
Detailed Course Information - TIK4030 (Research- and Technology Policy)

Course coordinator: Sissel Myklebust

Part One






4.2 (9.15.-11.00)

Sissel Myklebust


Bernal, Merton, Nowotny, Stehr


6.2 (9.15-11.00)

Sissel Myklebust

Science and Technology in the Cold War

Bush, Zachary


11.2. (9.15-11.00)

Sissel Myklebust

Science Policy as a New Policy Area

Edge, Elzinga & Jamison, Elzinga, Salmon, Lakoff, Cozzens (1994)


13.2 (9.15-11.00)

Sissel Myklebust

Radicalization of Science, Science and Public Participation

Rose and Rose, Nelkin, Edge, Bucci & Neresini


18.2 (9.15-11.00)

Sissel Myklebust

Boundary-work, Co-Production and The Two Cultures

Becher, Cozzens (1990), Gieryn, Greenberg, Irwin, Snow


20.2 (9.15-11.00)

Sissel Myklebust

Experts, Counselors and Advisers in the New Production of Knowledge

Evans & Collins, Nowotny, Stehr,


25.2 (9.15-11.00)

Sissel Myklebust

User Relationship in Center Stage

Oudshoorn & Pinch



Sissel Myklebust


Bernal, Bush, Nowotny, Stehr

Part Two

8 timer felles med Globalisering

Mer informasjon om disse to ukene f?lger i januar. Denne undervisningen blir felles for TIK4021 og TIK4030:

Week 11: University & innovation

Mond 10.3



Merle Jacob/Siri Borlaug/Magnus Gulbrandsen

Tue 11.3



Merle Jacob/Siri Borlaug/Magnus Gulbrandsen

Wed 12.3

Reading day

Thu 13.3



Merle Jacob/Siri Borlaug/Magnus Gulbrandsen

Fri 14.3



Merle Jacob/Siri Borlaug/Magnus Gulbrandsen

Hjemmeeksamen leveres ut fredag 14. Mars med innleveringsfrist mandag 31. Mars.

Part One: Reading List

Becher, Tony (1994): The Significance of Disciplinary Differences, Studies in Higher Education 19 (2), 151-162. (11) (kompendium)

Bernal, Desmond (1939): The Social Function of Science. ( 30) (kompendium)

Bucci, Massimiano & Federico Neresini (2008): “Science and Public Participation” , Hacett, Edward J. et. al. (eds.): The Handbook of Science and Technology Studies, Third Edition, 449-473.

Bush, Vannevar (1945): Science: The Endless Frontier: a Report to the President, 1-8, 65-83. (24) (kompendium)

Bush, Vannevar (1946): Endless Horizons, 16-38, 69-82, 125-131. (35) (kompendium)

Cozzens, Susan E.(1990): “Autonomy and power in science”, in Cozzens, Susan E. and Thomas F. Gieryn, Theories of Science in Society, 164-184. (20) (kompendium)

Cozzens, Susan E. and Edward J. Woodhouse (1994):”Science, Government, and the Politics of Knowledge”, in Jasanoff, Sheila et.al. (eds.): Handbook, 533-554. (21) (kompendium)

Edge, David (1994):”Reinventing the Wheel”, in Jasanoff, Sheila et.al.(eds.): Handbook, 3-23. (20) (kompendium)

Elzinga, Aant and Andrew Jamison (1994): “Changing Policy Agendas in Science and Technology”, in Jasanoff, Sheila et.al. (eds.): Handbook, 572-597. (25) (kompendium)

Elzinga, Aant (1997): The science-society contract in historical transformation: With special reference to “epistemic drift”. Social Science Information 36, 411-446. (35) (kompendium)

Evans, Robert & Harry Collins (2008): “Expertise: From Attribute to Attribution and Back Again?” Hacett, Edward J. et. al. (eds.): The Handbook of Science and Technology Studies, Third Edition, 611-630.

Gieryn, Thomas F.(1994): “Boundaries of Science”, in Jasanoff, Sheila et al. (eds): Handbook, 393-444. (51) (kompendium)

Greenberg, Daniel S. (1999(1967)): The Politics of Pure Science. “Forword to the 1999- Edition” by Steven Shapin (xv-xxiv), (270-293). (30) (kompendium)

Irwin, Alan (2008): “STS-Perspectives on Scientific Governance”, Hacett, Edward J. et. al. (eds.): The Handbook of Science and Technology Studies, Third Edition, 583-608.

Lakoff, Sanford A.: “Scientists, Technologists and Political Power”, in Spiegel-R?sing and Derek de Solla Price (eds.): Science, Technology and Society 1977, 355-391. (36)(kompendium)

Merton, Robert K. (1937): “The Sociology of Knowledge” Isis vol.27, nr.3, 493-503. (10) (kompendium)

Merton, Robert K. (1968 (1942): “Science and Democratic Social Structure,” in Merton Robert K: Social Theory and Social Structure, 604-615. (11) (komependium)

Nelkin, Dorothy (1994): Science Controversies: The Dynamics of Public Disputes in the United States, in Jasanoff, Sheila et.al.(eds.): Handbook, 444-456. (12) (kompendium)

Nowotny, Helga et. al. (2001): Re-Thinking Science: Knowledge and the Public in an Age of Uncertainty. (278)

Rose, Hilary and Steven Rose (1972): “The Radicalisation of Science”, The Socialist Register, 105-132. (27) (kompendium)

Salomon, Jean-Jacques (1977): “Science Policy Studies and the Development of Science Policy”, in Spiegel-R?sing, Ina and Derek de Solla Price (eds.): Science, Technology and Society, 43-71. (28) (kompendium)

Snow, C.P (1962 (1959)): The Two Cultures and the Scientific Revolution. (50) (kompendium)

Stehr, Nico (1994). Knowledge Society, 91-121, 160-203. (73) (kompendium)

Zachary, G. Pascal (1997): Endless Frontier: Vannaver Bush Engineer of the American Century, 1-8, 261-276. ( 22 ) (kompendium)

Published Jan. 16, 2008 8:01 PM - Last modified Jan. 16, 2008 8:02 PM