STV4344 – Politics in developing countries: contextual analyses in theoretical perspectives

Course content

Most countries in the South are confronted with massive challenges related to unemployment, poverty and inequality, internal tensions between ethnic groups and/or classes as well as economic challenges linked to globalisation. Politics in terms of democratisation, ‘good governance’, and local self-governance, including the participation of civil society, has come in the forefront both as analytical concepts and as prescriptions. This course will review and critically discuss outstanding contributions within this framework, thus also paving the way for theoretically informed contextual studies in different regions of the South.

Emnebeskrivelse (utfyllende informasjon om lover, regler og forskrifter tilnyttet emnet)

Learning outcome

The aim of the course is to give you relatively advanced knowledge about and ability to analyse independently the role of politics in the crisis of development and policy formulation in the South.


Students who are admitted to study programmes at UiO must each semester register which courses and exams they wish to sign up for in Studentweb.

If you are not already enrolled as a student at UiO, please see our information about admission requirements and procedures.


Formal prerequisite knowledge

Bachelor?s degree programme in Political Science or equivalent.

Recommended previous knowledge

Bachelor?s degree programme in Political Science or equivalent.


This course is a collective effort of leading Oslo-based scholars on politics in developing countries. Six lectures will be given, presenting the overall theoretical perspectives and analysis, followed by a joint seminar where the requirements and possible topics for essays will be identified and discussed. Thereafter, parallel seminars are organised where the general themes are studied more in-depth in the framework of principal scholarship on the specific problems in different regions such as Africa, Asia, Latin America or the Middle East, depending on demand and resources. The parallel seminars will be introduced by one lecture, whereas the remaining sessions are devoted to critical discussions of fine contextual studies and the themes of the students’ own essays. Students will be able to choose some literature themselves amongst recommendations provided by the course leaders, in addition to the in-depth and compulsory reading listed.


A-version: Course examination will be in the form of (a) a 5 hour written exam, (b) the presentation of a plan for your course essay, and once this is approved, (c) the writing of a 10-15 pages essay within the course subject matter. The written exam and the final essay are graded on the standard scale from A to F.

B-version: Course examination will be in the form of (a) a 5 hour written exam. The written exam is graded on the standard scale from A to F. (Se below for more information.)

Explanations and appeals


STV4344B Politics in developing countries: contextual analyses in theoretical perspectives, 10 ECTS-credits

The course is offered with both 10 and 15 ECTS credits. The B-version (10 ECTS credits) is only open for students on the hovedfag, and who were admitted to the programme in spring 2003 or earlier. Hospitants and exchange students are allowed to take the B-version. This arrangement will last until the spring term 2005. The B-version is identical to the A-version except for the form of exam.

Facts about this course


Spring 2004 and Spring 2005


Spring 2004 and Spring 2005

Teaching language