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  • *Diamond, Larry (1999). Developing Democracy: Toward Consolidation. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press: kap. 2 og 7 (60 sider).

  • Fukuyama, Francis (2004). State Building: Governance and World Order in the Twenty-First Century. London: Profile Books Ltd. (170 sider).

  • Grugel, Jean (2002). Democratisation: A Critical Introduction. London: Palgrave. (240 sider).

  • *Hague, Rod og Martin Harrop (2001). Comparative Government and Politics: An Introduction. New York: Palgrave: kap 1-3 (44 sider)

  • *Heidar, Knut og Einar Berntzen (1998). Vesteuropeisk politikk. Oslo: Universitetsforlaget. Siste utg., kap. 2 og 8 (55 sider).

  • *Lundestad, Geir (2004). ?st, Vest, Nord, S?r. Oslo: Universitetsforlaget: kap. 10 (40 sider).

  • *Przeworski, Adam; Michael E. Alvarez, José Antonio Cheibub og Fernando Limongi (2000). Democracy and Development: Political Institutions and Well-Being in the World, 1950-1990. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press: kap 2 (60 sider).

  • # Rotberg, Robert (red) (2004). When States Fail. Princeton: Princeton University Press: kap. 1 (50 sider). NB: "Hele kapittel 1 kan lastes ned gratis her (

  • # Stewart, Frances (2002). “Root Causes of Violent Conflict in Developing Countries” i British Medical Journal 324: 342-345 (4 sider). Kan lastes ned gratis her (

  • *T?rnquist, Olle (1999). Politics and Development. London: Sage: kap. 1 og 4 (18 sider).

  • ?sterud, ?yvind (2002). Statsvitenskap: Innf?ring i politisk analyse (3.utg.). Oslo: Universitetsforlaget: kap. 4,5,11 og 12 (43 sider).

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Published Nov. 28, 2005 3:16 PM - Last modified Dec. 2, 2005 7:38 PM