Syllabus/achievement requirements


Online texts

Aakre, Stine, Leif Helland & Jon Hovi 2016. "When Does Informal Enforcement Work?" Journal of Conflict Resolution (ISSN 0022-0027) 60(7): 1312-1340. doi: 10.1177/0022002714560349

Almer, Christian & Ralph Winkler 2017. “Analyzing the Effectiveness of International Environmental Policies: The Case of the Kyoto Protocol”, Journal of Environmental Economics and Management (ISSN 0095-0696) 82(1): 125–151.

Bang, Guri, Jon Hovi & Tora Skodvin 2016. "The Paris Agreement: Short-term and Long-term Effectiveness", Politics and Governance (ISSN 2183-2463) 4(3): 209-218. doi: 10.17645/pag/v4i3.640

Barrett, Scott & Robert Stavins 2003. “Increasing Participation and Compliance in International Climate Change Agreements”, International Environmental Agreements (ISSN 1567-9764) 3(4): 349–376. doi:10.1023/B:INEA.0000005767.67689.28

Bernauer, Thomas, Liang Dong, Liam F. McGrath, Irina Shaymerdenova & Haibin Zhang 2016. "Unilateral or Reciprocal Climate Policy? Experimental Evidence from China”, Politics and Governance (ISSN: 2183-2463) 4(3): 152-171. doi: 10.17645/pag.v4i3.650

Bernauer, Thomas & Robert Gampfer 2015. “How Robust is Public Support for Unilateral Climate Policy?” Environmental Science & Policy 54: 316–330

Bernauer, Thomas, Robert Gampfer & Aya Kachi 2013. “European Unilateralism and Involuntary Burden-sharing in Global Climate Politics: A Public Opinion Perspective from the Other Side”,  European Union Politics 15 (1): 132–151. doi:10.1177/1465116513496878?

Bratberg, Espen, Sigve Tj?tta & Torgeir ?ines 2005 “Do Voluntary International Environmental Agreements Work? Journal of Environmental Economics and Management (ISSN 0095-0696) 50(3): 583-597.

Brun, Aslak 2016. “Conference Diplomacy: The Making of the Paris Agreement”, Politics and Governance (ISSN 2183-2463) 4 (3): 115-123.

Bulkeley, Harriet 2010. “Cities and the Governing of Climate Change”, Annual Review of Environment and Resources 35: 229–53. doi: 10.1146/annurev-environ-072809-101747

Chayes, Abram & Antonia H. Chayes. 1993. “On Compliance”, International Organization (ISSN: 0020-8183) 47 (2):175-205.

Dai, Xinyuan. 2005. “Why Comply? The Domestic Constituency Mechanism”, International Organization (ISSN: 0020-8183) 59 (2): 363-98. doi:

Dimitrov, Radoslav 2016. “The Paris Agreement on Climate Change: Behind Closed Doors”, Global Environmental Politics 16 (3): 1-11. doi: 10.1162/GLEP_a_00361

Downs, George W., David M. Rocke & Peter N. Barsoom. 1996. “Is the Good News about Compliance Good News about Cooperation?” International Organization (ISSN: 0020-8183) 50 (2):379-406.

Gesing, Friederike. 2018. "Transnational Municipal Climate Networks and the Politics of Standardisation: The Contested Role of Climate Data in the New Global Covenant of Mayors for Climate and Energy", Politics and Governance (ISSN 2183-2463) 6(3).

Hardin, Garrett 1968. "The Tragedy of the Commons", Science (ISSN 1095-9203) 162(3859): 1243-1248. doi: 10.1126/science.162.3859.1243

Helm, Carsten & Detlef Sprinz 2000. “Measuring the Effectiveness of International Environmental Regimes”, Journal of Conflict Resolution 44 (5): 630-652.

Hovi, Jon, Tora Skodvin & Stine Aakre 2013. “Can Climate Negotiations Succeed?” Politics and Governance (ISSN 2183-2463) 1(2): 138-150. doi: 10.12924/pag2013.01020138

Hovi, Jon, Detlef Sprinz, H?kon S?len & Arild Underdal 2016. “Climate Change Mitigation: A Role for Climate Clubs?” Palgrave Communications (ISSN 2055-1045) 2, Article no. 16020. doi: 10.1057/palcomms.2016.20

Hovi, Jon, Detlef Sprinz, H?kon S?len & Arild Underdal 2017. “Climate Clubs: A Gateway to Effective Climate Cooperation?” British Journal of Political Science (ISSN 0007-1234).

Hovi, J., D.F. Sprinz & A. Underdal 2003. ”The Oslo-Potsdam Solution to Measuring Regime Effectiveness: Critique, Response, and the Road Ahead”, Global Environmental Politics 3(3):74-96.

Hovi, Jon, Detlef F. Sprinz & Arild Underdal 2009. “Implementing Long-Term Climate Policy: Time Inconsistency, Domestic Politics, International Anarchy”, Global Environmental Politics (ISSN 1526-3800) 9(3): 20–39. doi: 10.1162/glep.2009.9.3.20

Keohane, Robert & Michael Oppenheimer 2016. “Paris: Beyond the Climate Dead End through Pledge and Review?” Politics and Governance 4 (3): 142-151.

Kokkvoll Tveit, Andreas 2018. “Norms, Incentives, or Deadlines? Explaining Norway’s Noncompliance with the Gothenburg Protocol”, Global Environmental Politics.  

Lee, Taedong 2013 “Global Cities and Transnational Climate Change Networks”, Global Environmental Politics 13 (1): 108-127.

Nyborg et al. 2016 ”Social Norms as Solutions”, Science 354(6308): 42-43. doi: 10.1126/science.aaf8317

Sabel, Charles F. & David G. Victor 2017. “Governing Global Problems under Uncertainty: Making Bottom-up Climate Policy Work”, Climatic Change (ISSN: 0165-0009) 144(1):15–27. doi: 10.1007/s10584-015-1507-y

Underdal, Arild 2017. “Climate Change and International Relations (After Kyoto)”, Annual Review of Political Science (ISSN 1094-2939) 20 (2017): 169-188.

van Asselt, Harro 2017. “Climate Change and Trade Policy Interaction: Implications of Regionalism”, OECD Trade and Environment Working Papers, 2017/03, OECD Publishing, Paris.

Young, Oran R. 2001. “Inferences and Indices: Evaluating the Effectiveness of International Environmental Regimes”, Global Environmental Politics (ISSN 1526-3800) 1(1): 99-121. doi: 10.1162/152638001570651

Young, Oran R. 2003. “Determining Regime Effectiveness: A Commentary on the Oslo-Potsdam Solution”, Global Environmental Politics (ISSN 1526-3800) 3(3): 97-104. doi: 10.1162/152638003322469295

Young, Oran R. 2016. “The Paris Agreement: Destined to Succeed or Doomed to Fail?” Politics and Governance (ISSN 2183-2463) 4(3): 124-132. doi: 10.17645/pag.v4i3.635


Unpublished manuscripts (only available on Fronter)

Mitchell, Ron B. 2015. “The Problem Structure of Climate Change: Obstacles to Cooperation”, Paper (revised) presented at the 2015 Meeting of the International Studies Association.

Mitchell, Ron B. 2017. “The Roles of Norms and Interests in Motivating the Fulfillment of Climate Commitments”, Paper presented at the 2017 Meeting of the International Studies Association.


RECOMMENDED READING (for empirical background)

Andresen, Steinar, Elin Boasson & Geir H?nneland 2011. International Environmental Agreements: An Introduction. London: Routledge.


Note: All required readings are available at no cost.



Published Nov. 21, 2017 10:33 AM - Last modified Feb. 27, 2018 4:04 PM