Please note: All articles are available online unless marked with "compendium" or "handout"/"fronter". The compendium can be bought at the Akademika bookstore on Blindern Campus (bring Your semester card). Handouts will be distributed in class or via Fronter.
Allen, John and Stephanie Lavau, ‘Just-in-Time’ Disease: Biosecurity, poultry and power, Journal of Cultural Economy, (Nov. 2013)
Ascui, Francisco and Heather Lovell, Carbon accounting and the construction of competence, Journal of Cleaner Production 36, 48-59, (2012)
Akrich, Madeleine, The De-Scription of Technical Objects, in Bijker W.E and Law, J. Shaping Technology, Building Society. Studies in Socio-technical Change. MIT Press, (1992) (compendium)
Asdal, Kristin, Enacting values from the sea. On innovation devices, value practices, and the co-modifications of markets and bodies in aquaculture, in Dussauge, Helgesson and Lee (eds) Value practices in the Life Sciences, Oxford University Press, (2015) (compendium)
Asdal, Kristin, From climate issue to oil issue: Offices of public administration, versions of economics and the ordinary technologies of politics. Environment and planning A 46 (9): 2110-2124.
Asdal, Kristin, The office: The weakness of numbers and the production of non-authority; Accounting, Organizations and Society, Volume 36, Issue 1, Pages 1-9 (January 2011)
Asdal, Kristin and Noortje Marres, Performing Environmental Change: The Politics of Social Science Methods, Environment and Planning A (2014)
Bauer, Susanne, Transparency or Surveillance? The Datascapes of European Public Health Statistics. In: Claudia Reiche, Andrea Sick (Hg.): do not exist. Europe, woman, digital medium. Bremen: thealit, pp. 189-203, (2008) (compendium)
Bauer, Susanne, Sarah Blacker, Nils Güttler, Martina Schlünder, The Racehorse on the Runway. The hybrid ecologies of Frankfurt Airport show us how homes and borders intersect. Nautilus 8, Home, Chapter 4, Into the Wild (2013)
Beaulieu, Anne, If Visual STS is the answer, what is the question? In Annamaria Carusi, Aud Sissel Hoel, Timothy Webmoor and Steve Woolgar (eds) , Visualization in the Age of Computerisation, Routledge, pp. 237-242 (2014) (compendium)
Boyd, danah and Kate Crawford, Critical questions for Big Data. Provocations for a cultural. Technological and scholarly phenomenon, in Information, Communication and Society, Vol 15. No 5, pp. 662-679. (May 2012)
Brandtz?g, Petter Bae, Social Networking Sites: Their Users and Social Implications- A Longitudinal Study, in Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication, Vol. 17, Issue 4, pp-467-488, (2012)
Carusi, Annamaria, Aud Sissel Hoel, Timothy Webmoor & Steve Woolgar (eds). Introduction, Visualization in the Age of Computerisation, Routledge, pp. 1-15 (2014) In Fronter
Cooper, Melinda, Introduction and Chapter One: Life Beyond the Limits. University of Washington Press (2008) (compendium)
Dewey, John, The public and its problems. Ohio University Press, pp. 3-37, (1991 [1954] In Fronter
Duhigg, Charles, How Companies Learn Your Secrets, The New York Times (February 16, 2012)
Druglitr?, Tone & Kirk, Robert: “Building Transnational Bodies: Norway and the International Development of Laboratory Animal Science, ca. 1956-1980”, Science in Context, Vol. 7, Special Issue 02, pp. 333-357 (2014)
Elgaard Jensen, Torben, Birkbak, Andreas, Koed Madsen, Anders & Kristian Munk, Anders: Expanding the visual registers in STS. In Carusi, Annamarie, Sissel Hoel, Aud, Webmoore, Timothy & Woolgar, Steve (eds.), Visualization in the Age of Computerisation, Routledge, pp. 226-230 (2014) (compendium)
Foucault, Michel, 1 February 1978 in M. Foucault, Security, Territory, Population, Lectures at the College de France (1977-1978) (compendium)
Fourcade, Marion, Cents and Sensibility: Economic Valuation and the Nature of “Nature” Source: American Journal of Sociology, Vol. 116, No. 6, pp. 1721-77 (May 2011)
Fourcade, Marion, Price and Prejudice: On Economics and the Enchantment (and Disenchantment) of Nature, in Jens Beckert & Patrik Aspers (eds), The Worth of Goods, Valuation & Pricing in the Economy, Oxford University Press (2011) (compendium)
Hermansen, Erlend, Policy Window Entrepreneurship: The backstage of the World’s Largest REDD Initiative (2015) (compendium)
Hine, Christine (2006) Databases as scientific instruments and their role in the ordering of scientific work. Social Studies of Science 36 (2), pp. 269-298.
Hopwood, A.G. Accounting and the environment: Accounting, Organizations and Society, Volume 34, Issue 3-4, pp. 433-439 (April 2009)
Horowitz, Roger, Making the Chicken of Tomorrow: Reworking Poultry as Commodities and as Creatures, 1945-1990, in (eds.) Schrepfer and Scranton, Industrializing Organisms. Introducing Evolutionary History, New York and London: Routledge (2004) (compendium)
Hulme, Mike, Reducing the Future to Climate: a Story of Climate Determinism and Reductionism. Osiris 26(1), pp. 245-266 (2011)
Hulme, Mike and Mahony, Martin, Climate Change: What do we know about the IPCC? in Progress in Physical Geography 34(5), pp. 705-718 (2010)
Law, John, Care and Killing: Tensions in Veterinary Practice, in (eds.) Pols, Mol and Moser, Care in Practice: Tinkering in Clinics, Homes and Farms (2011)
Lemke, Thomas, Rethinking Biopolitics: The New Materialism and the Political Economy of Life, in (eds) S.E. Wilmer and A. ?ukauskait?, Resisting Biopolitics: Philosophical, Politicl and Performative Stragies, New York and London: Routledge, pp. 57-73 (2015) (Fronter)
Lemke, Thomas, The birth of bio-politics': Michel Foucault's lecture at the Collège de France on neo-liberal governmentality. Economy and society, 30(2): 190-207 (2001)
Lemov, Rebecca, Everywhere and Nowhere: Focus Groups as All-Purpose Devices, Special Issue on “Crowds and Clouds,” LIMN 2, (Spring 2012)
Lezaun, Javier, A market of opinions: the political epistemology of focus groups, The Sociological Review, Special Issue: Sociological Review Monograph Series: Market Devices, edited by Fabian Muniesa, Yuval Millo and Michel Callon, Volume 55, Issue Supplement s2, pp. 130–151 (October 2007)
Lippmann, Walter: Public opinion, Free Press Paperbacks. Simon and Schuster, pp. 161-175 (1997 [1947) (compendium)
Livingstone, Sonia & Lunt, Peter, Mediated frameworks for participation, In: B?ck, Margit & Pachler, Norbert, (eds.) Multimodality and Social Semiosis: Communication, Meaning-Making, and Learning in the Work of Gunther Kress, Routledge studies in multimodality, Routledge, pp. 75-84 (2013)
MacKenzie, Donald (2009) Making things the same: Gases, emission rights and the politics of carbon markets. Accounting, Organizations and Society 34 (2009) 440-455.
Marres, Noortje, The Issues Deserve More Credit; Pragmatic Contributions to the Study of Public Involvement in Controversy, in Social Studies of Science, 37,5, pp. 759-780 (2007)
Marres, Noortje, Why Map Issues? On Controversy as a Digital Method, Science, Technology & Human Values 40: 655-686 (2015)
Marres, Noortjw & Carolin Gerlitz, Interface Methods: Renegotiating relations between digital research STS and Sociology, CSISP, Working Paper Nr. 3, (2015)
Morita, Atsuro, Anders Blok, Shihei Kimura, Environmental Infrastructures of Emergency. The Formation of a Civic Radiation Monitoring Map during the Fukushima Disaster. In: Hindmarsh, (comp.) Richard, Nuclear Disaster at Fukushima Daiichi: Social, Political and Environmental Issues. London: Routledge, 78-96 (2013) (compendium)
Miele, Mara, The taste of happiness; free-range chicken. Environment and Planning A, pp. 2076-2090 (2001)
Moser, Ingunn, Thygesen, Hilde, Exploring possibilities in telecare for ageing societies, forthcoming in Barnes, Marian (et al.) 'Renewing Care: critical international perspectives on the ethics of care (2015) See Fronter.
Muniesa, Fabian, A flank movement in the understanding of valuation: The Sociological Review, Volume 59, Issue Supplement s2, (June 2012)
Muniesa, Fabian, Yuval Millo and Michel Callon, An introduction to market devices The Sociological Review Volume 55, Issue Supplement (2007)
NOU 1996:9, Gr?nne skatter - en politikk for bedre milj? og h?yere sysselsetting, (1996) See also in Fronter
Oertzen, Christine v. (forthcoming), The Prussian Census Box. Moving and Freezing Data, Bauer, Susanne, Martina Schlünder & Maria Rentetzi, Boxes in Action: A Field Guide. Manchester: Mattering Press. (compendium)
Oreskes, Naomi, Beyond the Ivory Tower: The Scientific Consensus on climate change. Science 306 (5702), 1686 (2004)
Pols, J, Care at a distance. On the Closeness of Technology, chapters 3 The heart of the Matter: Good nursing at a distance and chapter 8 Innovating care innovation pp. 45-62 and 135-152, Amsterdam: Amsterdam UP (2012) (compendium)
Porter, TM, Quantification and the accounting ideal in science. Social Studies of Science 22(4): 633-52 (1992)
Rose, Nikolas, The Politics of Life itself, Theory, Culture and Society, 18:6, 1-30 (2001)
Ruppert, Evelyn, John Law, Mike Savage, Reassembling the Social Science Methods: The Challenge of Digital Devices in Theory Culture and Society, 30 (4)pp. 22-46 (2013)
Schwarzkopf, Stefan and Gries, Rainer: Ernest Dichter, Motivation Research and the ‘Century of the Consumer’ in Ernest Dichter and Motivation Research. New Perspectives on the Making of Post-war Consumer Culture in Stefan Schwarzkopf and Rainer Gries, Palgrave Macmillan (2010) (compendium)
Sarewitz, Daniel: Does Climate Change Knowledge Really Matter”. WIREs Climate Change 2: 475-481 (2011)
Squier, Susan Merrill, Poultry Science, Chicken Culture. A Partial Alphabet. Rutgers University Press, (Introduction). Pp. 1-18 (2011) (compendium)
Singleton, Vicky, When Contexts Meet: Feminism and Accountability in UK Cattle Farming, in Science, Technology and Human Values, Vol. 27, No. 4, pp. 404-433 (2012)
Sundqvist, G?ran, Bohlin, Ingemar, Hermansen, Erlend and Yearley Steven, “Formalisation and Separation: A Systematic Basis for Interpreting Approaches to Summarising Science for Climate Policy” (2015)
Van der Sluijs, Jeroen, van Eijndhoven, Josée, Shackley, Simon and Wynne Brian, Anchoring Devices in Science for Policy: The Case of Consensus around Climate Sensitivity. Social Studies of Science 28(2), pp. 291-323 (1998)
Star, Susan Leigh, Ethnography of Infrastructure, American Behavioral Scientist 43: 377-391. (1999)
Stern, Nicholas, Stern Review: The Economics of Climate Change. (2006) Also in Fronter
Storsul, Tanja, Deliberation or Self-presentation. Young People, Politics and Social Media, in Nordicom Review 35, 2014, pp. 17-28 (2014)
Thygesen, Hilde, Moser, Ingunn, Technology and Good Dementia Care: An Argument for an Ethics-in-Practice Approach, pp.129-148, in Schillmeyer, M., Domenech, M. (eds.) New Technologies and Emerging Spaces of Care, Farnham, UK: Ashgate (2010) (compendium)
Thompson, Charis, Good Science” Chapter 2 in Good Science. The Ethical Choreography of Stem Cell Research. MIT (2013) (compendium)
Turkle, Sherry, How Computers change the way we think, The Chronicle Review (January, 30 2004)
Viseu, Ana & Suchman, Lucy. Wearable Augmentations. In J. Edwards, P. Harvey & P. Wade, (Eds.), Technologized Images, Technologized Bodies, pp. 161-184, Oxford, New York: Berghahn Books (2010) (compendium)
Willems, Dick, Varieties of goodness in high-tech home care, in Mol, A., Moser, I., Pols, J. (eds.) Care in Practice. On tinkering in Clinics, Homes and Farms, Bielefeld: Transcript Verlag, pp. 257- 276 (2010) (compendium)
Yearley, Steven, Sociology and Climate Change after Kyoto: What Roles for Social Science in Understanding Climate Change? In Current Sociology (2009)
Reference literature:
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Asdal, Kristin, Knappe ressurser? ?konomenes grep om milj?feltet, Universitetsforlaget (1998)
Fourcade, Marion, Economists and Societies. Discipline and Profession in the United States, Britain, and France, 1890s to 1990. Princeton University Pres. Princeton and Oxford (2009)
Hulme, Mike, Why We Disagree about Climate Change: Understanding Controversy, Inaction and Opportunity. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press (2009)
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King, Ed, Foie gras, oysters and a climate deal: How the Paris pact was won. In Climate Change News (December 2015)
Muniesa, Fabian: Testing consumer preferences, chapter 5 in Muniesa, F: The Provoked Economy: Economic Reality and the performative turn, Routledge (2014)
Myklebust, Sissel, Freud i markedsforskning og reklame. Arr - Idéhistorisk tidsskrift. 22(2/3). (2010) See Fronter.
Ruppert, Evelyn et al, Socialising Big Data: From concept to practice. Working paper, published on (February 2015)See also in Fronter.
Vidal, John, How a 'typo' nearly derailed the Paris climate deal. In The Guardian (December 2015)
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European Commission, Innovating for Sustainable Growth: A Bioeconomy for Europe. Brussels (2012)
TIK/ESST Master thesis: Einar Jakobsen: Den moderne kyllingen.
TIK/ESST Master thesis: Anina S?tre Bj?rnhaug: ? skape en mulig omsorgsteknologi : en studie av m?te mellom sporingsteknologi og et nytt bruksomr?de