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Aberbach, J. D., R. Putnam and B. A. Rockman (1981) Bureaucrats & Politicians in Western Democracies. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press (ss 1-23)

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Askim, J. and T. Bach (2019). Political Appointments in a Merit Bureaucracy: the Selection of Agency Chief Executives in Norway. Konferansepaper. [canvas]

Askim, J., 2015. The Role of Performance Management in the Steering of Executive Agencies: Layered, Imbedded, or Disjointed? Public Performance & Management Review 38(3): 365–394.

Askim, J., Karlsen, R., & Kolltveit, K. (2018). The spy who loved me? Cross‐partisans in the core executive. Public Administration. 96(2): 243-258

Askim, Jostein, Rune Karlsen, and Kristoffer Kolltveit. 2017. Political appointees in executive government: Exploring and explaining roles using a large-N survey in Norway. Public Administration 95 (2):342–358.

Askim, Jostein; Bjurstr?m, Karl Hagen & Kj?rvik, Jonas (2019). Quasi-contractual ministerial steering of state agencies: Its intensity, modes, and how agency characteristics matter. International Public Management Journal 22(3), s 470-498.

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Bach, T. and K. Wegrich (forthcoming). Politicians and Bureaucrats in Executive Government. The Oxford Handbook of Political Executives. R. B. Andeweg, R. Elgie, L. Helms, J. Kaarbo and F. Müller-Rommel, Eds.[canvas]

Bach, T., and Veit, S. (2018). The Determinants of Promotion to High Public Office in Germany: Partisan Loyalty, Political Craft, or Managerial Competencies? Journal of Public Administration Research and Theory, 28(2), 254–269.

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Christensen, J?rgen Gronnegaard, Robert Klemmensen, and Niels Opstrup. 2014. Politicization and the Replacement of Top Civil Servants in Denmark. Governance 27 (2):215–241.

Christensen, T. 2009. Living in the past? Change and continuity in the Norwegian central civil service. Public Administration Review 69(5):951-61.

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Christiansen, Peter Munk, Birgitta Niklasson, and Patrik ?hberg. 2016. Does politics crowd out professional competence? The organisation of ministerial advice in Denmark and Sweden. West European Politics 39 (6):1230-1250.

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Hollibaugh, Gary E., Gabriel Horton, and David E. Lewis. 2014. Presidents and Patronage. American Journal of Political Science 58 (4):1024-1042.

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Hustedt, Thurid, and Heidi Houlberg Salomonsen. 2014. Ensuring political responsiveness: politicization mechanisms in ministerial bureaucracies. International Review of Administrative Sciences 80 (4):746-765.

Jacobsen, Knut Dahl. 1960. Lojalitet, n?ytralitet og faglig uavhengighet i sentraladministrasjonen. Tidsskrift for samfunnsforskning vol. 4: 231-48.

Kopeck?, Petr, Jan-Hinrik Meyer Sahling, Francisco Panizza, Gerardo Scherlis, Christian Schuster, and Maria Spirova. 2016. Party patronage in contemporary democracies: Results from an expert survey in 22 countries from five regions. European Journal of Political Research 55 (2):416-431.

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Thorbj?rnsrud, K., Ustad Figenschou, T., & Ihlen, ?. (2014). Mediatization in public bureaucracies: A typology. Communications, 39(1), 3–22.

Anbefalt tilleggslitteratur

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Publisert 19. nov. 2019 15:12 - Sist endret 25. nov. 2019 16:11