Syllabus/achievement requirements


A. Indonesia

Cribb, Robert and Brown, Colin (1995): Modern Indonesia: A history since 1945, London and New York: Longman. Selected readings (incl. Ch. 4 and parts of Ch 10) (60 pp.).

Demos? project plan and questionnaire for democratisation assessment, with associated materials (35 pp.):

Hadiz, Vedi R. (2003a): Decentralisation and Democracy in Indonesia: A critique of neo institutionalist perspectives, (Manuscript) (25 pp.).

Hadiz, Vedi R. (2003b): Power and Politics in North Sumatra: The Uncompleted Reformasi, (Manuscript) (15 pp.).

Hadiz, Vedi R. (2003c): "Indonesia?s Transition to Democracy Reconsidered", in Priyono, Prasetyo and T?rnquist (eds.):The Post Suharto Democracy Movement, Jakarta: ISAI/Demos, Forthcoming. (9 pp.).

Klinken, Gerry van (2001): ?The Maluku Wars. Bringing Society Back in?, Indonesia 71. (26 pp.).

Klinken, Gerry van (2003): ?The Roots of Ethnic Conflic in Indonesia?, in Priyono, Prasetyo and T?rnquist (eds.): The Post Suharto Democracy Movement, Jakarta: ISAI/Demos, Forthcoming. (15 pp.).

Nasikun (2003): ? Consociationalism and Democratic Transition in a Plural Society?, in Priyono, Prasetyo and T?rnquist (eds) The Post Suharto Democracy Movement, Jakarta: ISAI/Demos. Forthcoming. (20 pp).

Nordholt, Henk Schulte (2002a): ?A genealogy of violence?, in Colombijn, Freek and Lindblad, Thomas J. (eds.): Roots of Violence in Indonesia, Leiden: KITLV Press. (22 pp.).

Nordholt, Henk Schulte (2002b): Renegotiating Boundaries: Acess, Agency and Identity in Post-Suharto Indonesia, paper to the LPD-colloquium, Oslo March 11, 2003 (20 pp.).

Sidel, John (1998): ?Macet Total: Logics of Circulation and Accumulation in the Demise of Indonesia?s New Order?, Indonesia 66. (38 pp.).

T?rnquist with Priyono and Prasetyo (2003): ?Introduction and conclusions?, in Priyono, Prasetyo and T?rnquist (eds.): The Post Suharto Democracy Movement, Jakarta: ISAI/Demos, Forthcoming (25 pp.).

T?rnquist, Olle (2000): ?Dynamics of Indonesian democratisation?, Economic and Political Weekly, April 29. (also in Third World Quarterly 21(3)). (16 pp.).

T?rnquist, Olle (2002a): Popular Development and Democracy: Case studies with Rural Dimensions in the Philippines, Indonesia and Kerala, Oslo: SUM and UNRISD. ?Chapter 8: New but poorly Anchored Democratic Options in Indonesia? (26 pp.).

T?rnquist, Olle (2003a): ?Indonesia and the International Discourse on Democratisation: Problems and Prospects? and ?Workers and Democracy? Tentative Reflections on the Indonesian Impasse? , in Priyono, Prasetyo and T?rnquist (eds.): The Post Suharto Democracy Movement, Jakarta: ISAI/Demos, Forthcoming. ( 30 pp.).

T?rnquist, Olle (2003b): Quick, Cheap and Efficient: The mass Killings of Indonesian Communists 1965-1966 Revisited , (Manuscript) (15 pp.).

Sub total pages 397pp

B. India

Corbridge, Stuart and Harriss, John (2000): Reinventing India: Liberalisation, Hindu Nationalism, and Popular Democracy,, Cambridge: Polity. (Extracts (200 pp.).

Gooch, Pernille (1998): At the tail of the buffalo: Van Gujjar pastoralists between the forest and the world arena Lund monographs in social anthropology , 6 Trykt: Lund : Department of Sociology, Lund University, 1998. (40 pp.).

Guha, Ramachandra (1990): The unquiet woods : ecological change and peasant resistance in the Himalaya, Berkeley, Calif.: University of California Press. (90 pp.).

Kjellberg, Francesco and Dan Banik (2000): The paradox of pollution control: Regulations and administration in a South Indian state, Research report no 2/2000, Dept. of Political Science, University of Oslo. Summary and conclusion. (10 pp.).

T?rnquist, Olle (2002b): Popular Development and Democracy: Case studies with Rural Dimensions in the Philippines, Indonesia and Kerala, Oslo: SUM and UNRISD. "Chapter 9: Pioneering Attemts tho Renew the Kerala Model? (25 pp.).

Wade, Robert (1982): "The system of administrative and political corruption: Canal irrigation in South India." , The Journal of Development Studies. pp. 287-327. (30 pp.).

Sub total pages 395pp

C. China

B?ckman, Harald (1996): ?Informal Chinese Politics: Society in the State?, Forum for Development Studies 2. pp. 207-25 (18 pp.).

Chen, Feng (2000): ?Subsistence Crises, Managerial Corruption and Labor Protests in China?, The China Journal, No. 44.. pp. 41-63. (22 pp.).

China Quarterly No. 162 (June 2000): Special Issue on Elections and Democracy in China, pp. 365-559 (194 pp.).

Christiansen, Flemming og Shirin Rai (1996): Chinese Politics and Society. An Introduction, London: Prentice Hall. pp. 1-24 (24 pp).

Feuchtwang, Stephan (2000): ?Religion as Resistance?, in Perry, Elizabeth J. and Mark Selden (eds.): Chinese Society ? Change, Conflict and Resistance. London: Routledge, pp. 161-77 (16 pp.).

Foster, Kenneth W. (2002): ?Embedded Within State Agencies: Business Associations in Yantai?, The China Journal No. 47 (Jan. 2002), . pp. 41-65. (24 pp.).

Goodman, David S. G. (2002): ?Structuring Local Identity: Nation, Province and County in Shanxi During the 1990?s?, China Quarterly 172 (Dec. 2002). pp. 837-62 (25 pp.).

Guo Xiaolin (2002): "Land Expropriation and Rural Conflicts in China", China Quarterly 170 (June 2002). pp. 422-39. (17 pp.).

Kaup, Katherine Palmer (2002): ?Regionalism vs. Ethnonationalism in the PRC?, China Quarterly 172 (December 2002). pp. 863-84 (21 pp.).

Perry, Elizabeth J. (1999): ?Crime, Corruption and Contention?, in Goldman, Merle and Roderick Macfarquhar (eds.): The Paradox of China?s Post-Mao Reforms, Cambridge: Harvard U.P., pp. 308-29 (21 pp.).

White, Gordon, Jude Howell and Shang Xiaoyuan (1996): In Search of Civil Society: Market Reform and Social Change in Contemporary China, Chapter 2, Oxford: Clarendon Press. . pp. 15-38. (23 pp.).

Sub total pages, China 405 pp

Grand total pages (1197 pp)

Published May 19, 2003 10:29 AM - Last modified Aug. 8, 2003 7:11 PM