STV4214B - International Environmental Governance spring 2009

Answer question I and any three of the questions under II. Your answers to both parts of the exam must pass. Your answer to question I will count 60 per cent of the exam grade, your answers under part II will (taken together) count 40 per cent.    


Define briefly the concepts “compliance” and “regime effectiveness”. How would you go about measuring each of these variables? What are the most important factors explaining variance in regime effectiveness?


1.       DeSombre finds that coalitions of “Baptists and Bootleggers” sometimes are remarkably effective in influencing environmental policy. What characterizes such coalitions, and what can make them so effective?

2.       What are the main differences between the so-called “enforcement” and “managerial” schools in the study of compliance with international environmental agreements (IEAs)?

3.       Explain the difference between compliance enforcement and participation enforcement. Name one IEA that includes provisions for participation enforcement and one IEA that does not include provisions for participation enforcement.

4.       Regulation by directive – in particular directives applying the same rule to all parties (such as emission standards) – is normally considered a less cost-effective approach than regulation by incentive. Why? Identify one type of problems (or situations) in which governments nevertheless have strong reasons for adopting regulation by directive.

5.       What type of solution is prescribed by the so-called “property rights school”? What role(s), if any, is (are) given to international organizations by this “school”?

Published July 27, 2015 1:58 PM - Last modified July 27, 2015 1:58 PM