Syllabus/achievement requirements

Students attending Master's courses will be able to participate on a library course. At the course you will learn how to do searches in both national and international databases, and you will have the opportunity to search the articles that is on your curriculum.The course is voluntary, but we strongly recommend that students attend. More information to come.


C. Hill og M. Smith (2011), International Relations and the European Union, Oxford, (250 pp)

Cameron, Fraser (2012) "An introduction to European Foreign Policy”. Routledge

Matlary, J. H. (2013) European Union Security Dynamics: In the new national Interest, Palgrave Macmillan.

Wallace, H. et al (2015) Policy-making in the European Union, Oxford, except ch. 8-15, (200 pp)

Downloadable articles, books and other texts

You can search the articles and e-books in the e-journal database available at the University of Oslo Library. This requires having access to and being logged onto the UiO system. Contact the Reference Services at the Humanities and Social Sciences Library if you have problems finding the literature.


Batora, J. (2005) “Does the EU transform the Institution of diplomacy?”, Journal of European Public Policy, 12,(1), pp. 44-66

Extra non-compulsory Reading

This literature is not part of the required reading. The purpose of the recommended reading is to broaden and deepen the understanding of the subjects addressed in the course.


Beach, D. (2005) The Dynamics of European Integration: Why and When EU Institutions Matter, Palgrave: Houndsmills, Basingstoke

Gann, L.H. and Duignan, P (1998) Contemporary Europe and the Atlantic Alliance Blackwell: Oxford

Geyer, R. Et al (2000) Globalization, Europeanization and the End of Scandinavian Social democracy? Macmillan: Houndsmills

Hayes-Renshaw, F. And Wallace, H (1997) The Council of Ministers, Macmillan:London

Hill, C. (1996) The Actors in Europe’s Foreign Policy, part 2: The smaller countries, Routledge, London

Hill, C. (1996) The Actors in Europe’s Foreign Policy, Part I, Routledge, London 130 s

Howorth, J. and Keeler, J. (eds.) (2003) Defending Europe: The EU, NATO and the Quest for European Autonomy, Palgrave: Houndsmills, Basingstoke

Ifestos, P. (1987) European Political Cooperation: Towards a Framework of Supranational Diplomacy? Evebury: Brookfield, USA

Nugent, N. (2006) The Government and Politics of the European Union Macmillan: London

N?rgaard, O. Et al. (1993) The European Community in World Politics, Pinter: London

Pedersen, T. (1994)  European union and the EFTA countries : enlargement and integration, Pinter, London

Smith, M.E. (2004) Europe’s Foreign and Security Policy. The Institutionalisation of Cooperation Cambridge Univ. Press, Cambridge

Tiilikainen et al (eds) (1993) The Nordic Countries and the EC CORE Copenhagen

Tonra, B. and Christiansen, T. (eds.) (2004) Rethinking European Union Foreign Policy, Manchester Univ. Press,

Van Ham, P. (1993) The EC, Eastern Europe and European Unity: Discord, Collaboration, and Integration Since 1947, Pinter:London

Published Feb. 3, 2015 10:31 AM - Last modified Mar. 23, 2015 11:09 AM