Syllabus/achievement requirements

Literature marked with a C are to be found in an article compilation which can be bought from Kopiutsalget at Akademika bookstore at Blindern campus.

Articles from journals are available for free in E-journals that you will find by searching in the base of the University of Oslo Library

Allern, Elin Haugsgjerd, Nicholas Aylott and Flemming Juul Christiansen (2007): “Social democrats and trade unions in Scandinavia: the decline and persistence of institutional relationships”, European Journal of Political Research 46, 5: 607-35. (29p)

Andersson, Jenny (2009): “Nostalgia and Nordic light: The Swedish model as utopia 1930-2007”, Scandinavian Journal of History 34, 3: 229-245. (17p)

Aylott, Nicholas (2002): “Let’s discuss this later: party responses to Euro-division in Scandinavia”, Party Politics 8, 4: 441-461. (21p)

Bergman, Torbj?rn & Kaare Str?m (eds.) (2011): The Madisonian Turn. Political Parties and Parliamentary Democracy in Nordic Europe. Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press. Ch. 1 K. Str?m & T. Bergman): “Parliamentary democracies under siege?”,  ch. 6 (H.M. Narud & K. Str?m): “Norway: from H?ndsvaldian parliamentarism back to Madisonian roots?”, ch. 7 (T. Bergman): “Swedish democracy: crumbling political parties, a feeble Riksdag, and technocratic power holders?”, ch. 9 (C. Kite): “East-west conflict and Europeanization: international effects on democratic politics in the Nordic states”, ch. 10 (T. Bergman, K. Str?m): “The Nordics: Demanding citizens, complex polities”. (234p)

Brandal, Nik, ?ivind Bratberg & Dag Einar Thorsen (2013): The Nordic Model of Social Democracy. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan. Ch. 3: “Towards a Nordic model (1916-1940)”, ch. 5: “The Nordic model in a global economy”, ch. 6: “The welfare state: the good life or dependency?”, ch. 9: “The sustainability of the welfare state”, ch. 10: “Liberty, empowerment and community”. (106p)

Brochmann, Grete & Anniken Hagelund (2011): “Migrants in the Scandinavian welfare state. The emergence of a social policy problem”, Nordic Journal of Migration Research 1, 1: 13-24. (12p)

Christensen, Tom (2005): “The Norwegian state transformed?”, West European Politics 28, 4: 721-739. (19p)

The Economist (2013): “The next supermodel”. Editorial, 2 February 2013. Available at  (3p)

Engelstad, Fredrik (2004): “Democracy at work? Does democracy in working life make sense in the 21st century?” in ?. ?sterud and F. Engelstad (eds.): Power and Democracy. Critical Interventions. London: Ashgate. (23p) C

H?iki?, Liisa & Bj?rn Hvinden (2012): “Finding the way between universalism and diversity: a challenge to the Nordic model”, ch. 5 in Anneli Anttonen et al. (eds.): Welfare State, Universalism and Diversity. London: Edward Elgar. (21p)

Halvorsen, Knut & Steinar Stjern? (2008): Work, Oil and Welfare: The Welfare State in Norway. Oslo: Universitetsforlaget. Ch. 1 (16p) C

Hilson, Mary (2008): The Nordic Model. Scandinavia Since 1945. London: Reaktion Books. Ch. 4: “Between East and West? The Nordic countries in international relations” (32p) C

Ingebritsen, Christine (1998): The Nordic States and European Unity. Ithaca & London: Cornell University Press. Ch. 7 (pp. 167-183). (17p) C

Lindvall, Johannes & Bo Rothstein (2006): “The fall of the strong state”, Scandinavian Political Studies 29, 1: 47-63. (17p).

Nevers, Jeppe (2011). “Reformism and Nordic democracy: a journey in Danish political thought”, pp. 165-178 in Jussi Kurunm?ki and Johan Strang (eds.): Rhetorics of Nordic Democracy. Helsinki: Studia Fennica. (14p)

Rothstein, Bo (2004): “Social capital in a working democracy”, ch. 5 in ?yvind ?sterud et al.: (eds.): Power and Democracy: Critical Interventions. Farnham: Ashgate, pp.101-12. (30p) C

Sejersted, Francis (2011): The Age of Social Democracy, Norway and Sweden in the Twentieth Century.  Princeton: Princeton University Press. “Introduction”, ch. 12: “What happened to economic democracy?”, ch. 13: “From equality to freedom?”. (79p) C

Sellers, Jeffrey M. & Anders Lidstr?m (2007): “Decentralization, local government, and the welfare state”, Governance 20, 4: 609-632. (23p)

Skjeie, Hege & Birte Siim (2008): “Tracks, intersections and dead ends: multicultural challenges to state feminism in Denmark and Norway.” Ethnicities 8, 3: 322-344. (23p)

Stokke, Kristian (2010): “The soft power of a small state. Discursive constructions and institutional practices of Norway’s peace engagement”, PCD Journal 2, 1: 137-173. (37p)

Stokke, Kristian & Olle T?rnquist (2012): “The relevance of the Scandinavian experiences”, in Democratization in the Global South: The importance of transformative politics’ Basingstoke: Palgrave. (22p)

Tr?g?rdh, Lars (2002): “Sweden and the EU: welfare state nationalism and the spectre of ‘Europe’”, pp. 130-181 in Lene Hansen & Ole W?ver (eds.): European Integration and National Identity: The Challenge of the Nordic States. London: Routledge. (52p)

Tr?g?rdh, Lars (1997): “Statist individualism: on the culturality of the Nordic welfare state”, in ?ystein S?rensen & Bo Str?th (eds.): The Cultural Construction of Norden. Oslo: Scandinavian University Press. pp. 253-285. (25p). C

Tr?g?rdh, Lars & Bo Rothstein (2007): “The state and civil society in an historical perspective: the Swedish case”, in L. Tr?g?rdh (ed.): State and Civil Society in Northern Europe. The Swedish Model Reconsidered. Oxford: Berghahn Books, pp. 229-253. (35p) C

Tvedt, Terje (2006): “The international aid system and the non-governmental organisations: A new research agenda”, Journal of International Development, 18: 677-690. (14p)

?berg, Per Ola, Torsten Svensson, Peter Munch Christiansen, Asbj?rn N?rgaard, Hilmar Rommetvedt, and Gunnar Thesen (2011): “Disrupted exchange and declining corporatism: government authority and interest group capability in Scandinavia”, Government and Opposition 46, 3: 365-391. (27p)

?sterud, ?yvind (2005): “Introduction: the peculiarities of Norway”, West European Politics 28, 4: 705-720. (16 p)

Total: 964 pages.

Published May 23, 2013 2:41 PM - Last modified June 25, 2013 11:09 AM