Syllabus/achievement requirements

Students attending Master's courses will be able to participate on a library course. At the course you will learn how to do searches in both national and international databases, and you will have the opportunity to search the articles that is on your curriculum.The course is voluntary, but we strongly recommend that students attend.


John Gaventa, (1982) Power and Powerlessness.  University of Illinois Press

To be found in an article compilation which can be bought at Kopiutsalget at Akademika bookstore at Blindern campus

Danny Oppenheimer and Mike Edwards, Democracy Despite Itself MIT press pp. 1-37

Diamond, Larry. Developing democracy: Toward consolidation. JHU Press, 1999. 1-19

Fire, John, and Richard Erdoes. Lame Deer, seeker of visions. Simon and Schuster.

G.A. Cohen “Poverty as Lack of Freedom” from Political Thought edited by Michael Rosen and Jonathan Wolff September 1999. 2 pages

Goertz, Gary. Social science concepts: a user's guide. Princeton University Press, 2006. Chapter 1 pp. 1-24.

Minow, Martha. Making all the difference: Inclusion, exclusion, and American law. Cornell University Press, 1991. 19-49

Przeworski, Adam. "Minimalist conception of democracy: a defense1." In Democracy's Values Eds. Ian Shapiro and Casiano Hacker-Cordsn Cambridge University Press. 1999. 23-51

“V.C Theories of distributive justice” from Political Thought edited by Michael Rosen and Jonathan Wolff. pp 224-245

Downloadable articles, books and other texts

You can search the articles and e-books in the e-journal database available at the University of Oslo Library. This requires having access to and being logged onto the UiO system. Contact the Reference Services at the Humanities and Social Sciences Library if you have problems finding the literature.


Aristotle, Nicomachean Ethics, Book 1, Chapter 1-6; Book II, entire

Beitz, Charles R. "Procedural Equality in Democratic Theory: A Preliminary Examination." Nomos (1983): 69-91.

Carnegie, Andrew , “Wealth” The North American Review. Volume 0148 Issue 391 (June 1889) pp. 653-665

David Plotke, “Representation is Democracy”, Constellations Volume 4, Number 1 (April 1997) 19-34 

Diamond, L. J. (2002). Thinking about hybrid regimes. Journal of democracy,13(2), 21-35.

Fareed Zakaria, The Rise of illiberal Democracy Foreign Affairs November/December 1997 pp. 22-43

Frye, Marilyn, “Oppression” The Politics of Reality

Gerardo Munck and Jay Verkuilen, 2002 "Conceptualizing and Measuring Democracy", Comparative Political Studies. 35(1) pp. 5-34

Hirschman, Albert O. "Exit, voice, and the state." World Politics 31.01 (1978): 90-107.

Levitsky, Steven, and Lucan Way. "The rise of competitive authoritarianism."Journal of democracy 13.2 (2002): 51-65.

Lindberg, Staffan I. "Mapping accountability: core concept and subtypes."International Review of Administrative Sciences 79, no. 2 (2013): 202-226.

Lindblom, Charles E. "The market as prison." The Journal of Politics 44.02 (1982): 323-336.

Marx, Karl, (1844) "Estranged Labour" Economic and Philosophic Manuscripts

Moncrieffe, Joy Marie. "Reconceptualizing political accountability." International Political Science Review 19, no. 4 (1998): 387-406.

Pateman, C. (2012). Participatory democracy revisited. Perspectives on Politics, 10(01), 7-19.

Per Selle and ?yvind ?sterud, “The eroding of representative democracy in Norway" Journal of European Public Policy 13, Issue 4, 2006. 551–568

Read, Leonard E.(1958), “I, Pencil: My Family Tree”

Robert Dahl, [1989] “Democracy and Its Critics,” 7 pages

Rudebeck, Lars. "Beyond democratic constitutionalism: on the twofold meaning of democracy and democratisation." African Sociological Review/Revue Africaine de Sociologie 6.1 (2002): 173-180.

Schedler, Andreas, Conceptualizing Accountability from The Self-Restraining State. Pp. 13-28

Schmitter, Philippe C., and Terry Lynn Karl. "What democracyis... and is not." Journal of democracy 2.3 (1991): 75-88.

Schumpeter, Joseph 1976. Capitalism, Socialism, and Democracy,London: Allen and Unwin. Chapter 12 (15 pages)

Vrousalis, Nicholas. "Exploitation, vulnerability, and social domination."Philosophy & Public Affairs 41.2 (2013): 131-157.

Yannis Papadopoulos (2010): Accountability and Multi-level Governance: More Accountability, Less Democracy?, West European Politics, 33:5, 1030-1049

Young, Iris Marion (2004) “Five Faces of Oppression” Justice and the Politics of Difference. Princeton University Press, 39-65


Tags: Young, Iris Marion (2004)?“Five Faces of Oppression” Justice and the Politics of Difference. Princeton University Press, 39-65
Published Nov. 24, 2015 11:21 AM - Last modified May 19, 2016 2:51 PM