Claes, Dag Harald og Carl Henrik Knutsen (eds.). 2011. Governing the Global Economy - Politic, Institutions and Economic Development. London: Routledge. F?lgende kapitler er pensum: 1-9, 14-16. Totalt 233 sider.
Cohen, Benjamin J. 2014. Advanced Introduction to International Political Economy. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar. F?lgende kapitler er pensum: 1-6, 9-10. Totalt 115 sider.
Ravenhill, John (ed.). 2014. Global Political Economy. 4th Ed. Oxford: Oxford University Press. F?lgende kapitler er pensum: 1-3, 5-12. Totalt 302 sider.
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Friden, J.A. and R. Rogowski. 1996. The Impact of the International Economy on National Policies: An Analytical Overview' in R.O. Keohane and H.V. Milner (eds.) Internaztionalization and Domestic Politics. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.23s.
Hveem, Helge (2006) “Explaining the Regional Phenomenon in an Era of Globalization”, i Richard Stubbs and Geoffrey R.D. Underhill (eds.) Political Economy and the Changing Global Order. 3rd ed. Oxford University Press of Canada, s. 294 - 305. 11 s.
O'Sullivan, M.L. 2013. 'The Entanglement of Energy, Grand Strategy, and International Security' in A. Goldthau (ed.): The Handbook of Global Energy Policy. Chichester: John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 17 s.
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Cherp, A. and J. Jewell (2011). ‘The three perspectives on energy security: intellectual history, disciplinary roots and the potential for integration’. Current Opinion in Environmental Sustainability, 3:202-212. 8 s.
Goldtau, A. and B.K. Sovacool (2012). ‘The uniqueness of the energy security, justice and governance problem’. Energy Policy, 41: 232-240. 8 s.
Hall, Peter 2012: ”The Economics and Politics of the Euro Crisis” in German Politics, 21:4, 355-371. 16 s.
Harsem, ?. and D.H. Claes. 2013. 'The interdependence of European-Russian energy relations' in Energy Policy , 59: 784-791. 8 s.
Hveem, Helge (2009). "Pluralist IPE: A View from outside the 'Schools'", New Political Economy, Vol. 14, No. 3.
Lake, David A. (2009). “Open economy politics: A critical review”. The Review of International Organizations 4 (3): 219-244. 26s.
Lanchester, John (2008). “Cityphilia”, London Review of Books, 3 januar. 12 s.
New Political Economy, Vol. 14, No. 3 (September 2009) S?rnummer om “The British School” i International Political Economy, artikkelen av Hveem (2009) 10 s.
Prontera, Andrea (2009).‘Energy Policy: Concepts, Actors, Instruments and Recent Developments”, World Political Science Review. 5(1): 1-30. 30 s.
Ruggie, John G. (1982) ”International Regimes, Transactions, and Change. Embedded Liberalism and the Postwar Economic Order”, International Organization, 36:1 (Spring) 22 s.
Strange, Susan (1970) “International economics and international Relations: a case of mutual neglect”, International Affairs, 46 (2) (April) ss. 304-15. 12 s.
Tran?y, Bent Sofus (2011), "Poor Governance in a Very Rich and Advanced Microstate; Reflections from Political Science", in European Political Science no 10: 277-291. 15 s.
van der Zwan, N. (2014), "State of the Art: Making sense of financialization", i Socio-Economic Review (2014) 12, 99–129. 30 s.
Yergin, Daniel (2006), ‘Ensuring Energy Security’, Foreign Affairs. 85(2): 69-82. 13 s.
Schwartz, H. (2014) ”The Euro as a House of Straw: Why Europe’s Crisis is (still) linked to American Housing”, paper for UNC Europe conference 19. Sept. 2014. 20 s.