Syllabus/achievement requirements


Baldwin, D.A. (1999): The Sanctions Debate and the Logic of Choice, International Security 24. s. 80-107. (28s).

Collier, Paul: ‘Doing Well Out of War: An Economic Perspective', in Mats Berdal & David M. Malone, eds, Greed & Grievance: Economic Agendas in Civil Wars. , 2000.. Boulder, CO: Lynne Rienner. 91–111. (21s.).

Conybeare, J.A.C. (2004): Consumption, Production and Markets: Applications of Microeconomics to International Poitics" , in D.F. Sprinz & Y. Wolinsky-Nahmias (eds.): Models, Numbers and Cases. Methods for Studying International Relations. Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press 27p.

Dixit, A. & S. Skeath (1999): Games of Strategy, New York: W.W. Norton Kap. 2-3 60p.

Drezner, D. (2003): The Hidden Hand of Economic Coercion, International Organization 57:643-59 17p.

Ellsberg, D. (1975): "The Theory and Practice of Blackmail", ss.343-363 in O.R. Young (red.), Bargaining. Formal Theories of Negotiation. Urbana: University of Illinois Press. (21s).

Elster, J. (1986): "Introduction", ss. 1-33 i J. Elster (red.): Rational Choice, Oxford: Blackwell. (33 s.).

Fearon, J. (1995): "Rationalist Explanations of War", International Organization 379-414. (35 s.).

Fearon, James D. : `Why Do Some Civil Wars Last So Much Longer Than Others?', 2004. Journal of Peace Research 41(3). 275--302.

Fink, E.C., S. Gates & B.D.Humes (1998): Game Theory Topics: Incomplete Information, Repeated Games, and N-player Games, Thousand Oaks, Calif.: Sage. kap 1-2. (31 s.).

Gartzke, E. (1999): "War Is in the Error Term", International Organization 53. s. 567-587. (21 s.).

Gibbons, R. (1997): "An Introduction to Applicable Game Theory", Journal of Economic Perspectives 11. s. 127-149. (23 s.).

Harsanyi, J. (1986): "Advances in Understanding Rational Behavior", ss. 82-108 i J. Elster ( ed.): Rational Choice, Oxford: Blackwell. (27 s.).

Hovi, J. (1998): Games, Threats and Treaties. Understanding Commitments in International Relations, London: Pinter. Kap. 1-4. (73 s.).

Hovi, J., R. Huseby & D. Sprinz (2005): When Do (Imposed) Economic Sanctions Work?, World Politics 57(4). (25p).

Kilgour, M. & Y. Wolinsky-Nahmias (2004): Game Theory and International Environmental Policy, in D.F. Sprinz & Y. Wolinsky-Nahmias (eds.): Models, Numbers and Cases. Methods for Studying International Relations. Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press 27p.

Kydd, A. (2004): The Art of Shaker Modeling: Game Theory and Security Studies, in D.F. Sprinz & Y. Wolinsky-Nahmias (eds.): Models, Numbers and Cases. Methods for Studying International Relations. Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press .

Kydd, A. & B.F. Walter (2002): Sabotaging the Peace: The Politics of Extremist Violence, International Organization 56(2):263-296 34p.

Morrow, J.D. (1994): Game Theory for Political Scientists, Princeton, N.J.: Princeton University Press. Kap. 6. ( 27 s.).

Pape, R.A. (1997): ?Why Economic Sanctions Do Not Work?, International Security 22. s. 90-136. (47 s.).

Pape, Robert A. (2003): The Strategic Logic of Suicide Terrorism , American Political Science Review 97(3). . 343–361 (19p)..

Powell, R. (1990): Nuclear Deterrence Theory. The Search for Credibility, New York: Cambridge University Press. Ch. 1-2. ( 32 s.).

Powell, Robert (1991): "Absolute and Relative Gains in International Relations Theory", American Political Science Review 85(4). 1303–1320.

Sandler, Todd & Daniel G. Arce (2003): "Keynote Paper: Terrorism & Game Theory" , Simulation and Gaming 34(3). 319–337.

Schelling, T.C. (1966): Arms and Influence, New Haven: Yale University Press. Kap. 2. (57 s.).

Schelling, T.C. (1980/1960): The Strategy of Conflict, New York: Harvard University Press. Kap. 8. (16 s.).

Skaperdas, Stergios & Michell Garfinkel (2000): "Conflict Without Misperception or Incomplete Information: How the Future Matters"., Journal of Conflict Resolution 44(6). 793–807.

Snidal, D. (2004): Formal Modeling in International Politics, in D.F. Sprinz & Y. Wolinsky-Nahmias (eds.): Models, Numbers and Cases. Methods for Studying International Relations. Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press 38p.

Weiss, T.G. (1999): ?Sanctions as a Foreign Policy Tool?, Journal of Peace Research 36. s. 499-509. (11 s.).

Werner, Suzanne & Amy Yuen (2005): "Making and Keeping Peace" , International Organization 59(Spring). 261–292.

Sum pensum 821 s

Anbefalt litteratur:

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Varoufakis, Y. (1991): Rational Conflict, Oxford: Blackwell . Kap. 6. (42 s.).

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Published Oct. 27, 2004 1:59 PM - Last modified Dec. 21, 2005 6:09 PM