Syllabus/achievement requirements

Books and compendiums can be bought in Akademika bookstore at Blindern campus. You will need a valid semester card to buy compendiums.


Rolf Tamnes og Kristine Offerdal (red): Geopolitics and Security in the Arctic: Regional dynamics in a global world. London: Routledge 2014


Chen, Gang. 2011. China’s Emerging Arctic Strategy. Polar Journal 2, 358?–371. 14 s

Stokke, Olav Schram. 2016. Geopolitics, Governance, and Arctic Fisheries Politics. In E. Conde and S. S. Iglesias (eds.) Global Challenges in the Arctic Region: Sovereignty, Environment and Geopolitical Balance, 170–195. London: Routledge. 26 s.

Stokke, Olav Schram. 2011. Interplay Management, Niche Selection, and Arctic Environmental Governance. In S. Oberthür and O. S. Stokke (eds.) Managing Institutional Complexity: Regime Interplay and Global Environmental Change, 143–170. Cambridge MA: MIT Press, 2011. 28 p.

Tuathail, Gearóid ?, Simon Dalby and Paul Routledge, eds. 2006. The Geopolitics Reader (2nd ed) London: Routledge. Introductions to parts 1 (Imperialist geopolitics, 17–32), 2 (Cold-war geopolitics, 59–73) and 3 (Twenty first-century geopolitics, 119–134). Totalt 46 s

Wilson, Elana and Indra ?verland. 2007. Indigenous Issues. In O. S. Stokke and G. H?nneland (eds.), 27–49. 23 s

Zhang, Feng. 2012. Rethinking China’s Grand Strategy: Beijing’s Evolving National Interests and Strategic Ideas in the Reform Era. International Politics, 49:3, 318–345. 28 s

Online articles

Aalto, Pami. 2016. Modernisation of the Russian Energy Sector : Constraints on Utilising Arctic Offshore Oil Resources. Europe-Asia Studies, 68:1, 38-63.

?tland, Kristian and Kristin Ven Brusgaard. 2009. When Speech Acts Misfire: Russia and the Elektron Incident. Security Dialogue, 40:3, 333–354.

?tland, Kristian. 2014. "Interstate Relations in the Arctic: An Emerging Security Dilemma?"  Comparative Strategy 33 (2):145-166.

Bai, J. Y. 2015. "The IMO Polar Code: The Emerging Rules of Arctic Shipping Governance."  International Journal of Marine and Coastal Law 30 (4):674-699.

Bailey, Jennifer L. 2008. Arrested Development: The Fight to End Commercial Whaling as a Case of Failed Norm Change. European Journal of International Relations 14:2, 289–318.  

Borgerson, Scott G. 2008. Arctic Meltdown: The Economic and Security Implications of Global Warming. Foreign Affairs, 87:2, 63–77.

Buzan, Barry, and Michael Cox. 2013. "China and the US: Comparable Cases of ‘Peaceful Rise’?"  The Chinese Journal of International Politics 6 (2):109-132. Gautier, Donald L., and et al. 2009. "Assessment of Undiscovered Oil and Gas in the Arctic."  Science 324.

Dittmer, Jason, Sami Moisio, Alan Ingram, and Klaus Dodds. 2011. "Have you heard the one about the disappearing ice? Recasting Arctic geopolitics."  Political Geography 30 (4):202-214.

Gautier, Donald L., and et al. 2009. "Assessment of Undiscovered Oil and Gas in the Arctic."  Science 324.

Gritsenko, Daria. 2016. "Vodka on ice? Unveiling Russian media perceptions of the Arctic."  Energy Research & Social Science 16:8-12.

Harriss, Robert. 2012. The Arctic: Past or Prologue? Environment, 54:5, 3–14.

Ikenberry, G. John. 2014. The Illusion of Geopolitics: The Enduring Power of the Liberal Order. Foreign Affairs, 93:3, 80–91.

Jensen, L. C., and P. W. Skedsmo. 2010. "Approaching the North: Norwegian and Russian foreign policy discourses on the European Arctic."  Polar Research 29 (3):439-450.

Jensen, Leif Christian. 2007. Petroleum Discourse in the European Arctic: the Norwegian Case. Polar Record, 43:3, 247–254.

Kankaanpaa, P., and O. R. Young. 2012. "The effectiveness of the Arctic Council."  Polar Research 31: 1–14.

Koivurova, T., P. Kankaanpaa, and A. Stepien. 2015. "Innovative Environmental Protection: Lessons from the Arctic."  Journal of Environmental Law 27 (2):285-311.

Konyshev, Valery, and Alexander Sergunin. 2014. "Is Russia a revisionist military power in the Arctic?"  Defense & Security Analysis 30 (4):323-335.

McCauley, D., R. Heffron, M. Pavlenko, R. Rehner, and R. Holmes. 2016. "Energy justice in the Arctic: Implications for energy infrastructural development in the Arctic."  Energy Research & Social Science 16:141-146.

Mead, Walter Russell. 2014. The Return of Geopolitics: The Revenge of the Revisionist Powers. Foreign Affairs 93:3, 69–79.

Moe, Arild. 2014. "The Northern Sea Route: Smooth Sailing Ahead?"  Strategic Analysis 38 (6):784-802.

Moe, Arild, Daniel Fj?rtoft and Indra ?verland. 2011. Space and Timing: Why was the Barents Sea Delimitation Dispute Resolved in 2010? Polar Geography, 34:3, 145 –162.

Neumann, Antje, Kamrul Hossain. 2014. Does the EU Meet its Policy Objective of "Promoting Sustainable Use of Arctic Resources''? An Analysis from the Viewpoint of Arctic Energy Resources. European Energy and Environmental Law Review 23 (5), pp. 184–197.

Offerdal, K. 2011. "The EU in the Arctic."  International Journal 66 (4).

Pan, M., and H. P. Huntington. 2016. "A precautionary approach to fisheries in the Central Arctic Ocean: Policy, science, and China."  Marine Policy 63:153-157.

Pedersen, Torbj?rn. 2008. "The Dynamics of Svalbard Diplomacy." In Diplomacy and Statecraft.

Roi, Michael L. 2010. Russia: The Greatest Arctic Power? Journal of Slavic Military Studies 23:4, 551–573.

R?seth, Tom. 2014. "Russia’s China Policy in the Arctic."  Strategic Analysis 38 (6):841-859.

Rottem, Svein Vigeland. 2013. The Arctic Council and the Search and Rescue Agreement: The Case of Norway. Polar Record, 50 (254), 284–292.

Shadian, J.M. 2013. Of whales and oil: Inuit resource governance and the Arctic Council. Polar Record 49/4), 392-405.

Stokke, Olav Schram. 2013. Regime Interplay in Arctic Shipping Governance: Explaining Regional Niche Selection. International Environmental Agreements, 13:1, 65–85.

Stokke, Olav Schram. 2014. "Asian Stakes and Arctic Governance."  Strategic Analysis 38 (6):770-783.

Underdal, Arild. 2013. Meeting Common Environmental Challenges: The Co-evolution of Policies and Practices. International Environmental Agreements, 13:1, 15–30.

Vik, Hanne Hagtvedt and Anne Julie Semb. 2013. Who Owns the Land? Norway, the Sami and the ILO Indigenous and Tribal Peoples Convention. International Journal on Minority and Group Rights, 20:4, 517–550.

Walt, S. M. 1998. "International relations: One world, many theories."  Foreign Policy (110):29-46.

Wegge, Njord. 2015. "The emerging politics of the Arctic Ocean. Future management of the living marine resources."  Marine Policy 51:331-338.

Young, O. R. 2012. "Arctic Tipping Points: Governance in Turbulent Times."  Ambio 41 (1):75-84.

Young, O. R. 2016. "Governing the Arctic Ocean."  Marine Policy 72:271-277.

Nr. of pages: 880

Online articles:

Published Nov. 23, 2016 6:10 PM - Last modified Nov. 25, 2016 11:46 AM