Syllabus/achievement requirements

Books can be bought in Akademika bookstore at Blindern campus. You will need a valid semester card to buy compendiums.


Hix, Simon and Bj?rn H?yland (2011) The Political System of the European Union: Government, Politics, and Policies, Palgrave


Journal Articles

Arregui, Javier and Mathew J. Creighton (2018) "Public Opinion and the Shaping of Immigration Policy in the European Council of Ministers", Journal of Common Market Studies, 56 (6): 1323 - 1344

Baccini, Leonardo, and Johannes Urpelainen (2012) "Strategic Side Payments: Preferential Trading Agreements, Economic Reform, and Foreign Aid." Journal of Politics 74(4):932 - 49.

Benedetto, Giacomo (2017) "Power, money and revision points: the European Union’s annual budgets since 2010", Journal of European Public Policy, 24(5): 633 – 652

Carrubba, Clifford J., Matthew Gabel, and Charles Hankla. 2008. "Judicial Behavior under Political Constraints: Evidence from the European Court of Justice." American Political Science Review 102 (4):435 - 52.

Chalmers, Adam William (2015) "Financial industry mobilisation and security markets regulation in Europe", European Journal of Political Research 54 (3): 482 – 501

Citi, Manuele (2015) ‘European Union budget politics: exploring stability and change in spending allocations’, European Union Politics 16(2): 262–80.

Crombez, Christophe and Bj?rn H?yland. (2015) ‘The budgetary procedure in the European Union and the implications of the Lisbon Treaty’, European Union Politics 16(1): 67–89.

De Vries, Catherine E. (2017) “Benchmarking Brexit: How the British Decision to Leave Shapes EU Public Opinion”, Journal of Common Market Studies, 55 (Annual Review) 38 – 53.

Dür, Andreas, Patrick Bernhagen, and David Marshall. 2015. 'Interest Group Success in the European Union: When (and Why) Does Business Lose?', Comparative Political Studies, 48: 951 - 83.

Epstein, Rachel and Martin Rhodes (2018) ‘From governance to government: Banking union, capital markets union and the new EU’, Competition and Change, 22(2): 205 - 224

Fjelstul, Joshua C. and Clifford J. Carrubba (2018) “The Politics of International Oversight: Strategic Monitoring and Legal Compliance in the European Union”, American Political Science Review, 112 (3): 429 – 455.

Frid-Nielsen, Snorre Sylvester (2018) ‘Human rights or security? Positions on asylum in European Parliament speeches’, European Union Politics 19 (2): 344 – 362

Gandrud, Christopher and Mark Hallerberg (2015) ‘Does Banking Union Worsen the EU’s Democratic Deficit? The Need for Greater Supervisory Data Transparency’, Journal of Common Market Studies, 53(4): 769 – 785

Geddes, Andrew (2018) ‘The Politics of European Union Migration Governance’, Journal of Common Market Studies 51 (Annual Review) 120 – 130.

Gl?ckler, Gabriel, Johannes Linder and Marion Salines (2017) ‘Explaining the sudden creation of a banking supervisor for the euro area’, Journal of European Public Policy 24(8): 1135 – 1153

Ha?ge, Frank M. ‘The Scheduling Power of the EU Council Presidency’. Journal of European Public Policy. (forthcoming).

Hagemann, Sara, Sara B Hobolt, and Christopher Wratil. ‘Government Responsiveness in the European Union: Evidence From Council Voting’. Comparative Political Studies. (forthcoming).

Hix, Simon (2018) “Brexit: Where is the EU-UK Relationship Heading?”, Journal of Common Market Studies, 56v (Annual Review) 11 – 27.

Hobolt, Sara B (2016) “The Brexit vote: a divided nation, a divided continent”, Journal of European Public Policy, 23 (9): 1259 – 1277.

Hoffman, Michelle and Zuzana Murdoch (forthcoming) “Lobby cycles in Brussels: Evidence from the rotating presidency of the Council of the European Union”, European Union Politics.

Howarth, David and Lucia Quaglia (2014) ‘The Steep Road to European Banking Union: Constructing the Single Resolution Mechanism’, Journal of Common Market Studies, 52 (annual review) 125 - 140

K?nig, Thomas and Lars M?der (2014) “The Strategic Nature of Compliance: An Empirical Evaluation of Law Implementation in the Central Monitoring System of the European Union”, American Journal of Political Science 58 (1): 246 – 263.

Larsson, Olof and Naurin, Daniel (2016) Judicial Independence and Political Uncertainty: How the Risk of Override Affects the Court of Justice in the EU, International Organization, 70 (2): 377 – 408.

Peritz, Lauren (2018) Obstructing integration: Domestic politics and the European Court of Justice, European Union Politics, 19 (3): 427 – 457.

Quaglia, Lucia, David Howarth and Moritz Liebe (2016) ‘The Political Economy of European Capital Markets Union’, Journal of Common Market Studies, 54 (Annual review) 185 - 203

Rasmussen, Maja Kluger. 2015. 'The Battle for Influence: The Politics of Business Lobbying in the European Parliament', Journal of Common Market Studies, 53: 365 - 82.

Schneider, Christina J., and Jennifer L. Tobin (2013) "Interest Coalitions and Multilateral Aid Allocation in the European Union." International Studies Quarterly 57(1):103 - 14.

Schneider, Christina J., and Johannes Urpelainen (2014) "Partisan Heterogeneity and International Cooperation: The Case of the European Development Funds." Journal of Conflict Resolution 58(1):120 - 42.

Van Gruisen, Philippe, Pieterjan Vangerven and Christophe Crombez (forthcoming) “Voting Behavior in the Council of the European Union: The Effect of the Trio Presidency”, Political Science Research and Methods.

Zhelyazkova, Asya and Nikoleta Yordanova (2015) “Signaling ‘compliance’: The link between notified EU directive implementation and infringement case”, European Union Politics, 16 (3): 408 – 428.

Online articles:


Published Nov. 21, 2018 12:38 PM - Last modified Jan. 16, 2019 10:02 AM