
B?ker og kompendier kan kj?pes p? Akademika. Gyldig semesterkort m? fremvises ved kj?p av kompendier.


Hobbes, Thomas. Leviathan. Mange utgaver. Norsk oversettelse utgitt av forlaget Bokvennen i 2012.) (Introduksjon, kap.  1 - 11 og 13 - 18)

Hume, David. A Treatise of Human nature. Mange utgaver. (Book III, Part I & Part II)

Miller, David (2007) National Responsibility and Global Justice. Oxford: Oxford University Press. Kap. 2-6 og 9. (166s.)

Nietzsche, Friedrich. The Genealogy of Morality. Mange utgaver. (Norsk oversettelse – Moralens genealogi – utgitt av forlaget Spartacus 2010.) (Forord, F?rste avhandling, de 1 - 13 og 16 - 17, Andre avhandling, del 7 og 12 - 16, Tredje avhandling, del. 14 - 16 og 25 - 28)

Tilgjengelig i kompendium

Caney, Simon (2005) Justice Beyond Borders: A Global Political Theory. Oxford University Press. Kapittel 4: “Distributive Justice”, pp. 102-147 (45 s.).

Cath, Yuri (2016). “Reflective equilibrium.” I H. Cappelen, T. S. Gendler og J. Hawthorne (Red.) The Oxford Handbook of Philosophical Methodology (s. 213-230). Oxford: Oxford University Press. (18 ss.)

McMahan, Jeff (2013). “Moral intuition.” I Hugh LaFollette and Ingmar Persson (Red.) The Blackwell Guide to Ethical Theory. Second Edition (s. 103-120). Hoboken: Blackwell Publishing Ltd. (18 ss.)

Rawls, John (2001). Justice as Fairness. A Restatement. Erin Kelly (Red.). Cambridge, Massachusetts: Harvard University Press. (ss. 29-32) (4 ss.)

Online pensum

Elster, Jakob (2011). “How Outlandish Can Imaginary Cases Be?”, i Journal of Applied philosophy 28: 241-258. (18 ss.)

Haack, Susan (1993). “Double-Aspect Foundherentism: A New Theory of Empirical Justification”, I Philoosphy and Phenomenological Research, 53 (1): 113-128. (16 ss.)

Pogge, Thomas (2011) “Are We Violating the Human Rights of the World’s Poor?”. Yale Human Rights & Development Law Journal. Vol: 14: No 2: 1-33 (33s.

Singer, Peter (1972): “Famine, Affluence, and Morality”. Philosophy and Public Affairs, Vol 1: No 3: 229-243 (14 s.)

Singer, Peter (2005). “Ethics and Intuitions”, i The Journal of Ethics 9: 331-352. (22 ss.)

Timmerman, Travis (2015). “Sometimes there is nothing wrong with letting a child drown”, i Analysis 75, (2): 204-212. (9 ss.)

Anbefalt lesning - ikke pensum: 

Miller, David (2007) National Responsibility and Global Justice. Oxford: Oxford University Press. Kapittel 1, 7 og 8.

Nagel, Thomas (2005) “The Problem of Global Justice”. Philosophy and Public Affairs. Vol. 33 No 2: 113-147. (34s.)

Pogge, Thomas (2009) “The Health Impact Fund and Its Justification by Appeal to Human Rights” Journal of Social Philosophy. Vol 40: No 4: 542-569. (27s.)

White, Stephen J. (2017) “Responsibility and the Demands of Morality”. Journal of Moral Philosophy. Vol 14: 315-338. (23s.)

Publisert 21. nov. 2018 11:49 - Sist endret 24. mai 2019 12:41