
B?ker (kj?pes i Akademika):

Ravenhill, John (2007): Global Political Economy. Oxford: Oxford University Press. Alle kapitler unntatt kap. 3, 9 og 12. 370 s.

Rodrik, Dani (1999): The New Global Economy and Developing Countries: Making Openness Work. Baltimore: The Johns Hopkins University Press. Kap 1-4 og 6. 117s.

I kompendiet:

Chang, Ha-joon (2002) Kicking Away the Ladder. Development Strategy in Historical Perspective. London: Anthem Press, kap. 2 56 s.

Glyn, Andrew (2006): “Finance and ownership” (kapittel 3) i Capitalism Unleashed, Oxford: Oxford University Press. 27 s.

Hveem, Helge (2006) “Explaining the Regional Phenomenon in an Era of Globalization”, in Richard Stubbs and Geoffrey R. D. Underhill (eds.) Political Economy and the Changing Global Order. 3rd ed. Oxford University Press of Canada, s. 294 - 305 11 s.

North, Douglass (2005): “Capitalism and Economic Growth” i Nee og Swedberg (red.) The Economic Sociology of Capitalism. Princeton: Princeton University Press. 12 s.

Polanyi, Karl (1957): The Great Transformation, New York: Beacon Press. Kap. 1 - 2. 30 s

Ruggie, John G. (1998) ”Embedded Liberalism and the Postwar Economic Regimes”, chap. 2 i Constructing the World Polity. London: Routledge. 22 s.

Sandmo, Agnar, (2006) Samfunns?konomi - en idéhistorie. Oslo: Universitetsforlaget. Kap. 3 (Smith), 5 (Mill) og 10 (Marshall) 64 s.

Williamson, Oliver (1985): The Economic institutions of Capitalism. New York: The Free Press. Kap. 1 28 s.

Zürn, Michael (2002): “From Interdependence to Globalization” i Walter Carlsn?s, Thomas Risse og Beth A. Simmons: Handbook of International Relations. London: Sage Publications. 20 s.

Lenke til:

Barrett, Scott (2009) ‘Rethinking Global Climate Change Governance’, Economics 3 (5): 1-12. 12s. Lenke

Claes, Dag Harald (2005) ’The United States and Iraq: Making Sense of the Oil Factor’ in Middle East Policy. 12(4): 48-57. 10 s. Lenke

Gereffi, Gary, John Humphrey og Timothy Sturgeon (2005): “The governance of global value chains”, Review of International political Economy 12(1): 78-104. 26 s. Lenke

Hveem, Helge (2009) “Direkteinvesteringer i utlandet og norsk utenrikspolitikk,” Internasjonal Politikk, 67 (3): 381- 412, 31 s. Lenke

May, Christopher (2007): “The World Intellectual Property organization and the Development Agenda” Global Governance nr. 2, s. 161-170. 9 s. Lenke

Ostrom, Elinor (2000): “Collective Action and the Evolution of Social Norms” I The Journal of Economic Perspectives, 14, No. 3, 137-158. 21 s. Lenke

Prontera, Andrea (2009). ‘Energy Policy: Concepts, Actors, Instruments and Recent Developments” in World Political Science Review. 5(1): 1-30. 30 s.

Wade, Robert H. (2003) “What strategies are available for developing countries today? The WTO and the shrinking of ‘development space” Review of International Political Economy, 10:4 November: 621-644. 23 s. Lenke

Yergin, Daniel (2006). ‘Ensuring Energy Security’ in Foreign Affairs. 85(2): 69-82. 13 s. Lenke

Til sammen 901 s.

Anbefalt litteratur (ikke pensum: vil bli oppgitt i l?pet av kurset).

De tre utg?tte kapitlene i Ravenhill, kap. 3, 9 og 12

Publisert 13. okt. 2009 16:20 - Sist endret 11. mai 2010 15:34