

  • R?iseland, Asbj?rn og Signy Irene Vabo. 2016. Styring og samstyring. Governance p? norsk. Bergen: Fagbokforlaget. Kapittel 1–4.*

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  • Berry, F.S., and W.D. Berry. 2014. Innovation and Diffusion Models in Policy Research. In Theories of the Policy Process, 3rd ed., ed. P. A. Sabatier and C. M. Weible. Boulder: Westview Press, side 253–297.
  • Goldsmith, M.J. og E.C. Page. 2010. Conclusions. I Goldsmith, M.J. og E. Page (red.): Changing government relations in Europe: From localism to intergovernmentalism. London: Routledge, side 247–260.
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  • Bovens, M. A. P., P. 't Hart og T. Schillemans. 2008. Does public accountability work? An assesment tool.  Public administration, 86: 225-242.
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  • Goodman, Christopher B. 2019. Local Government Fragmentation: What Do We Know? State and Local Government Review, 1-11.
  • Hendriks, Frank og Niels Karsten. 2014. Theory of Democratic Leadership. I Rhodes R. A. W. og Paul ?t Hart (red.): The Oxford Handbook of Political Leadership. Oxford: Oxford University Press, side 41–56.
  • Hood, Christopher. 1991. A public management for all seasons? Public Administration, 69(1): 3–19.
  • Hooghe, Liesbet og Gary Marks. 2003. Unraveling the Central State, but How? Types of Multi-Level Governance. The American Political Science Review, 97(2): 233–243.
  • Kjellberg, Francesco. 1995. The Changing Values of Local Government. Annals of the American Academy of Social Sciences, 540: 40–50.
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  • Barber, Benjamin R. 1984. A Conceptual Frame: Politics in the Participatory Mode. I: Strong democracy: participatory politics for a new age. Berkeley, Calif: University of California Press, side 139–162.
  • Bukve, Oddbj?rn og Audun Offerdal (red.). 2002. Den nye kommunen. Det Norske Samlaget.
  • Edelenbos, Jurian og Ingmar van Meerkert (red). 2016. Critical Reflections on Interactive Governance. London: Edward Elgar
  • Hulst, R. og A. Montford. 2007. Inter-Municipal Cooperation in Europe. Dordrecht: Springer Netherlands: Dordrecht.
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  • Johnsen, ?ge. 2007. Resultatstyring i offentlig sektor. Bergen: Fagbokforlaget. Spesielt kapittel 4.
  • Kersting, Norbert og Angelika Vetter. 2003 Reforming Local Government in Europe. Closing the Gap between Democracy and Efficiency. Weisbaden: Springer Fachmedien Weisbaden.
  • Klausen, J. E. 2004. Direkte valg som demokratireform. I: Lokaldemokratiet i bydelene. En studie av fors?ket med direkte valg til fire bydelsutvalg i Oslo kommune, Dr.polit. avhandling. Oslo: Institutt for statsvitenskap, Universitetet i Oslo, side 67–98.
  • Klausen, J.E. og M. Winsvold. 2012. Boosting involvement between elections - The case of Citizen's initiative. I Egner, B., M. Haus og G. Terizakis (red.): Regieren. Festschrift für Hubert Heinelt. Wiesbaden: Springer, side 493–509.
  • Mouritzen, Poul Erik og James H. Svara. 2002. Leadership at the apex. Politicians and administrators in Western local governments. Pittsburgh: University of Pittsburgh Press, kapittel 2, side 23–46.
  • Peters, Guy B. og Jon Pierre. 2005. Swings and Roudabouts? Multilevel Governance as a Source of and Constraint on Policy Capacity. I Painter, Martin og Jon Pierre (red.): Challenges to Stat Policy Capacity. Global trends and Comparative Perspectives. Hampshire/New York: Palgrave Macmillan, side 38 – 51.
  • Pollitt, Christopher. 2004. Agencies: how governments do things through semi-autonomous organizations. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan. (Forelesningen refererer til figur i kapittel 1.)
  • Pollitt, Christopher. 2016. Advanced introduction to Public Management and Administration. Kapittel 1, Edward Elgar Publishing, side 1 – 25.
  • Pollitt, Christopher og Geert Bouckaert. 2011. Politics and management. In: Public management reform: a comparative analysis : new public management, governance, and the neo-Weberian state. Edited by Geert Bouckaert. 3rd ed. ed. Oxford: Oxford University Press, side 160-181.
  • Pollitt, Christopher og Geert Bouckaert. 2017. Public Management Reform. A Comparative Analysis – into the Age of Austerity. 4th edition. Oxford: Oxford University Press. Kapittel 6.
  • R?iseland, Asbj?rn og Signy Irene Vabo 2016b. Interactive – or counteractive – governance. I Edelenbos, Jurian og Ingmar van Meerkert (red): Critical Reflections on Interactive Governance. London: Edward Elgar, side 120–145.
  • Saglie, Jo, and Bjarte Folkestad. 2011. "Deltagelse i riks- og lokalpolitikk: To sider av samme sak?" I Johannes Bergh og Dag Arne Christensen (red.): Et robust lokaldemokrati - lokalvalget i skyggen av 22. juni 2011. Oslo: Abstrakt forlag, side 107–128.
  • Stigen, Inger Marie og Signy Irene Vabo. 2001. New Public Management inspirerte organisasjonsl?sninger i norske kommuner – blir lokalpolitikken "dum"? I Fimreite, Anne Lise, Helge O. Larsen and Jacob Aars (red.): Lekmannsstyre under press. Oslo: Kommuneforlaget.
  • Toonen, A. J. 2010. Multi-level governance and intergovernmental relations: integrating the theoretical perspectives. I Ongaro, Edoardo, Andrew Massey, Marc Holzer og Ellen Wayenberg (red.): Governance and Intergovernmental Relations in the Europen Union and the United States. Theoretical Perspectives. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar Publishing Limited, side 29–50.
  • Torfing, Jacob, B Guy Peters, Jon Pierre og Eva S?rensen. 2012. Interactive governance. Advancing the paradigm. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
  • Torsteinsen, Harald. 2012. Resultatkommunen. Oslo: Universitetsforlaget, spesielt kapittel 2, 13, 14 og 16.
  • Teles, Filipe. 2016. "In Search of Efficiency in Local Governance: Size and Alternatives." I Teles, Filipe (red.): Local Governance and Inter-Municipal Cooperation. Basingstoke: Palgrave, side 32–49.

Anbefalt tilleggslitteratur (online)

  • Askim, Jostein, ?ge Johnsen og Knut-Andreas Christophersen. 2008. Factors behind organizational learning from benchmarking: Experiences from Norwegian municipal benchmarking networks. Journal of public administration research and theory, 18(2): 297–320.  doi: 10.1093/jopart/mum012
  • Arnstein, Sherryr. 1969. "A Ladder Of Citizen Participation."  Journal of the American Institute of Planners 35 (4):216-224. doi: 10.1080/01944366908977225.
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  • Blom-Hansen, Jens. 1999. Avoiding the 'joint-decision trap':  lessons from intergovernmental relations in Scandinavia.  European Journal of Political Research 35 (1): 35–67.
  • Cooper, Ian. 2006. The Watchdogs of Subsidiarity: National Parliaments and the Logic of Arguing in the EU. Journal of Common Market Studies, 44 (2): 281-304.
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  • Helg?y, Ingrid og Anne Homme. 2006. Policy tools and institutional change comparing education policies in Norway, Sweden and England. Journal of public policy, 26 (2):141-165.
  • Jacobsen, Dag Ingvar. 2012. Local Authority Bureaucracies: Responsible, Representative, or Divergent? Evidence From Small Political Systems in Norway. Public Administration, 90 (4):1067–1087.
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  • Loughlin, John, Frank Hendriks og Anders Lidstr?m. 2011. The Oxford handbook of local and regional democracy in Europe. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
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  • Oates, Wallace. 2005. Toward A Second-Generation Theory of Fiscal Federalism. International Tax and Public Finance, 12(4): 349–373.
  • Papadopoulos, Yannis. 2003. Cooperative forms of governance: Problems of democratic accountability in complex environments. European Journal of Political Research, 42(4): 473-501.
  • Rodden, Jonathan. 2004. Comparative Federalism and Decentralization: On Meaning and Measurement. Comparative Politics, 36 (4): 481–500.
  • Sandfort, Jodi, Sally Coleman Selden og Jessica E. Sowa. 2008. Do Government Tools Influence Organizational Performance? Examining Their Implementation in Early Childhood Performance. The American Review of Public Administration, 38(4): 412–438, doi:10.1177/0275074007310488.
  • Scharpf, Fritz W. 1988. The joint-decision trap: lessons from German federalism and European integration. Public Administration, 66:239–278.
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  • Stephenson, Paul. 2013. Twenty years of multi-level governance: Where Does It Come From? What Is It? Where Is It Going? Journal of European Public Policy, 20(6): 817-837.
  • S?rensen, Eva. 2006. Metagovernance: the changing role of politicians in processes of democratic governance. American Review of Public Administration, 36(1): 98-114.
  • Vabo, Signy Irene. 2000. New organizational solutions in Norwegian local councils: Leaving a puzzling role for local politicians? Scandinavian Political Studies, 23 (4): 343–372.
  • Warren, Mark. 1992. Democratic Theory and Self-Transformation.  American Political Science Review 86:8-23.
  • Aars, Jacob og Hans-Erik Ringkj?b. 2011. Local Democracy Ltd: The political control of local government enterprises in Norway.  Public Management Review, 13 (6):825-844.


Publisert 21. nov. 2019 10:03 - Sist endret 27. apr. 2020 14:45