
Published May 28, 2013 12:46 PM

Dear STV2500 students

The Department of Political Science apologize for the inconvenience that
took place on the examination, May 13th. We want to give all the students
who took the exam a new opportunity to re-take the exam this semester.

Everyone will have the opportunity to see the grade on the first exam before
deciding whether to take the exam again. Students who choose to re-take the
exam will get the best result as the final result.
Note that this opportunity is only for the students who took the exam 13.
May 2013,and not for the students taking the postponed exam 28. May 2013.

A new exam is scheduled to take place on 18. June 2013. Students who wish to
take the exam again need to contact the reception at the Department of
Political Science no later than 10. June 2013.