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Gates, S., & Humes, B. D. (1997). Games, Information, and Politics: Applying Game Theoretic Models to Political Science. University of Michigan Press

Morton, R. B. (1999). Methods and Models: A Guide to the Empirical Analysis of Formal Models in Political Science. Cambridge University Press

Downloadable articles, books and other texts

You can search the articles and e-books in the e-journal database available at the University of Oslo Library. This requires having access to and being logged onto the UiO system. Contact the Reference Services at the Humanities and Social Sciences Library if you have problems finding the literature.

Achen, C (2002) An Agenda for the new political methodology: Microfoundations and ART, Annual Review of Political Science, 423 – 450.

Aldrich, J.H., J.A. Alt and A. Lupia (2008) The EITM Approach: Origins and Interpretations, in Box-Steffensmeier, H.E. Brady and D. Collier Oxford handbook of Political Methodology 828--843.

Andreozzi, Luciano 2004. “Rewarding Policemen Increases Crime. Another Surprising Result from the Inspection Game”, Public Choice 121: 69–82.

Bas, M.A., C.S. Signorino and R.W. Walker (2008) Statistical Backwards Induction: A Simple Method for Estimating Recursive Strategic Models, Political Analysis 16(1): 21 – 40.

Bates, R.H. (1998) The International Coffee Organization: An International Institution”, in R.H. Bates et al., Analytic Narratives. Princeton University Press.

Brehm, J., & Gates, S. (1993). Donut shops and speed traps: Evaluating models of supervision on police behavior. American Journal of Political Science, 555-581.

Brehm, J. and S. Gates (2008) Teaching, Tasks, and Trust. Functions of the Public Executive. Russell Sage Foundation: New York. Chapter 6.

Carrubba, C.J., A. Yuen and C. Zorn (2007) In Defense of Comparative Statics: Specifying Empirical Tests of models of Strategic Interaction. Political Analysis 15(4): 465 – 482.

Camerer, C., A. Dreber, E. Forsell, T.-H. Ho, J. Huber, M. Johannesson, M. Kirchler, J. Almenberg, A. Altmejd, T. Chan, E. Heikensten, F. Holzmeister, T. Imai, S. Isaksson, G. Nave, T. Pfeiffer, M. Razen & H. Wu (2016): Evaluating replicability of laboratory experiments in economics. Science 351(6280):1433-6.

Chiozza,  and H. Goemans (2004) Leaders and International Conflict or Chiozza and Goemans, “International Conflict and the Tenure of Leaders,” American Journal of Political Science 48,3604-619.

Diermeier, D. and K. Krehbiel (2003) Institutionalism as a Methodology, Journal of Theoretical Politics 15(2): 123—144.

Diermeier, D. and R.T. Stevenson (2000) Cabinet Terminations and Critical Events, American Political Science Review 94(3): 627- 640

Fehr, E. & U. Fischbacher (2005): The Economics of Strong Reciprocity. In S. Bowles, H. Gintis & E. Fehr (eds.) Moral Sentiments and Material Interests: The Foundations of Cooperation in Economic Life. Cambridge Mass.: The MIT-Press.

Gates, S. and S.B. Qui?ones (1995) Game Theoretic and Empirical Methodologies: Ever the Two Shall Meet? The Political Methodologist 6(2): 30 – 36.

Granato, J., M. Lo and M.C. Sunny Wong (2010) A Framework for Unifying Formal and Empirical Analysis, American Journal of Political Science 54(3): 783 – 797.

Granato, J., M. Lo and M.C. Sunny Wong (2011) Modelling and Testing the Diffusion of Expectations: An EITM Approach, Electoral Studies 30(4): 389 – 398

Granato, J. and F. Scioli (2004) Puzzles, Proverbs, and Omega Matrices: The Scientific and Social Significance of Empirical Implications of Theoretical Models (EITM), Perspective on Politics 2(2): 313 – 323.

Heggedal, T.-R, L. Helland & R. Morton (2016): Electoral competition and political rents in the lab. CESAR Pre-study plan 1/16.

Kenkel, B. and C.S. Signorino (2011) Estimating Models of Strategic Interaction in R, Journal of Statistical Software.

Levitt, J. & S. List (2007b) Viewpoint: on the generalizability of lab behavior to the field. Canadian Journal of Economics 40:347-70.

Lupia, A. and K. Str?m (1995) Coalition termination and the strategic timing of parliamentary elections, American Political Science Review 89(3): 648 – 665.

Miguel, E., C. Camerer, K. Casey, J. Cohen, K. Esterling, A. Gerber, R. Glennerster, D.Green, M. Humphreys, G. Imbens, D. Laitin, T. Madon, L. Nelson, B. Nosek, M. Petersen, R. Sedlmayr, J. Simmons, U. Simonsohn & M. Van der Laan (2014) Promoting Transparency in Social Science Research. Science 343(6166): 30-1.

Morrow, J.D., 1989. Capabilities, uncertainty, and resolve: A limited information model of crisis bargaining. American Journal of Political Science, pp.941-972.

Morrow, James D. (1994). Game theory for political scientists. Chapters 1 & 3.

Morton, R. (1993) Incomplete Information and Ideological Explanations of Platform Divergence American Political Science Review 87(2):382-92.

Morton, R. & K. Williams (2010) Experimental Political Science and the Study of Causality: From Nature to the Lab. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. (ch2 & ch3)

Myerson, R. (2001). “On the Value of Game Theory in Social Science,” Rationality and Society 4(1): 62-73.

Pahre, R. (2005). Formal theory and case-study methods in EU studies. European Union Politics, 6(1), 113-145.

Schelling, Thomas. 1978. Micromotives and Macrobehavior. W.W. Norton. [Chapters 1, 3, and 6].

Signorino C.S. and Yilmaz K. (2003) Strategic Misspecification in Regression Models, American Journal of Political Science 47(3): 551 – 566.

Signorino, C.S. (1999) Strategic interaction and the statistical analysis of international conflict, American Political Science Review 93(2): 279 - 297

Van Damme, Eric 1989. Stable Equilibria and Forward Induction, Journal of Economic Theory 48 (2): 476-496.


Recommended reading

Morrow, James D. (1994). Game theory for political scientists. Princeton University Press.

Schelling, Thomas. 1978. Micromotives and Macrobehavior. W.W. Norton.


Published May 23, 2016 11:17 AM