STV4214B International Environmental Governance Autumn 2010

Answer Part I and any three of the questions in Part II. Your answers to both parts of the exam must pass. Your answer to Part I will count 60 per cent of the exam grade, your answers to Part II will (taken together) count 40 per cent.


Define briefly the concept “compliance”. Compare the views of the “enforcement” and the “managerial” schools concerning (1) Louis Henkin’s famous claim that “almost all nations observe almost all principles of international law and almost all of their obligations almost all of the time”, (2) how observed compliance rates may be explained , (3) the relevance of enforcement measures for addressing noncompliance, and (4) the extent to which states’ concern for their reputation can explain compliance.


  1. Give at least two reasons why regulation by incentive is considered (under most circumstances) to yield economically more efficient outcomes than regulation by directive.
  2. Under which conditions (if any) would you expect a potent compliance enforcement system for an international environmental agreement to be politically feasible?
  3. What distinguishes a politically “malignant” problem from one that is (largely) “benign”? What makes climate change mitigation a particularly demanding policy challenge?
  4. What is an “epistemic community”, and how can it contribute to effective environmental governance?
  5. Compare and contrast the roles attributed to international institutions (organizations, regimes) by the property rights school and the international governance school.


Published July 27, 2015 1:58 PM - Last modified July 27, 2015 1:58 PM