
Detailed teaching plan


STV4214 International Environmental Governance

Required reading

Aakre, Stine and Jon Hovi (2010). “Emission Trading: Participation Enforcement Determines the Need for Compliance Enforcement”. European Union Politics, 11(3): 427-445.

Auld, Greame; Lars H. Gulbrandsen, and Constance L. McDermott (2008). “Certification Schemes and the Impact on Forests and Forestry”. Annual Review of Environment and Resources, 33: 187-211.

Breitmeier, Helmut; Oran R. Young, and Michael Zürn (2006). Analyzing International Environmental Regimes. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press. Chapter 4 (pp. 113-190).

Breitmeier, Helmut; Arild Underdal, and Oran R. Young (2011). “The Effectiveness of International Environmental Regimes: Comparing and Contrasting Findings from Quantitative Research”. International Studies Review, 13 (published online 5 July, 2011)

Barrett, Scott (1999). “Montreal versus Kyoto: International Cooperation and the Global Environment”. In I. Kaul, I. Grunberg, and M.A. Stern (eds.), Global Public Goods: International Cooperation in the 21st Century. Oxford: Oxford University Press (pp. 192-219).K

Barrett, Scott and Robert Stavins (2003): “Increasing Participation and Compliance in International Climate Change Agreements”. International Environmental Agreements, 3 (4): 349–376.

Chayes, Abram and Antonia H. Chayes (1993). “On Compliance”. International Organization, 47 (2): 175–205.

Concha, Ken (2006). Governing Water. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press. Chapter 1 (pp. 1-34).K

Conybeare, John A. (1980). “International Organization and the Theory of Property Rights”. International Organization, 34 (3): 307-344.

DeSombre, Elizabeth R. (2000). Domestic Sources of International Environmental Policy. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press. Chapters 1 and 2 (pp. 1-49).k

Downs, George W., David M. Rocke, and Peter N. Barsoom (1996). “Is the Good News about Compliance Good News about Cooperation?” International Organization, 50 (3): 379-406.

Downs, George W. and Michael A. Jones (2002). “Reputation, Compliance, and International Law”. Journal of Legal Studies, XXXI: S95-S114.

Fisher, Dana (2004). National Governance and the Global Climate Change Regime. Lanham: Rowman & Littlefield. Chapter 4.

Fisher, Dana (2006). “Bringing the Material Back In: Understanding the U.S. Position on Climate Change”. Sociological Forum, 21 (3): 467-494.

Haas, Peter M. (1992). “Introduction: Epistemic Communities and International Policy Coordination”. International Organization, 46 (1): 1-35. Hardin, Garrett (1977). “Living on a Lifeboat”. In Garrett Hardin & John Baden (red.): Managing the Commons. San Francisco: W. H. Freeman (pp. 261-279).k

Homer-Dixon, Thomas F. (1999). Environment, Scarcity, and Violence. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press. Chapters 3 and 5 (51pp). k

Hovi, Jon (2008). “Towards a Better Compliance System for the Climate Regime?”, forthcoming in Christophe P. Vasser (ed.), The Kyoto Protocol: Economic Assessments, Implementation Mechanisms, and Policy Implications. Nova Publishers. (15pp).

Hovi, Jon; Detlef F. Sprinz, and Arild Underdal (2009). “Implementing Long-Term Climate Policy: Time Inconsistency, Domestic Politics, International Anarchy”. Global Environmental Politics, 9 (3): 20-39.

Hovi, Jon and Tora Skodvin (2008). “Which Way to U.S. Climate Cooperation? Issue Linkage versus as U.S.-Based Agreement”. Review of Policy Research, 25 (2): 129-148.

Jahiel, Abigail R. (2006). “China, the WTO, and Implications for the Environment”. Environmental Politics, 15 (2): 310-329.

Miles, Edward L. et al. (2002). Environmental Regime Effectiveness: Confronting Theory with Evidence. Cambridge, MA: The MIT Press. Chapter 18 (pp. 467-474).k

Mitchell, Ronald B. (1994). “Regime Design Matters: Intentional Oil Pollution and Treaty Compliance”. International Organization, 48 (3): 425-458.K

Mitchell, Ronald B. (2008). “Evaluating the Performance of International Institutions: What to Evaluate and How to Evaluate It?” In O.R. Young, L.A. King, and H. Schroeder (eds.), Institutions and Environmental Change: Principal Findings, Applications, and Research Frontiers. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press (pp. 79-114).

Mitnick, Barry M. (1980). The Political Economy of Regulation. New York: Columbia University Press. Chapter 6 (pp. 321-363).k

Najam, Adil, Michaela Papa, and Nadaa Taijab (2006). Global Environmental Governance: A Reform Agenda. Winnipeg: International Institute of Sustainable Development. Chapter 1 (pp. 7-25).K

Skodvin, Tora (2000). “The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change”. In Steinar Andresen et al., Science and Politics in International Environmental Regimes. Manchester: Manchester University Press (pp. 146-180).K

Stokke, Olav S. (2005). “Trade Measures, WTO, and Climate Compliance”. In O. S. Stokke, J. Hovi, and G. Ulfstein (eds.), Implementing the Climate Regime: International Compliance. London: Earthscan (pp. 147-165).K

Underdal, Arild (2002). “One Question, Two Answers”. Chapter 1 in Edward L. Miles et al., Environmental Regime Effectiveness. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press (pp. 3-45).K

Young, Oran R. (2008). “Building Regimes for Socioecological Systems: Institutional Diganostics.” In O.R. Young, L.A. King, and H. Schroeder (eds.), Institutions and Environmental Change: Principal Findings, Applications, and Research Frontiers. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press (pp.115-144). K

Victor, David G. (2011). Global Warming Gridlock: Creating More Effective Strategies for Protecting the Planet. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Chapters 1, 7 and 8 (86pp.)

Total:ca 985 pages

Suggested Reading

Barrett, Scott (2003). Environment & Statecraft. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Benedick, Richard E. (1991). Ozone Diplomacy. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press.

Hasenclever, Andreas; Peter Mayer & Volker Rittberger (1997). Theories of International Regimes. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Lofdahl, Corey L. (2002). Environmental Impacts of Globalization and Trade. Cambridge, MA: The MIT Press.

Steffen, Will et al. (2004). Global Change and the Earth System: Executive Summary. Stockholm: IGBP.

Stokke, Olav S.; Jon Hovi, and Geir Ulfstein (eds.) (2005). Implementing the Climate Regime. International Compliance. London: Earthscan.

Victor, David G.; Kal Raustiala & Eugene B. Skolnikoff (eds.) (1998). The Implementation and Effectiveness of International Environmental Commitments. Cambridge, MA: The MIT Press.

Young, Oran R. (ed.) (1999). The Effectiveness of International Environmental Regimes. Cambridge, MA: The MIT Press.

Young, Oran R.; Leslie A. King, and Heike Shroeder (eds.) (2008), Institutions and Environmental Change: Principal Findings, Applications, and Research Frontiers. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press (remaining chapters).

Published Oct. 11, 2011 4:01 PM - Last modified Jan. 26, 2012 12:06 PM