
For masteremnene blir det arrangert et felles bibliotekskurs. P? kurset vil du l?re om s?k i nasjonale og internasjonale databaser, og det blir anledning til ? s?ke opp pensumartiklene for emnet. Kurset er frivillig, men vi oppfordrer sterkt studentene til ? delta. Mer informasjon kommer.


Bratberg, ?ivind (2014) Tekstanalyse for samfunnsvitere. Oslo: Cappelen Damm Akademisk. Kap. 1, 2, 4 og 5 (128s)

Beland, Daniel og Robert Henry Cox (red.) Ideas and Politics in Social Science Research, Oxford: Oxford University Press:

Hay, Colin (2011) “Ideas and the construction of interests”, s. 65-82. (18s)

Lieberman, Robert C. (2011) “Ideas and institutions in race politics”, s. 209-227. (19s)

Mehta, Jal (2011) “The varied role of ideas in politics: from ‘whether’ to ‘how’”, s. 23-46. (24s)

Schmidt, Vivien (2011) “Reconciling ideas and institutions through discursive institutionalism”, s. 47-64. (18s)

J?rgensen, Marianne Winther & Louise Phillips (1999) Diskursanalyse som teori og metode. Roskilde: Roskilde Universitetsforlag. Kap. 1, 2, 3, 5 (121s)

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Banta, Benjamin (2013) “Analyzing discourse as a causal mechanism”, European Journal of International Relations 19, 2: 379-402. (24s)


Angouri, Jo & Ruth Wodak (2014) “‘They became big in the shadow of the crisis’: the Greek success story and the success of the far right”, Discourse & Society 25, 4: 540-565. (26s)

Augoustinos, Martha, Amanda Lecouteur & John Soyland (2002) “Self-sufficient arguments in political rhetoric: constructing reconciliation and apologizing to the stolen generations”, Discourse & Society 13, 1: 105-42. (38s)

APSA: Qualitative Methods - Symposium: discourse and content analysis, Qualitative Methods 2, 1 (2004) s. 15-40. (26s)

Benoit, Kenneth, Michael Laver & Slava Mikhaylov (2009) “Treating words as data with error: uncertainty in text statements of policy positions”, American Journal of Political Science 53, 2: 495-513. (19s)

Berge, Kjell Lars (2014) “Hva er politisk retorikk?” Rhetorica Scandinavica 66/67: 11-34. (24s)

Berman, Sheri (2001) “Review article. Ideas, norms and culture in political analysis”, Comparative Politics 33, 2: 231-250. (20s)

Bratberg, ?ivind (2011) “Ideas, tradition and norm entrepreneurs: retracing guiding principles of foreign policy in Blair and Chirac's speeches on Iraq”, Review of International Studies 37, 1: 327-348. (22s)

Crespy, Amandine (2014) “A dialogue of the deaf? Conflicting discourses over the EU and services liberalization in the WTO”, British Journal of Politics and International Relations 16, 1: 168-187. (20s)

van Dijk, Teun A. (2011) “Introduction: the study of discourse”, i Teun A. van Dijk (red.) Discourse Studies. A Multidiscplinary Introduction. London: Sage, pp. 1-7. (7s)

Dinas, Elias & Kostas Gemenis (2010) “Measuring parties’ ideological positions with manifesto data. A critical evaluation of the competing methods”, Party Politics 16, 4: 427-450. (24s)

Fairclough, Norman (2003) Analysing Discourse. Textual Analysis for Social Research. London: Routledge. Kap. 2-3. (41s)

Finlayson, Alan (2007) “From beliefs to arguments: interpretive methodology and rhetorical political analysis”, British Journal of Politics and International Relations 9, 4: 545-563. (19s)

Gaskarth, Jamie (2006) “Discourses and ethics: the social construction of British foreign policy”, Foreign Policy Analysis 2: 325-341. (17s)

Hansen, Lene (2006) Security as practice: Discourse Analysis and the Bosnian War. London: Routledge. Kap. 4-5 (42s)

Hopf, Ted (2013) “Common-sense constructivism and hegemony in world politics”, International Organization 67, 2: 317-354. (37s)

Lakoff, George (2004) Don’t Think of an Elephant! Know Your Values and Frame the Debate. Chelsea Green Publishing. Kap. 1 (32s)

Martin, James (2013) “Situating speech: a rhetorical approach to political strategy”, Political Studies. (18s)

Mathisen, Werner C. (1997) ”Diskursanalyse for statsvitere: hva, hvorfor og hvordan”. 亚博娱乐官网_亚博pt手机客户端登录snotat 1/1997. Oslo: Institutt for statsvitenskap, UiO. (34s)

Maynard, Jonathan Leader (2013) “A map of the field of ideological analysis”, Journal of Political Ideologies 18, 3: 299-327. (29s)

Milliken, Jennifer (1999) “The study of discourse in International Relations: a critique of research and methods”, European Journal of International Relations 5, 2: 225-54. (30s)

Moravcsik, Andrew (1999) “Is something rotten in the state of Denmark? Constructivism and European integration”, Journal of European Public Policy 6, 4: 669-681. (13s)

Neumann, Iver B. (2002) “Returning practice to the linguistic turn: the case of diplomacy”, Milennium: Journal of International Studies 31, 3: 627-651. (25s)

Panizza, Francisco & Romina Miorelli (2013) “Taking discourse seriously: discursive institutionalism and post-structuralist discourse theory”, Political Studies 61: 301-18. (18s)

Philips, Nelson, Thomas B. Lawrence & Cynthia Hardy (2004) “Discourse and institutions”, The Academy of Management Review 29, 4: 635-652. (18s)

Sandvik, Margareth (2014) “Retorisk rekonstruksjon av politisk diskurs”, Rhetorica Scandinavica 66/67: 122-141 (20s)

Szulecka, Julia & Kacper Szulecki (2013) “Analysing the Rospuda River controversy in Poland: rhetoric, environmental activism, and the influence of the European Union”, East European Politics 29, 4: 397–419. (24s

Pensum totalt: 966s

Publisert 1. des. 2014 19:39 - Sist endret 11. feb. 2015 12:38