
Tekster merket med "K" er samlet i kompendium, Tekster merket med "B" er b?ker som m? kj?pes (for eksempel i Akademika), tekster merket med "F" blir lagt ut i fronter ved semesterstart, og tekster merket med "Lenke" finnes elektronisk gjennom bibliotekets baser.

Adelman, Morris A. (1995). ‘Economics of Oil Supply’. Chapter 2 in Morris A. Adelman, The Genie out of the Bottle - World Oil since 1970, pp. 11-34. Cambridge MA: The MIT Press. (23 p.) K

Austvik, Ole Gunnar (2012). ‘Landlord and entrepreneur. The shifting roles of the state in Norwegian oil and gas policy’. Governance, 25(2): 315-334. (19 p.)

Bang, Guri (2010). ‘Energy Security and Climate Change Concerns: Triggers for Energy Policy Change in the United States?’ Energy Policy, 38(4): 1645-1653. (9 p.)

Bentley, R.W. (2002). ‘Global oil & gas depletion: an overview’. Energy Policy, 30: 189-205. (16 p.)

Cappelen, ?dne and Lars Mj?set (2009). ‘Can Norway Be a Role Model for Natural Resource Abundant Countries?’ Research Paper No. 2009/23, UNU: World Institute for Development Economics Research. (26 p.)

Birchfield, Vicki L. and John S. Duffield (eds.) (2011). Towards a Common European Energy Policy – Problems, Progress, and Prospects. New York: Palgrave Macmillan. (81 pp.) K Contributions by:

  • Duffield, John S. and Vicki L. Birchfield, pp. 1-9
  • Birchfield, Vicki L. , pp. 253-262
  • Eikeland, Per Ove, pp. 13-40
  • Youngs, Richard, pp. 41-60

Cheap, Aleh and Jessica Jewell (2011). ‘The three perspectives on energy security: intellectual history, disciplinary roots and the potential for integration’. Current Opinion in Environmental Sustainability, 3:202-212. (10 p.)

Claes, Dag Harald (2002). ‘The Process of Europeanisation – Norway and the Internal Energy Market’. Journal of Public Policy, 22(3): 299-323. (24 p.)

Claes, Dag Harald (2003). ‘Globalisation and State Oil Companies: the Case of Statoil’. Journal of Energy and Development, 29(1): 43-64. (19 p.)

Claes, Dag Harald (2010). ‘Global Energy Security: Resource Availability, Economic Conditions and Political Constraints’. Paper resented at the SGIR 7th Pan‐European International Relations Conference: September 9‐11, 2010. (Copy on Fronter.) (26 p.)

Claes, Dag Harald (forthcoming 2013). ‘Cooperation and conflict in oil and gas markets’. In Andreas Goldthau (ed.), Wiley's Handbook of Global Energy Policy. Chicester: John Wiley and Sons. (Copy on Fronter). (18 p.)

Eikeland, Per Ove and Jon Birger Skj?rseth (forthcoming). ‘Analytical Framework’. Chapter 2 in Skj?rseth and Eikeland (eds.), Governing European Industry by Emissions Trading. Aldershot: Ashgate.

Florini, Ann and Benjamin K. Sovacool (2011). ‘Bridging the Gaps in Global Energy Governance’. Global Governance, 17(x): 57-74. (17 p.)

Global Energy Assessment (2012). Summary for Policymakers (pp. 3-30). Laxenburg: IIASA ( (28 p.)

Goldthau, Andreas (2012a). ‘A Public Policy Perspective on Global Energy Security’. International Studies Perspectives, 13: 65–84. (20 p.)

Goldthau, Andreas (2012b). ‘From the State to the Market and Back: Policy Implications of Changing Energy Paradigms’. Global Policy, 3(2): 198-210. (13 p.)

Han, Guoyi, Marie Olsson, Karl Hallding and David Lunsford (2012). China’s Carbon Emission Trading: An Overview of Current Development. Stockholm: FORES study 2012-1: pp. 18-40. ( ) (22 p)

Helm, Dieter (2011). ‘Peak oil and energy policy – a critique’. Oxford Review of Economic Policy, 27(1): 68-91. (23 p.)

Humphreys, Macartan, Jeffrey D. Sachs, and Joseph E. Stiglitz (2007). ‘Introduction: What is the Problem with Natural Resource Wealth?’ Chapter 1 in Humphreys, Sachs, and Stiglitz (eds.), Escaping the Resource Curse. New York: Columbia University Press. (20 p.)

H??k, Mikael and Kjell Aleklett (2008). ‘A decline rate study of Norwegian oil production’. Energy Policy, 36: 4262-4271. (9 p.)

International Energy Agency (2011). ‘Energy for All: Financing access for the poor’. World Energy Outlook 2011. Paris: OECD/IEA ( ) (48 p)

Leung, Guy C.K. (2011). ‘China’s energy security: Perceptions and reality’. Energy Policy, 39: 1330-1337. (8 p.)

Li, Jun and Xin Wang (2012). Energy and climate policy in China’s twelfth five-year plan: A paradigm shift’. Energy Policy, 41: 519-528. (10 p.)

Yu, Ling and Xu Cai (2012). ‘Exploitation and utilization of the wind power and its perspectives in China’. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 16: 2111-217. (7 p.)

‘Maps of European Energy – Infrastructures, Volumes and Regulatory Framework’. (22 p).

Meidan, Michael, Philip Andrews-Speed and Ma Xin (2009). ‘Shaping China’s Energy Policy: Actors and Processes’. Journal of Contemporary China, 18(61): 591-616. (27 p.)

Nilsson, M?ns, Lars J. Nilsson, and Karin Ericsson (2009). The rise and fall of GO trading in European renewable energy policy: The role of advocacy and policy framing. Energy Policy, 37(11): 4454-4462. (8 p.)

Oberthür, Sebastian and Claire R. Kelly (2008). EU Leadership in International Climate Policy: Achievements and Challenges. The International Spectator, 43(3): 35-50. (15 p.)

Posner, Paul R. (2010). ‘The Politics of Vertical Diffusion: The States and Climate Change’. Pp. 73-100 in Barry Rabe (ed.), Greenhouse Governance: Addressing Climate Change in America. Washington DC: Brookings Institutions Press. (27 p.) K

REN21 (2012). ‘Renewables 2012: Global Status Report’. Executive Summary (pp. 13-19). (6 p.)

Rosenbaum, Walter A. (2011). ‘Energy: Nuclear Dreams, Black Gold, and Vanishing Crude’. Chapter 8 in Rosenbaum, Environmental Politics and Policy, 8th edition. Washington DC: CQ Press. ( 42p) K

Rowlands, Ian H. (2010). ‘Encouraging Renewable Electricity to Promote Climate Change Mitigation’. Pp. 181-203 in Barry Rabe (ed.), Greenhouse Governance: Addressing Climate Change in America. Washington DC: Brookings Institutions Press. (22 p.) K

Skj?rseth, Jon Birger and J?rgen Wettestad (2009). ‘The Origin, Evolution and Consequences of the EU Emission Trading System’. Global Environmental Politics, 9(2): 101-122. (22 p.)

Skj?rseth, Jon Birger and J?rgen Wettestad (2010). ‘Fixing the EU Emissions Trading System? Understanding the Post-2012 Changes’. Global Environmental Politics, 10(4): 101-123. (23 p)

Skodvin, Tora, Anne T. Gullberg, and Stine Aakre (2010). ‘Target-group influence and political feasibility: The case of climate policy design in Europe’. Journal of European Public Policy, 17(6): 854-873. (20 p.)

Smith, James L. (2009). ‘World Oil: Market or Mayhem?’ Journal of Economic Perspectives, 23(3): 145-164. (19 p.)

Thompson, Elspeth and Nobuhiro Horii (2009). ‘China’s Energy Security: Challenges and Priorities’. Eurasian Geography and Economics, 50(6): 643-664. (22 p.)

Turner, Adair et al. (2011). ‘The oil trading markets, 2003–10: analysis of market behaviour and possible policy responses’. Oxford Review of Economic Policy, 27(1): 33–67. (34 p.)

UNDP (2011). ‘SELCO: Solar Lightning for the Poor’. (20 p.)

Victor, David G. and Linda Yueh (2010). ‘The New Energy Order: Managing Insecurities in the Twenty-first Century’. Foreign Affairs, 89(1): 61-73 (13 p.)

Waskow, David and Carol Welch (2005). ‘The Environmental, Social and Human Rights Impacts of Oil Development’. Pp. 101-123 in Svetlana Tsalik and Anya Schiffrin (eds.), Covering Oil. New York: The Open Society Institute.(23 p.)

Wheeler, David and Kevin Ummel (2007). ‘Another Inconvenient Truth: A Carbon-Intensive South Faces Environmental Distaster, No Matter What the North Does’. Center for Global Development, Working Paper 134 ( (20 p)

Published Mar. 22, 2012 9:33 AM - Last modified Sep. 21, 2012 4:31 PM