Syllabus/achievement requirements

Parts of the syllabus is published in two course readers, wich is sold at Gnist Akademika bookshop on campus.

A) New Testament texts studied in English:

Mark 1-10; Matthew 5-9; Luke 3-4; Gospel of Thomas 9, 20, 113.

B) Course literature:

Fuellenbach, J.: The Kingdom of God. The Message of Jesus to-day, Maryknoll, NY 1995. Orbis. 290 p.(selection).

Horsley, R. A.: Jesus and Empire. The Kingdom of God and the New World Disorder, Minneapolis 2000. Fortress. 150 p.

Davies, S. L.: Jesus the Healer, New York 1995. Continuum. 209 p. (selections 7-119).

Biblical studies

Scott, B. B.: Hear then the Parable, Minneapolis 1989. Fortress Press. p. 51-62, 343-387. (57 p.) (published in course reader CONT4101, part 1).

Hearon, H. and Wire, A.C.: ?Women?s work in the Realm of God.? in: Beavis, M.A. (ed.): The Lost Coin. Parables of Women, Work and Wisdom. London 2002. Sheffield University Press. p. 136-157. (22 p.) (published in course reader CONT4101, part 1)

Moxnes, H.: ?Meals and the New Community in Luke? in: Svensk Eksegetisk ?rsbok 51-52. 1986-87. p. 158-167. (10 p.) (published in course reader CONT4101, part 1)

Willis, W. (ed.): The Kingdom of God in 20th-Century interpretation, Peabody Mass. 1987. Hendrickson Publishers. p. 131-162. (32 p.) (published in course reader CONT4101, part 1).

Gallardo, C. B.: ?Matthew. Good News for the Persecuted Poor? in: Vaage, L.E.: Subversive Scriptures. Revolutionary Readings of the Christian Bible in Latin America. Valley Forge Pa 1997. Trinity Press International. p. 173-192. (20 p.) (published in course reader CONT4101, part 1)

Contextual interpretation

Levison, J. R. and Priscilla,: ?A Global perspective on New Testament interpretation? in: Green, J. B. (ed): Hearing the New Testament. Grand Rapids 1995. W. B. Eerdmans Pub. Co. p. 329-348. (20 p.) (published in course reader CONT4101, part 2)

Manus, U. C.: Christ, the African King, Frankfurt am Main 1993. P. Lang. p. 18-33, 214-238. (41 p.) (published in course reader CONT4101, part 2).

Sobrino, J.: Jesus the Liberator, New York 1993. Orbis Books. p. 11-22. 67-104, 121 134. (64 p.) (published in course reader CONT4101, part 2).

Dube Shomanah, M. W.: Postcolonial Feminist Interpretation of the Bible, St.Louis 2000. Chalice Press. p. 3-43. (41 p.) (published in course reader CONT4101, part 2).

Published June 6, 2003 12:18 PM - Last modified Aug. 22, 2003 11:07 AM