

Bratberg, ?ivind (2017) Tekstanalyse for samfunnsvitere. Oslo: Cappelen Damm Akademisk. Kap. 1, 2, 5, 7. (104s)

Dunn, Kevin C. & Iver B. Neumann (2016) Undertaking Discourse Analysis for Social Research. Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press. Kap. 2-5. (108s)

Hansen, Lene (2006) Security as Practice: Discourse Analysis and the Bosnian War. London: Routledge. Kap. 3-5. (55s)

Trachtenberg, Marc (2006) The Craft of International History. Princeton, N.J.: Princeton University Press. Kap. 2, 3, 5. (68s)


Tilgjengelig i kompendium som kj?pes hos Kopiutsalget, Akademika

Jacobs, Alan M. (2015) “Process tracing the effects of ideas”, kap. 2 i Andrew Bennett & Jeffrey T. Checkel (red.) Process Tracing. From Metaphor to Analytical Tool. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. (33s)

Leseth, Anne Brigitte og Silje Maria Tellmann (2014) Hvordan lese kvalitativ forskning? Oslo: Cappelen Damm Akademisk. Kap. 7: Kvalitativ analyse. (30s)

Repstad, P?l (2007) Mellom n?rhet og distanse. Kvalitative metoder i samfunnsfag. 4. utgave. Oslo: Universitetsforlaget. Kap. 5: Dokumentanalyse og kildekritikk. (10s)


Nedlastbare tidsskriftsartikler og andre tekster

Augoustinos, Martha, Amanda Lecouteur & John Soyland (2002) “Self-sufficient arguments in political rhetoric: constructing reconciliation and apologizing to the stolen generations”, Discourse & Society 13, 1: 105-42. (38s)

Berge, Kjell Lars (2014) “Hva er politisk retorikk?” Rhetorica Scandinavica 66/67: 11-34. (24s) (Canvas)

Boréus, Kristina and G?ran Bergstr?m (2017) Analyzing Text and Discourse. London: Sage. Ch. 1. (22s) (Canvas)

Braut-Hegghammer, M?lfrid (2019) “Proliferating bias? American political science, nuclear weapons, and global security”, Journal of Global Security Studies 4, 3: 384-92. (9s)

Carstensen, Martin B. (2011) “Ideas are not as stable as political scientists would want them to be: a theory of incremental ideational change”, Political Studies 59: 596-615. (20s)

Darnton, Christopher (2018) “Archives and inference: documentary evidence in case study research and the debate over U.S. entry into World War II”, International Security 42, 3: 84-126. (43s)

Druckman, James N. (2011) “What is it all about? Framing in political science”, s. 279-302 i Gideon Keren (red.) Perspectives on Framing. New York, NY: Psychology Press. (24s)

Finlayson, Alan (2007) “From beliefs to arguments: interpretive methodology and rhetorical political analysis”, British Journal of Politics and International Relations 9, 4: 545-63. (19s)

Frank, David A. (2011) “Obama’s rhetorical signature: cosmopolitan civil religion in the presidential inaugural address”, Rhetoric & Public Affairs 14, 4: 605-30. (26s)

Jervis, Robert (2017) Perception and Misperception in International Politics. Princeton, N.J.: Princeton University Press. Kap. 6 (217-81) (65s) (Canvas)

Kranert, Michael (2018) “Political myth as a legitimation strategy”, Journal of Language and Politics 17, 6: 882-906. (25s)

Maynard, Jonathan Leader (2013) “A map of the field of ideological analysis”, Journal of Political Ideologies 18, 3: 299-327. (29s)

Mehta, Jal (2013) “How paradigms create politics: the transformation of American educational policy, 1980-2001”, American Educational Research Journal 50, 2: 285-324. (40s)

Moravcsik, Andrew (2014) “Trust, but verify: the transparency revolution and qualitative international relations”, Security Studies 23: 663-88. (26s)

Saunders, Benjamin et al. (2018) “Saturation in qualitative research: exploring its conceptualization and operationalization”, Quality & Quantity 52, 4: 1893-1907. (15s)

Tilly, Charles (2006) “Why and how history matters”, The Oxford Handbook of Contextual Political Analysis, ss. 417-438. (22s) (Canvas)

Yarhi-Milo, Keren (2013) “In the eye of the beholder: how leaders and intelligence communities assess the intentions of adversaries”, International Security 38, 1: 7-51. (45s)


Sum pensum: 895s


Anbefalt lesning:

Brands, Hal & David Palkki (2011) “Saddam, Israel, and the bomb: nuclear alarmism justified?International Security 36, 1: 133-66. (34s)

Lakoff, George (2004) Don’t Think of an Elephant! Know your Values and Frame the Debate. Chelsea Green Publishing. Kap. 1. (32s) (Canvas)

Martin, James (2015) “Situating speech: a rhetorical approach to political strategy”, Political Studies 63, 1: 25-42. (18s)

Publisert 27. juni 2019 09:56 - Sist endret 7. nov. 2019 11:23