Syllabus/achievement requirements


Norheim-Martinsen, Per Martin and Tore Nyhamar (eds) (2015). International Military Operations in the 21st Century. Global Trends and the Future of Intervention. New York and London: Routledge. Chapters 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 8, 10, 11, 12. 190 pages

To be found in an article compilation which can be bought at Kopiutsalget at Akademika bookstore at Blindern campus

Bellamy, Alex J., Paul D. Williams, Stuart Griffin (2010), ?Peacekeeping in the 21st Century?, in Understanding Peacekeeping, 2nd edition, Polity Press, pp. 121-153. 18 pages

Huntington, Samuel (1957), The Soldier and the State, ch. 4, 18 pages. 

Janowitz, Morris (1960), The Professional Soldier, ch. 20, 26 pages. 

Kjeksrud, Stian (2016), “The Utility of Force for Protecting Civilians”, in Chapter 15 in Willmot, Haidi et al (eds), Protection of Civilians. Oxford UP, Ch. 15. 20 pages.

Kj?lberg, Anders (2014), “Counter Regime operations A New Concept” (A translation of “Anti-regime operasjoner – et nytt begrep” in Heier, Tormod, Anders Kj?lberg og Carsten F. R?nnfelt (eds ) Norge i internasjonale operasjoner. Oslo Universitetsforlaget ) 9 pages. 

Knutsen, Bj?rn Olav & Erik D?njar (2015), “Building a comprehensive approach 'bottom-up'. A systematic comparison of the EU's, the US's and the NATO's strategies for providing security to the Horn of Africa”, Ch. 10 in Ingo PETERS (ed), The European Union's Foreign Policy in Comparative Perspective. Beyond the 'actorness' and 'power' debate. London; Routledge, 20 pages

Koops, Joachim et al (eds). “Introduction” in Oxford Handbook on United Nations Peacekeeping Operations, Oxford UP, pp. 1-8, 8 pages.

Nagl, John (2005), Learning to Eat Soup with a Knife, Chicago: University of Chicago Press, ch 2, pp 15-33, 17 pages

Pohl, Benjamin (2014), EU Foreign Policy and Crisis Management Operations. Power, Purpose and Domestic Policies, Ch. 3, pp 29-46. 18 pages

Simpson, Emile (2012), War from the Ground Up. Twenty-First-Century Combat as Politics. London; Hurst & Company, Ch. 1, pp. 15-41, ?The Language of War?. 

Smith, Rupert (2006), The Utility of force: the art of war in the modern world. Penguin Book, pp 1-26. 25 pages 

Webber, Mark, James Sperling & Martin A, Smith (2012), NATO's Post-Cold War Trajectory. Decline or Regeneration? London, New York; Routledge, ch. 3. pp. 47-88. 42 pages

Downloadable articles, books and other texts

You can search the articles and e-books in the e-journal database available at the University of Oslo Library.

Bellamy, Alex J. and Williams, Paul D. (2012), ?Broadening the base of United Nations Troop- and Police-Contributing Countries?, Providing for Peacekeeping No. 1, International Peace Institute, 16 pages

Betts, Richard K (2014), “Pick Your Battles. Ending America's Era of Permanent War”, Foreign Affairs, Vol 93 (6), Nov/Dec 2014, pp. 15-24. 10 pages

Biddle, Stephen (2005/6), ?Allies, Airpower, and Modern Warfare – The Afghan Modell in Afghanistan and Iraq?, International Security, Vol. 30, No. 3, pp. 161-176. 16 pages.

Boot, Max (2014), “More Small Wars. Counterinsurgency Is Here to Stay”, Foreign Affairs, Vol 93 (6), Nov/Dec 2014, pp. 5-14. 10 pages

Borghard, Erica D, and Costantino PISCHEDDA (2012), ?Allies and Airpower in Libya?, Parameters, Spring 2012, pp. 63-74. 12 pages.

Cronin, Audrey Kurth (2015), “ISIS Is Not a Terrorist Group. Why Counterterrorism Won't Stop the Latest Jihadist Threat”, Foreign Affairs, Vol 94 (2), March/April 2015, pp 87-98. 12 pages

Evans, Gareth & Ramesh Thakur (2013), ?Correspondence: Humanitarian Intervention and the Responsibility to Protect?, International Security, Vol. 37, No. 4 (Spring 2013), pp. 199-2.14, 16 pages

Feaver, Peter D, (1996), ?The Civil-Military Problematique: Huntington, Janowitz, and the Question of Civilian Control?, Armed Forces & Society, Vol. 23, No 2. pp. 149-178. 30 pages

Heier, Tormod (2015), “Is 'Out of Area' also 'Out of Control'? Small States in large operations”, RUSI Journal, Vol 160 (1), pp. 58-66

ISAF (2009), Commander's Counterinsurgency Guidance, August 2009, (Kabul: Headquartes ISAF), 7 pages

Jeffrey, James F. (2015), “Why Counterinsurgency Doesn't Work, The Problem Is the Strategy, Not the Execution”, Foreign Affairs, Vol 94 (2), March/April 2015, pp. 178-180, 3 pages

Johnson, Adrian and Saqueb Mueen (2012), ?Short War, Long Shadow – The Political and Military Legacies of the 2011 Libya Campaign?, White Hall Report 1-12. RUSI Whitehall Paper No. 1 2012, 77 pages.

Kjeksrud, Stian and Jacob Aasland Ravndal (2011), ?Emerging lessons from the United Nations mission in the DR Congo: military contributions to the protection of civilians?, African Security Review, July 2011, Volume 20, no. 2. pp 3 – 16, 13 pages

Metz, Steven (2007), Rethinking Insurgency, pp.1-41, 42 pages

Nilsson, Claes and Kristina Zetterlund (2011), Arming the Peace. The Sensitive Business of Capacity Building. Swedish Defence Research Agency, FOI-R-3269-SE. 59 pages

Pape, Robert A. (2012), ?When Duty Calls – A pragmatic standard of humanitarian intervention?, International Security, Vol. 37, No 1 (Summer 2012), pp. 41-80. 40 pages

Quinlivan, James T. (2003), ?Burden of Victory. The painful Arithmetic of Stability Operations?, RAND Review, Summer Issue 2003, Vol. 27, No. 2, 1 page

Tyrrell, Marc W.D. (2008), What To Know Before You Go: 10 Questions To Ask Before, and During, a Mission, pp. 106-138. 32 pages

Ucko, David (2014). “Critics gone wild: Counterinsugency as the root of all evil”, Small Wars & Insurgencies, Vol. 25. Issue 1. pp. 161-179. 19 pages


Sum: approx. 850 pages


Published May 9, 2017 4:12 PM - Last modified May 9, 2017 4:12 PM