Syllabus/achievement requirements

Syllabus/achievement requirements

Books and compendiums can be bought in Akademika bookstore at Blindern campus. You will need a valid semester card to buy compendiums.



Saurugger, S. (2014) Theoretical approaches to European integration, Palgrave Macmillan., chapters 1-7, Conclusion (appr. 170 pages)



Bach, T., & Ruffing, E. (2018). The Transformative Effects of Transnational Administrative Coordination in the European Multi-level System. In E. Ongaro & S. Van Thiel (Eds.), The Palgrave Handbook of Public Administration and Management in Europe (pp. 747-763). London: Palgrave Macmillan UK. (16 pp).

Boasson, E.L. and J. Wettestad (2013). EU Climate Policy: Industry, Policy Interaction and External Environment. Chapter 1 and 2 (32 pp).

Egeberg, M. (2006a): ‘Europe’s Executive Branch of Government in the Melting Pot: an Overview’, (16 pp). (chapter from M. Egeberg (ed.) (2006): Multilevel Union Administration. The Transformation of Executive Politics in Europe. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan)

Egeberg, M. (2006b): ‘The Institutional Architecture of the EU and the Transformation of European Politics’, (14 pp). (chapter from M. Egeberg (ed.) (2006): Multilevel Union Administration. The Transformation of Executive Politics in Europe. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan)

Fligstein, N. (2008) Euroclash: The EU, European Identity, and the Future of Europe. Oxford: Oxford University Press: Chapter 2 (29 pp.)

Kassim, H. (2018). The European Commission as an Administration. In E. Ongaro & S. Van Thiel (Eds.), The Palgrave Handbook of Public Administration and Management in Europe (pp. 783-804). London: Palgrave Macmillan UK (21 pp).


Online articles available through the university library website:

Bickerton, C. J., D. Hodson and U. Puetter (2015) 'The new intergovernmentalism: European integration in the post‐maastricht era', Journal of Common Market Studies, 53(4): 703-722. (19 pp)

Bickerton, C. J., D. Hodson and U. Puetter (2015) Something new: A Rejoinder to Frank Schimmelfenning on the New Intergovernmentalism’, Journal of Common Market Studies, 53(4): 731-736. (6 pp)

Blom-Hansen, J. (2019). Comitology: Controlling Everyday Rule-Making in the European Union. Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Politics. (approx. 30 pp)

Boasson, E. L. (2019). Constitutionalization and entrepreneurship: Explaining increased EU steering of renewables support schemes. Politics and Governance, 7(1), 70–80 (11 pp).

B?rzel, T.A. and T. Risse (2011) From Europeanisation to Diffusion: Introduction. West European Politics, 35 (1) 1 – 19. (20 pp.)

B?rzel, Tanja A., T. Hofmann, Diana Panke and C. Sprungk (2010) ‘Obstinate and Inefficient: Why Member States Do Not Comply With European Law’, Comparative Political Studies 43: 1363-1390. (27 p)

B?rzel, T. and Risse, T. (2018) From the euro to the Schengen crises: European integration theories, politicization, and identity politics, Journal of European Public Policy, 25 (1): 83-108. (25 pp).

Coen, D. (2007) Empirical and theoretical studies on EU lobbying. Journal of European Public Policy, 14(3): 333-345. (13 pp)

Dinan, D. (2013). "The Post-Lisbon European Council Presidency: An Interim Assessment" West European Politics, 36 (6): 1256-1273 (17 pp)

Dür, A. (2008) Measuring Interest Group Influence in the EU: A Note on Methodoloy. European Union Politics 9 (4): 559 – 576. (17 pp)

Egeberg, M. (2012) 'Experiments in supranational institution-building: the European Commission as a laboratory', Journal of European Public Policy, 19(6): 939-950. (11 pp)

Egeberg, M., & Trondal, J. (2017). Researching European Union Agencies: What Have We Learnt (and Where Do We Go from Here)? Journal of Common Market Studies, 55(4), 675-690. (15 pp)

Egeberg, M., G. F. Schaefer and J. Trondal (2003) 'The many faces of EU committee governance', West European Politics, 26(3): 19-40. (21 pp)

Egeberg, M., ?. Gornitzka and J. Trondal (2013): ’A not so technocratic executive? Observations on the everyday Interaction between the European Parliament and Commission,’ West European Politics, 2013 (18 pp).

Eising, R. (2008) Clientelism, Committees, Pluralism and Protests in the European Union: Matching Patterns?, West European Politics, 31:6, (21 pp)

Gornitzka, ?. and U. Sverdrup (2008): ‘Who Consults? The Configuration of Expert Groups in the European Union’, West European Politics 31: 725-750, (25 pp).

Hartlapp, M., Metz, J., & Rauh, C. (2013). Linking Agenda Setting to Coordination Structures: Bureaucratic Politics inside the European Commission. Journal of European Integration, 35(4), 425-441. (16 pp)

Heims, E. M. (2017). Regulatory co-ordination in the EU: a cross-sector comparison. Journal of European Public Policy, 24(8), 1116-1134. (18 pp)

Hix, S. and A. Noury (2009) 'After enlargement: voting patterns in the sixth European Parliament', Legislative Studies Quarterly, 34(2): 159-174. (15 pp)

Martens, M. (2010) 'Voice or loyalty? The evolution of the European Environment Agency (EEA)', Journal of Common Market Studies, 48(4): 881-901. (20 pp).

Moravcsik, A. (1993): ‘Preferences and Power in the European Community: A Liberal Intergovernmentalist Approach’, Journal of Common Market Studies 31(4): 473-523 (50 pp).

Nugent, N. and M. Rhinard (2016) 'Is the European Commission Really in Decline?' Journal of Common Market Studies 54(5): 1199–1215. (16 pp).

Puetter, Uwe (2012) Europe’s deliberative intergovernmentalism: The role of the Council and the European Council in EU economic governance. Journal of European Public Policy 19 (3): 161-178. (18 pp)

Ruffing, E. (2015). Agencies between two worlds: information asymmetry in multilevel policy-making. Journal of European Public Policy, 22(8), 1109-1126. (17 pp)

Saurugger, S. and F. Terpan (2019) ‘The EU’s legal identities and the Court of Justice of the EU’, Comparative European Politics, in press (15 pp)

Schmidt, V. (2018) ‘Rethinking EU Governance: From ‘Old’ to ‘New’ Approaches to Who Steers Integration’, Journal of Common Market Studies, 56 (7): 1544–1561 (17 pp)

Schimmelfenning, F. (2015) ‘What’s the News in “New Intergovernmentalism” A critique of Bickerton, Hudson and Puetter’. Journal of Common Market Studies, 53(4): 723-730 (6 pp)

Scully, R., S. Hix and D. M. Farrell (2012) 'National or European Parliamentarians? Evidence from a New Survey of the Members of the European Parliament', Journal of Common Market Studies, 50(4): 670-683, (13 pp)

Thomann, E. & F. Sager (2017) Moving beyond legal compliance: innovative approaches to EU multilevel implementation, Journal of European Public Policy, 24 (9):1253-1268 (16 pp)

Thomann, E. (2015) Customizing Europe: transposition as bottom-up implementation, Journal of European Public Policy, 22 (10): 1368–1387 (20 pp)

Tallberg, J. (2004): The Power of the Presidency: Brokerage, Efficiency and Distribution in EU Negotiation. JCMS: Journal of Common Market Studies, 42(5): 999 – 1022 (24 pp)

Tallberg, J. (2010): ‘Explaining the Institutional Foundations of European Union Negotiations’, Journal of European Public Policy 17 (5): 633-647. (15 pp)

Trondal, J., C. van den Berg and S. Suvarierol (2008): ‘The Compound Machinery of Government. The Case of Seconded Officials in the European Commission’, Governance 21: 253-274. (21 pp).

Vestlund, N. M. (2015) 'Pooling administrative resources through EU regulatory networks', Journal of European Public Policy: 1-20. (20 pp)

Yesilkagit, K. (2011). Institutional compliance, European networks of regulation and the bureaucratic autonomy of national regulatory authorities. Journal of European Public Policy, 18(7), 962–979. (17 pp)

Number of pages: 948



Published May 13, 2019 1:55 PM - Last modified June 26, 2019 11:24 AM