
Bidrag merket med "K" er samlet i et kompendium som kan kj?pes i Kopiutsalget, Akademika.

Chabal, Patrick og Jean-Pascal Daloz (1999). Africa Works: Disorder as Political Instrument. Oxford: James Currey: del I, s.1-44 (44 sider). K

Fukuyama, Francis (2004). State Building: Governance and World Order in the Twenty-First Century. London: Profile Books Ltd. (170 sider).

Grugel, Jean (2002). Democratisation: A Critical Introduction. London: Palgrave. (240 sider).

Heidar, Knut og Einar Berntzen (1998). Vesteuropeisk politikk. Oslo: Universitetsforlaget. Siste utg., kap. 2 og 8 (55 sider). K

Huntington, Samuel (1993). "The Clash of Civilizations?" in Foreign Affairs 72, 3: 22-49. (27 sider) Online article .

Klare, Michael T.(2001). The new geography of conflict. Foreign Affairs Link , May/June 2001. 80, 3: 49:61 (12 sider.)

Landes, David (1999). The Wealth and Poverty of Nations. London: Abacus. Kap 3 "European exceptionalism: A different path" (29-45) og kap 18: 213-231) (34 sider) Britain and the pothers" K

Marks, Robert B. (2006). Den moderne verdens opprinnelse, Oslo. Pax. Kap IV: "Den industrielle revolusjon og dens konsekvenser", s. 118-149 (31 sider) K

Przeworski, Adam; Michael E. Alvarez, José Antonio Cheibub og Fernando Limongi (2000). Democracy and Development: Political Institutions and Well-Being in the World, 1950-1990. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press: kap 2 (60 sider). K

Russett, Bruce m.fl. (2000). "Clash of Civilizations or Realism and Liberalism Déja Vu?", samt etterf?lgende debatt med Huntington, Journal of Peace Research, 37/5, Sept. 2000, s.583-612. (29 sider) Link

Sachs, Jeffrey (2005). The End of Poverty, London: Penguin. Kap III: "Why some countries fail to thrive", 51-74 (23 sider) K

Sen, Amartya, (2006). "What clash of civilizations? Why religious identity isn't destiny" in Slate Magazine, March 2006. (5 sider). Online article

Tvedt, Terje. (2003). Utviklingshjelp, utenrikspolitikk og makt. Den norske modellen. (s. 17-79, 158-199, 236-300) (167 sider).

Tvedt, Terje. (2006). The international aid system and the non-governmental organisations: A new research agenda, Journal of International Development, 18, 677-690 (13 sider) Link

?sterud, ?yvind (2002). Statsvitenskap: Innf?ring i politisk analyse (3.utg.). Oslo: Universitetsforlaget: kap. 4,5,11 og 12 (43 sider).

Published Oct. 23, 2008 6:22 PM - Last modified Jan. 13, 2009 3:05 PM