Syllabus/achievement requirements

Compulsory reading (sessions 1- 6):

Aidt, T. & Z. Tzannaatos: Unions and Collective Bargaining, 2002. World Bank. Introduction and Summary. pp 1- 16. 16 pp.

Avritzer, L.: Democracy and the Public Space in Latin America, 2002. Chapt. 2: Democratic Theory and the Formation of a Public Sphere, pp. 36- 54. 19 pp.

Beetham, David: Democracy and Human Rights, 1999. Cambridge: Polity Press.pp. 89-114. 25 pp.

Carother, T.: The end of the Transition Paradigm, in Journal of Democracy, Vol. 13, No. 1 January 2002, pp. 5 – 21. ( 17 pp.

Giugni, M.: Introduction. “Social Movements and Change, 1998. In Giugni, M. G.; D. McAdam & C. Tilly (eds.) From Contention to Democracy. Pp. xi to xxvi. 16 pp.

Grugel, J. (2002): Democratization: A Critical Introduction, Houndmills and New York: Palgrave. Selected pages (150pp).

Harriss, J.; K. Stokke & O. T?rnquist (eds.): The Politics of the 'Local' in Contemporary Discourses on Democracy. Introduction, 2004. Houndmills and New York: Palgrave. 20 pp.

Hefner, W. Robert: Civil Islam: Muslims and Democratisation in Indonesia, 2000. Princeton and Oxford: Princeton University Press. pp x-xx, 3-20, 214-221. 24pp.

Hoogvelt, A.: Globalisation and the Post Colonial World, 1997. Houndmills: MacMillan. Chapter 6: Globalisation, pp. 114-131 & chapter 8: Africa: Exclusion and the containment of Anarchy. 38 pp.

Huntington, S. P.: The Clash of Civilizations and the Remaking of World Order, 1997. pp. 19-39. 15 pp.

Inglehart, R.: Modernization and Postmodernization. Cultural, Economic and Political Change in 3 countries, 1997. Princeton: Princeton University Press. Chapter 6, pp. 160 – 215. 55 pp.

Migdal, Joel S., Kohli, Atul, and Shue, Vivian: State Power and Social Forces, Domination and Transformation in the Third World, 1994. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. pp. 293-323. 30pp.

Sidel, John, T.: Capital, Coercion, and Crime. Bossism in the Philippines, 1999. Stanford: Stanford University Press. pp. 1-23, 140-154. 38pp.

T?rnquist, Olle: Politics and Development. A Critical Introduction, 1999. London, Thousand Oaks, New York. Chapter 12 pp. 123-133. 10pp.

T?rnquist, Olle (2004a) : The Political Deficit of Substantial Democratisation, in Harriss, J.; K. Stokke & O. T?rnquist (eds.): Politicising Democracy. : Local Politics and Democratisation in Developing Countries. (Ch. 1). Houndmills and New York: Palgrave. 20pp.

T?rnquist, Olle (2004): Assessing Substantial Democratisation, manuscript, University of Oslo. 25pp.

Torres, R.: Towards a Socially Sustainable World Economy. An analysis of the social Pillars of globalisation, Geneva: International Labour Organisation. pp. 19-31 & 54 – 68. 28 pp.

T?rres, L. (2004): Labour rights and social capital: Trade Unions and political change in southern Africa., Mimeo, University of Oslo.

UNDP 2002: Deepening democracy by tackling democratic deficits, Chapter 3 in Human Development Report 2002. Deepening democracy in a fragmented world. Pp 63 – 83. 20 pp.

Total Approx.: 590 pp.

Recommended reading:

Avritzer, L.: Democracy and the Public Space in Latin America, 2002. Princeton: Princeton University Press.

Bhagwati, J.: Free Trade Today, 2002. Princeton: Princeton University Press.

Carothers, G.: A Reply to My Critics, 2002b. In Journal of Democracy, Vol. 13, No. 3, July 2002. pp. 33- 38.

Coleman, J. S.: Social capital in the creation of human capital, 1988. in American Journal of Sociology. 1994.

Dollar, D.: Globalisation, Inequality and Poverty, 2001. World Bank.

Grugel, J. (2002): Democratization: A Critical Introduction, Houndmills and New York: Palgrave.

Hadenius, A.: Democracy and Development, 1992. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Chapter 6 (pp. 112 – 127).

Harriss: Depoliticising Development: The World Bank and social capital, 2001. New Dehli: LeftWord Books.

Hyman, G.: Tilting the Straw Man, 2002. In Journal of Democracy, Vol. 13, No. 2, July 2002. pp. 26 - 32.

Kohli, A., Evans, P., Katzenstein, P.J., Przeworksi, A., Rudolph, S.H., Scott, J.C., and Skocpol, T.: The Role of Theory in Comparative Politics: A Symposium, 1995. World Politics, 1:48.

O’Donnell, G.: In Partial defense of an Evanescent “Paradigm", in Journal of Democracy, Vol. 13, No. 3, July 2002. pp. 6-12.

Nodia, G.: The Democratic Path, in Journal of Democracy, Vol. 13, No. 3, July 2002. pp. 13 – 19.

Plattner, M. F.: Globalisation and Self-Government, 2002. in Journal of democracy, Vol. 13, No. 3. pp. 54 – 67.

Putnam, R.: Making Democracy Work: Civic Traditions in Modern Italy, 1993. Princeton: Princeton University Press.

Rueschmeyer, D.; E. Stephens & J. Stephens: Capitalist Development and Democracy, 1992. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.

T?rnquist, Olle: Politics and Development. A Critical Introduction, 1999. London, Thousand Oaks, New York.

Wollack, K.: Retaining the Human Dimension, in Journal of Democracy, Vol. 13, No. 3, July 2002. pp. 20-25.

Compulsory reading for area studies:


Bratton, M. & N. van der Walle (1997): Democratic Experiments in Africa, Chapters 3 – 6. pp. 135.

Chabal, P. and JP Daloz: Africa Works: Disorder as Political Instrument, 1999. Oxford: James Currey. Chapters 1-3 & 7-10. 117 pp.

Englebert, P.: State Legitimacy and Development in Africa, 2000. Boulder: Lynne Rienner. 193 pp.

Mamdani, M. (1996) : Citizen and Subject: Contemporary Africa and the Legacy of Late Colonialism, Princeton: Princeton University Press. Ch. 1 and Conclusion, pp. 3-34 and 285-301. 47 pp.

Total: 492 pp


Case, W. (2002): Politics in Southeast Asia: Democracy or Less, Richmond: Curzon. Selected pages 200 pp.

Harriss, S. and Corbridge, S. (2000): Reinventing India:Liberalisation, Hindu Nationalism and Popular Democracy, Oxford and Malden: Polity. Selected pages 150 pp.

Nordholt, Henk Schulte (2004a) : Decentralisation in Indonesia: Less State, More Democracy? , in Harriss, J.; K. Stokke & O. T?rnquist (eds.): Politicising Democracy. : Local Politics and Democratisation in Developing Countries. (Ch. 1) . Houndmills and New York: Palgrave. 16pp.

Demos: Executive reports from the 1st and 2nd round studies of the Problems and Options of Indonesian Democratisation. 2004 and 2005, Jakarta: Demos. 40pp.

Robision, Richard and Hadiz, Vedi R. ( 2004): Reorganising Power in Indonesia: The Politics of Oligarchy in an Age of Markets, London and New York: Routledge. selected pages 100 pp.

T?rnquist, O. with Stanley A. Prasetyo and A.E. Priyono. (2003): Floating Democrats, in Stanley A. Prasetyo, A.E. Priyono, and T?rnquist, O. Indonesia’s Post-Soeharto Democracy Movement. Jakarta: Demos. pp 3-46.

Total: c. 550 pp

Published Oct. 27, 2004 2:15 PM - Last modified Nov. 10, 2004 5:37 PM