
Bakke, Elisabeth (1995): 'Mot ein Europeisk identitet?' i Tidsskrift for Samfunnsforskning 4, 1995: 467–493. 25 s.

Bakke, Elisabeth (1999a): 'A nationality policy framework', kap. 4 i Doomed to failure? The Czechoslovak nation project and the Slovak autonomist reaction 1918–1938. Oslo: Series of dissertations submitted to the Department of Political Science, Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Oslo, No. 11/99. 20 s.

Berghe, Pierre van den (2002): "Multicultural democracy: can it work?" i Nations and Nationalism (vol. 8) 4: 433–449. 16 s.

Brottveit, ?nund, Brit Marie Hovland & Olaf Aagedal (2004): ’17. mai-toget gjennom historia’, og ’Nasjonale symbol i m?te med EU’, i Slik blir nordmenn norske. Oslo: Unipax. (illustrasjonar er ikkje med i sidetalet) 44 s.

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Coakley, John (2004): "Mobilizing the Past: Nationalist Images of History", i Nationalism and Ethnic Politics, 10:4, 531–560. 30 s.

Connor, Walker (2004): "The timelessness of nations", i Nations and Nationalism (vol. 10)1/2: 35–47. 13 s.

Dragojevi?, Mila (2005). 'Competing Institutions in National Identity Construction: The Croatian Case', i Nationalism and Ethnic Politics, 11:1, 61–87. 27s.

Gellner, Ernest (1998): Nasjonalisme. Oslo: Spartacus Forlag, Kap. 1–12 +16. 81 s.

Hobsbawm, Eric J. and Ranger, Terence (1992): The invention of tradition. New York: Cambridge University Press, kap. 1 'Introduction. Inventing traditions'. 14 s.

Hobsbawm, Eric J. (1992): Nations and nationalism since 1780. Programme, myth, reality, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, kap. 2. 34 s.

Hroch, Miroslav (1993): 'From national movement to the fully formed nation', i New Left Review 198: 3–20, London. 18 s.

Hroch, Miroslav (1996a): "Nationalism and national movements: comparing the past and the present of Central and Eastern Europe", i Nations and Nationalism 1, 1996: 35–44. 10 s.

Hroch, Miroslav (1996b): 'Specific features of the nation-forming process in the circumstances of the "small nation",' i ?ystein S?rensen (red.): Nationalism in Small European Nations, KULTs skriftserie nr. 47, NFR. 22 s.

Hylland Eriksen, Thomas (2007): "Nationalism and the Internet", i Nations and Nationalism 13 (1), 2007, 1–17. 17 s.

Kymlicka, Will (1995): Multicultural citizenship. Oxford: Clarendon Press, kap. 2, 5, 6 80 s.

Mann, Michael (1995): "A political theory of nationalism and its excesses", Kap. 4 i Sukumar Periwal (red): Notions of nationalism. Budapest: Central European University Press. 20 s.

Miller, David (1995): On nationality. Oxford: Oxford University Press, kap. 4 38 s.

Miller, David (1996): "On nationality", i Nations and Nationalism 3, 1996: 409-20 12 s.

Seip, Anne-Lise (1998): "Det norske ”vi” – kulturnasjonalisme i Norge", i ?ystein S?rensen (red.): Jakten p? det norske. Oslo: Ad Notam Gyldendal. 16 s.

Semb, Anne Julie (2005): "Sami self-determination in the making?", i Nations and Nationalism 11 (4), 2005: 539-549 18 s.

Smith, Anthony D. (1998): Nationalism and modernism. A critical survey of recent theories of nations and nationalism. London & New York: Routledge, kap. 4, 6, 8 81 s.

Smith, Anthony D. (2001): Nationalism. Theory, ideology, history. Oxford: Polity. Kap 1–4. 82 s.

Stordahl, Vigdis (1997): "Samene: Fra ?lavtstaaende race? til ?urbefolkning?", i Thomas Hylland Eriksen (red.): Flerkulturell forst?else. Oslo: Tano Aschehoug, side 139–52. 14 s.

S?rensen, ?ystein (1997): "Nasjon og nasjonalisme", i Thomas Hylland Eriksen (red.): Flerkulturell forst?else. Oslo: Tano Aschehoug, side 108–21. 14 s.

Triandafyllidou, Anna (2008): "Popular perceptions of Europe and the Nation: the case of Italy", i Nations and Nationalism 14 (2), 2008, 261–282. 22 s.

?zkirimli, Umut & Steven Grosby (2007): "Nationalism Theory Debate: The Antiquity of Nations?", i Nations and Nationalism 13 (3), 2007, 523–537. 15 s.

?sterud, ?yvind (1994): Hva er nasjonalisme? Oslo: Universitetsforlaget, Kap.1–2, 4–6, 8–9. 101 s.

Samla pensum: 918 s.


Tidsskrifta Nations and Nationalism, National Identities, Nationalism and Ethnic Politics – tilgjengelege via Bibliotekets heimesider,, under “finn e-tidsskrift (x-port)” til h?gre p? sida. ? Sj? s?rleg Nations and Nationalism 1/2004. Special Issue. History and National Destiny: Ethnosymbolism and its critics.

Nyare tilleggslitteratur

Albertazzi, Daniele. 2006. ''Back to our roots' or self-confessed manipulation? The uses of the past in the Lega Nord's positing of Padania',i National Identities,8:1,2139

Bader, Veit. 2007. 'Defending Differentiated Policies of Multiculturalism',i National Identities, 9:3, 197–215.

Barry, Brian. 2001. Culture & equality. Cambridge: Politi Press.

Coakley, John (red.). 2003. The Territorial Management of Ethnic Conflict. London: Frank Cass.

Cram, Laura. 2009a. Identity and European integration: diversity as a source of integration, i Nations and Nationalism 15 (1), 2009, 109–128.

Cram, Laura. 2009b. Introduction: banal Europeanism: European Union identity and national identities in synergy, i Nations and Nationalism 15 (1), 2009, 101–108.

Hroch, Miroslav. 2000. Social preconditions of national revival on Europe: A comparative analysis of the social composition of patriotic groups among the smaller European nations. New York: Columbia University Press.

Hroch, Miroslav. 2004. From ethnic group toward the modern nation: the Czech case, i Nations and Nationalism (vol. 10)1/2: 95–108.

Hroch, Miroslav. 2005. Das Europa der Nationen. Die Moderne Nationsbildung im europ?ischen Vergleich. G?ttingen: Vanderhoeck & Ruprecht.

Karner, Christian. 2005. 'The 'Habsburg Dilemma' Today: Competing Discourses of National Identity in Contemporary Austria',i National Identities,7:4,409–432.

Kaufmann, Eric & Oded Haklai. 2008. Dominant ethnicity: from minority to majority, i Nations and Nationalism 14 (4), 2008, 743–767.

Koinova, Maria. 2009. 'Why Do Ethnonational Conflicts Reach Different Degrees of Violence? Insights from Kosovo, Macedonia, and Bulgaria during the 1990s', i Nationalism and Ethnic Politics,15:1,84–108.

Leustean, Lucian N. 2008. Orthodoxy and political myths in Balkan national identities,i National Identities,10:4,421–432.

Maxwell, Alexander. 2005. 'Multiple Nationalism: National Concepts in Nineteenth-Century Hungary and Benedict Anderson's “Imagined Communities”',i Nationalism and Ethnic Politics,11:3,385–414.

Moore, Margaret. 2001. Normative justifications for liberal nationalism: justice, democracy and national identity, i: Nations and Nationalism 7 (1), 2001, 1–20.

O'Leary, Brendan. 2001. An iron law of nationalism and federation? i: Nations and Nationalism 7 (3), 2001, 273–296.

Eldre tilleggslitteratur

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Bakke, Elisabeth (2001): Spr?k og nasjonsforming i Noreg i eit europeisk perspektiv, i Elisabeth Bakke & H?vard Teigen (red.): Kampen for spr?ket. Oslo: Samlaget. Tilgjengeleg p?

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Published Oct. 1, 2010 9:50 AM - Last modified Dec. 1, 2010 5:08 PM