
Artikler merket med K er samlet i kompendier som kan kj?pes i Kopiutsalget p? Akademika.

Caramani, Daniele (2011, red., andre utgave): Comparative Politics. Oxford: Oxford University Press. (61 s)

  • Kap. 1: Klaus von Beyme: The evolution of comparative politics (14 s) K
  • Kap. 3: Hans Keman: Comparative research methods (14 s) K
  • Kap. 4 Gianfranco Poggi: The nation-state (17 s) K
  • Kap. 6 Paul Brooker: Authoritarian regimes (16 s) K

Enyedi, Zsolt og Fernando Casal Bértoa (2011): "Patterns of party competition (1990–2009)", kap. 6 i Paul G. Lewis og Radoslaw Markowski (red.): Europeanising Party Politics? Comparative perspectives on Central and Eastern Europe after Enlargement. Manchester: Manchester University Press. (27 s) Lenke

Gallagher, Michael, Michael Laver og Peter Mair (2011, femte utgave): Representative Government in Modern Europe. New York: McGraw-Hill. (437 s)

  • Kap. 1 Introduction (23 s)
  • Kap. 2 The Executive (24 s)
  • Kap. 3 Parliaments (37 s)
  • Kap. 4 Constitutions, Judges and Politics (32 s)
  • Kap. 6 Central, Regional and Local Governance (6.1-6.5) (18 s)
  • Kap. 7 Patterns in Party Politics and Party Systems (43 s)
  • Kap. 8 Party Families (40 s)
  • Kap. 9 Cleavage Structures and Electoral Change (48 s)
  • Kap. 10 Inside European Political Parties (40 s)
  • Kap. 11 Elections, Electoral Systems and Referendums (46 s)
  • Kap. 12 Making and Breaking Governments (46 s)
  • Kap. 13 Politics outside Parliament (21 s)
  • Kap. 14 Does Representative Government Make a Difference? (19 s)

Haerpfer, Christian W., Patrick Bernhagen, Ronald F. Inglehart, and Christian Welzel (2009): Democratization. Oxford: Oxford University Press. (115 s)

  • Kap. 2: Richard Rose: Democratic and Undemocratic States (14 s)
  • Kap. 3: Patrick Bernhagen: Measuring Democracy and Democratization (17 s)
  • Kap. 4: Dirk Berg-Schlosser: Long Waves and Conjunctures of Democratization (14 s)
  • Kap. 5: John Markoff (med Amy White): The Global Wave of Democratization (19 s)
  • Kap. 7: Hakan Yilmaz: The International Context (15s)
  • Kap. 8: Patrick Bernhagen: Democracy, Business and the Economy (19s)
  • Kap. 17: M. Steven Fish og Jason Wittenberg: Failed Democratization (17 s)

Hix, Simon og Bj?rn H?yland (2011): The Political System of the European Union. Houndsmills, Basingstokes: Palgrave Macmillan. (57 s)

  • Kap. 6: Democracy, Parties and Elections (29 s) K
  • Kap. 7: Interest Groups (28 s) K

Lijphart, Arend (2012, andre utgave): Patterns of Democracy: Government Forms and Performance in Thirty-Six Countries. New Haven and London: Yale University Press. (126s)

  • Kap. 1 Introduction (8 s)
  • Kap. 2 The Westminster Model of Democracy (22 s)
  • Kap. 3 The Consensus Model of Democracy (17 s)
  • Kap. 4 Thirty-Six Democracies (14 s)
  • Kap. 14 The Two-dimensional Map of Democracy (16 s)
  • Kap. 15 Effective Government and Policy-making: Does Consensus Democracy Make a Difference? (19s)
  • Kap. 16 The Quality of Democracy and a “Kinder, Gentler Democracy”: Consensus Democracy Makes a Difference (21 s)
  • Kap. 17 Conclusions and Recommendations (9 s)

Rokkan, Stein (1987): Stat, nasjon, klasse. Oslo: Universitetsforlaget. (114s)

Vatter, Adrian (2009): “Lijphart expanded: three dimensions of democracy in advanced OECD countries?”, European Political Science Review 1 (1): 125-54 (30 s)                Lenke:

Totalt sidetall: 967 sider

Publisert 11. juni 2013 10:37 - Sist endret 13. aug. 2013 17:48