STV4214B - v?ren 22

Under task A, briefly explain FIVE of the seven terms and concepts. Under task B, answer EITHER question 8 OR question 9.

Task A (40%)

  1. A bottom-up design of an international climate agreement 
  2. The unilateralist view on climate cooperation
  3. The tragedy of the commons
  4. Social norm
  5. Pure public good
  6. The “trilemma” of the Paris Agreement
  7. The multilateralist view on climate action

Task B (60%)

  1. Define the concepts ‘climate clubs’ and ‘transnational environmental governance’. Then, discuss similarities and differences between climate clubs and transnational environmental governance.
  2. Explain the (collective) purpose of international environmental agreements, both according to a norm-based perspective and according to an incentive-based perspective. Then, discuss why an incentives-based approach might be more feasible in a climate club than in the UNFCCC.
Published May 26, 2023 10:42 AM - Last modified May 26, 2023 10:42 AM