Syllabus/achievement requirements

Books and compendiums can be bought in Akademika bookstore at Blindern campus. You will need a valid semester card to buy compendiums.


Saurugger, S. (2014) Theoretical approaches to European integration,  Palgrave Macmillan., chapters 1-7, Conclusion (appr. 170 pages)


Boasson, E.L. and J. Wettestad. EU Climate Policy: Industry, Policy Interaction and External Environment. Chapter : 1 and 2 (32 pp).

Egeberg, M. (2006a): ‘Europe’s Executive Branch of Government in the Melting Pot: an Overview’, (16 pp). (chapter from  M. Egeberg (ed.) (2006): Multilevel Union Administration. The Transformation of Executive Politics in Europe. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan)

Egeberg, M. (2006b): ‘The Institutional Architecture of the EU and the Transformation of European Politics’, (14 pp). (chapter from  M. Egeberg (ed.) (2006): Multilevel Union Administration. The Transformation of Executive Politics in Europe. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan)

Fligstein, N. (2008) Euroclash: The EU, European Identity, and the Future of Europe. Oxford: Oxford University Press:  Chapter 2 (29 pp.)

Online articles

Bach, T., E. Ruffing and K. Yesilkagit (2015) 'The differential empowering effects of Europeanization on the autonomy of national agencies', Governance, 28(3): 285-304. (19 pp)

Bickerton, C. J., D. Hodson and U. Puetter (2015) 'The new intergovernmentalism: European integration in the post‐maastricht era', JCMS: Journal of Common Market Studies, 53(4): 703-722. (19 pp)

Bickerton, C. J., D. Hodson and U. Puetter (2015) Something new: A Rejoinder to Frank Schimmelfenning on the New Intergovernmentalism’, JCMS: Journal of Common Market Studies, 53(4): 731-736. (6 pp)

Blom-Hansen, J. and G.J. Brandsma (2009): ‘The EU Comitology System: Intergovernmental Bargaining and Deliberative Supranationalism?’ Journal of Common Market Studies 47: 719-740 (21 pp).

B?rzel, T.A. and T. Risse (2011) From Europeanisation to Diffusion: Introduction. West European Politics, 35 (1) 1 – 19. (20 pp.)

B?rzel, Tanja A., T. Hofmann, Diana Panke and C. Sprungk (2010) ‘Obstinate and Inefficient: Why Member States Do Not Comply With European Law’, Comparative Political Studies 43: 1363-1390. (27 p)

Coen, D. (2007) Empirical and theoretical studies on EU lobbying. Journal of European Public Policy, 14(3): 333-345. (13 pp)

Dinan, D. (2013). "The Post-Lisbon European Council Presidency: An Interim Assessment" West European Politics, 36 (6): 1256-1273

Dür, A. (2008) Measuring Interest Group Influence in the EU: A Note on Methodology. 9 (4): 559 – 576. (17 pp)

Dür, A. and G. Mateo (2012) ‘Who lobbies the European Union? National interest groups in a multilevel polity’, Journal of European Public Policy, 19 (7): 969-987. (18 p)

Egeberg, M. (2006c) 'Executive politics as usual: role behaviour and conflict dimensions in the College of European Commissioners', Journal of European Public Policy, 13(1): 1-15. (15 pp)

Egeberg, M. (2012) 'Experiments in supranational institution-building: the European Commission as a laboratory', Journal of European Public Policy, 19(6): 939-950. (11 pp)

Egeberg, M., G. F. Schaefer and J. Trondal (2003) 'The many faces of EU committee governance', West European Politics, 26(3): 19-40. (21 pp)

Egeberg, M., J. Trondal and N. M. Vestlund (2015) 'The quest for order: unravelling the relationship between the European Commission and European Union agencies', Journal of European Public Policy, 22(5): 609-629. (20 pp)

Egeberg, M., ?. Gornitzka and J. Trondal (2013): ’A not so technocratic executive? Observations on the everyday Interaction between the European Parliament and Commission,’ West European Politics, 2013,(18 pp).

Eising, R. (2008) Interest groups in EU policy-making. Living reviews in European Governance. 3:4 (32 pp)

Goetz, K.H. and J-H Meyer-Sahling (2008): ‘The Europeanisation of National Political Systems: Parliaments and Executives’, Living Reviews in European Governance 3: 2, (26 pp).

Gornitzka, ?. and U. Sverdrup (2008): ‘Who Consults? The Configuration of Expert Groups in the European Union’, West European Politics 31: 725-750, (25 pp).

Gornitzka, ?. and U. Sverdrup (2011) 'Access of Experts: Information and EU Decision-making', West European politics, 34(1): 48-70. (22 pp)

Hix, S. and A. Noury (2009) 'After enlargement: voting patterns in the sixth European Parliament', Legislative Studies Quarterly, 34(2): 159-174. (15 pp)

Desmond Dinan (2013) The Post-Lisbon European Council Presidency: An Interim Assessment, West European Politics, 36: (6) 1256-1273 p. 17.

Joerges, C. and J. Neyer (1997): ‘Transforming Strategic Interaction into Deliberative Problem-Solving: European Comitology in the Foodstuffs Sector’, Journal of European Public Policy 4: 609-25, (16 pp).

Kelemen, R. D. and A. D. Tarrant (2011) 'The Political Foundations of the Eurocracy', West European Politics, 34(5): 922-947.(25 pp).

Martens, M. (2010) 'Voice or loyalty? The evolution of the European Environment Agency (EEA)', JCMS: Journal of Common Market Studies, 48(4): 881-901. (20 pp).

Moravcsik, A. (1993): ‘Preferences and Power in the European Community: A Liberal Intergovernmentalist Approach’, Journal of Common Market Studies 31(4): 473-523 (50 pp).

Nugent, N. and M. Rhinard (2016) 'Is the European Commission Really in Decline?'Journal of Common Market Studies 54(5): 1199–1215 (16 pp).

Olsen, J.P. (2002) 'The many faces of Europeanization', Journal of Common Market Studies, 40(5): 921-952, (31 pp).

Puetter, Uwe (2012) Europe’s deliberative intergovernmentalism: The role of the Council and the European Council in EU economic governance. Journal of European Public Policy 19 (3): 161-178, (18 pp).

Schimmelfenning, F. (2015) ‘What’s the News in “New Intergovernmentalism” A critique of Bickerton, Hudson and Puetter’. JCMS: Journal of Common Market Studies, 53(4): 723-730 (6 pp)

Scully, R., S. Hix and D. M. Farrell (2012) 'National or European Parliamentarians? Evidence from a New Survey of the Members of the European Parliament*', JCMS: Journal of Common Market Studies, 50(4): 670-683, (13 pp)

Tallberg, J. (2004): The Power of the Presidency: Brokerage, Efficiency and Distribution in EU Negotiation. JCMS: Journal of Common Market Studies, 42(5): 999 – 1022 (24 pp)

Tallberg, J. (2010): ‘Explaining the Institutional Foundations of European Union Negotiations’, Journal of European Public Policy 17 (5): 633-647 (15 pp).

Trondal, J., C. van den Berg and S. Suvarierol (2008): ‘The Compound Machinery of Government. The Case of Seconded Officials in the European Commission’, Governance 21: 253-274. (21 pp).

Vestlund, N. M. (2015) 'Pooling administrative resources through EU regulatory networks', Journal of European Public Policy: 1-20. (20 pp)

Online articles:

Number of pages appr. 906

Published May 23, 2017 3:33 PM - Last modified Nov. 26, 2017 7:42 PM