Syllabus/achievement requirements

Books can be bought in Akademika bookstore at Blindern campus. You will need a valid semester card to buy compendiums.


Hix & H?yland (2011) The Political System of the European Union, ?Palgrave MacMillan, 3rd ed


Journal Articles

Alexandrova, Petya. 2015. "Upsetting the agenda: The clout of external focusing events in the European Council." Journal of Public Policy 35(3):505 - 30.

Baccini, Leonardo, and Johannes Urpelainen. 2012. "Strategic Side Payments: Preferential Trading Agreements, Economic Reform, and Foreign Aid." Journal of Politics 74(4):932 - 49.

Bansak, Kirk, Jens Hainmueller, and Dominik Hangartner. 2016. "How economic, humanitarian, and religious concerns shape European attitudes toward asylum seekers." Science 354(6309):217 - 22.

Bechtel, Michael M., Jens Hainmueller, and Yotam Margalit. 2014. "Preferences for International Redistribution: The Divide over the Eurozone Bailouts." American Journal of Political Science 58(4):835 - 56.

Boomgaarden, Hajo G., Claes H. de Vreese, Andreas R. T. Schuck, Rachid Azrout, Matthijs Elenbaas, Joost H. P. van Spanje, and Rens Vliegenthart. 2013. "Across time and space: Explaining variation in news coverage of the European Union." European Journal of Political Research 52(5):608 - 29.

Bunea, Adriana. forthcoming. "Designing stakeholder consultations: Reinforcing or alleviating bias in the European Union system of governance?" European Journal of Political Research.

B?heim, Michael H., and Klaus S. Friesenbichler. 2016. "Exporting the Competition Policy Regime of the European Union: Success or Failure? Empirical Evidence for Acceding Countries." Journal of Common Market Studies 54(3):569 - 82.

B?lstad, J?rgen, and Christoph Elhardt. 2015. "To bail out or not to bail out? Crisis politics, credibility, and default risk in the Eurozone." European Union Politics 16(3):325 - 46.

Carrubba, Clifford J., Matthew Gabel, and Charles Hankla. 2008. "Judicial Behavior under Political Constraints: Evidence from the European Court of Justice." American Political Science Review 102(4):435 - 52.

Chalmers, Adam William. 2014. "In over their heads: Public consultation, administrative capacity and legislative duration in the European Union." European Union Politics 15(4):595 - 613.

Chalmers, Adam William, and Lisa Maria Dellmuth. 2015. "Fiscal redistribution and public support for European integration." European Union Politics 16(3):386 - 407.

Charron, Nicholas. 2016. "Explaining the allocation of regional Structural Funds: The conditional effect of governance and self-rule." European Union Politics 17(4):638 - 59.

Collyer, Michael. 2016. "Geopolitics as a migration governance strategy: European Union bilateral relations with Southern Mediterranean countries." Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies 42(4):606 - 24.

Crombez, Christophe, and Simon Hix. 2011. "Treaty reform and the Commission's appointment and policy-making role in the European Union." European Union Politics 12(3):291 - 314.

—. 2015. "Legislative Activitiy and Gridlock in the European Union." British Journal of Political Science 45(3):477 - 99.

Czaika, Mathias, and Morgens Hobolth. 2016. "Do restrictive asylum and visa policies increae irregular migration into Europe?" European Union Politics 17(3):345 - 65.

Dellmuth, Lisa Maria, Dominik Schraff, and Michael F. Stoffel. forthcoming. "Distributive Politics, Electoral Institutions and European Structural and Investment Funding: Evidence from Italy and France." Journal of Common Market Studies.

Desmond, Dinan. 2004. "Governance and Institutions: The Convention and the Intergovernmental Conference." JCMS: J Common Market Studies 42(s1):27-42.

Dür, Andreas, and Gemma Mateo. 2014. "The Europeanization of interest groups: Group type, resources and policy area." European Union Politics 15(4):572 - 94.

Franchino, Fabio, and Marco Mainenti. 2016. "The electoral foundations to noncompliance: addressing the puzzle of unlawful state aid in the European Union." Journal of Public Policy 36(3):407 - 36.

Guinaudeau, Isabelle, and Anna M Palau. 2016. "A matter of conflict: How events and parties shape the news coverage of EU affairs." European Union Politics 17(4):593 - 615.

Hale, Thomas, and Mathias Koenig-Archibugi. 2016. "Are Europeans ready for a more democratic European Union? New evidence on preference heterogeneity, polarisation and crosscuttingness." European Journal of Political Research 55(2):225 - 45.

Hübner, Denise Carolin. 2016. "The 'National Decisions' database (Dec.Nat): Introducing a database on national courts' interactions with European Law." European Union Politics 17(2):324 - 39.

H?ge, Frank M. 2016. "Political attention in the Council of the European Union: A new dataset of working party meetings, 1995-2014." European Union Politics 17(4):683 - 703.

H?yland, Bj?rn, Sara B. Hobolt, and Simon Hix. 2016. "Career Ambitions and Legisltive Participation: The Moderating Effect of Electoral Institutions." Oslo: University of Oslo.

Junge, Dirk, Thomas K?nig, and Bernd Luig. 2015. "Legislative Gridlock and Bureaucratic Politics in the European Union." British Journal of Political Science 45(4):777 - 97.

McMenamin, Iain, Michael Breen, and Juan Mu?oz-Portillo. 2015. "Austerity and credibility in the Eurozone." European Union Politics 16(1):45 - 66.

Obholzer, Lukas, and William T Daniel. 2016. "An online electoral connection? How electoral systems condition representatives' social media use." European Union Politics 17(3):387 - 407.

Osnabrügge, Moritz. 2015. "The European Commission and the implementation of its legislative programme." European Union Politics 16(2):241 - 61.

Pemstein, Daniel, Stephen A Meserve, and William T. Bernhard. 2015. "Brussels Bound: Policy Experience and Candidate Selection in European Elections." Comparative Political Studies 48(11):1421 - 53.

Schneider, Christina J., and Jennifer L. Tobin. 2013. "Interest Coalitions and Multilateral Aid Allocation in the European Union." International Studies Quarterly 57(1):103 - 14.

Schneider, Christina J., and Johannes Urpelainen. 2014. "Partisan Heterogeneity and International Cooperation: The Case of the European Development Funds." Journal of Conflict Resolution 58(1):120 - 42.

Tunali, Cigdem Borke, and Jan Fidrmuc. 2015. "State Aid Policy in the European Union." Journal of Common Market Studies 53(5):1143 - 62.

Zhelyazkova, Asya, and Nikoleta Yordanova. 2015. "Signalling 'complience': The link between notified EU implementation and infringement cases." European Union Politics 16(3):408 - 28.

Online articles:


Published Nov. 11, 2016 2:44 PM - Last modified Nov. 11, 2016 2:44 PM