8-12; Beardsley et.al.; Carnevale; Curran et.al.; Pugh; Stein; Watkins ?
31.08.2010Arild Underdal? 08:15-10:00, Room 847? Summing up: Overcoming obstacles to negotiated settlements. Preparations for simulation exercise ? ?
01.09.2010Arild Schou? 10:15-12:00, Room 847? Power-sharing arrangements and federal state structures. ? Required reading: McGarry; Rothshild and Roeder (2005); Roeder (2008) ?
06.09.2010Jon Hanssen-Bauer? 12:15-14:00, Room 847? Seminar (active student participation expected): Norway's fascilitator role: The case of Sri Lanka. ? Required reading: Bose (2007?
14.09.2010Torunn Laugen Haaland? 10:15-12:00, Room 847? Peace operations and transitional administrations? Required reading: Bellamy; Berdal?
15.09.2010Torunn Laugen Haaland? 10:15-12:00, Room 847? Post conflict peace building.? Required reading: Bellamy; Berdal?
15.09.2010Hilde Henriksen Waage? 14:15-16:00, Room 847? Third parties in asymmetric peace negotiations: The case of the Oslo process. ? Required reading: Waage; Kelman; Pruitt. ?
17.09.2010Arild Underdal? 09:15- , Room 847 (+830 and 824)? Full-day simulation exercise? Hand-out material to be distributed. ?
20.09.2010Liv T?rres? 10:15-12:00, Room 847? Reconciliation. ? Required reading: Vetlesen; Gibson.?
21.09.2010K?re Vollan? 14:15-16:00, Room 847? Electoral systems as conflict resolution measures ? Required reading: Hylland. ?
23.09.2010Lynn Nygaard? 09:15- , Room 847 (+830 and 824) ? Full-day workshop: Writing academic papers. ? More information about the workshop will be given on the information meetings in mid August. ?
Published May 7, 2010 12:15 PM - Last modified Sep. 13, 2010 5:14 PM