Sjekk Fronter + forelesning 20.nov

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2. Beskjed fra Ana:

Monday 20th Nov. "Ethnography and virtual participant observation". Please prepare for the practical part of this lecture. In addition to the obligatory readings, please choose one of these cases:

1.  Biometrics

2. Social media

3. Human enhancement technologies

4. Other (if you already have a case in mind for the obligatory assignment of the module)

How would you study it ethnographically? Which sites would you choose in order to carry out your observations? Imagine a research situation and if possible, write a short description (max 1000 words).  For an introduction to Ethnography in practice, you can watch:

Publisert 16. nov. 2017 12:39 - Sist endret 16. nov. 2017 12:39