Syllabus/achievement requirements

A) New Testament texts studied in English:

15 chapters from gospel literature

C) Course literature:

Fuellenbach, J.: The Kingdom of God. The Message of Jesus to-day, Maryknoll, NY 1995. Orbis. 290 p.(selection).

Horsley, R. A.: Jesus and Empire. The Kingdom of God and the New World Disorder, Minneapolis 2000. Fortress. 150 p.

Moxnes, Halvor, The economy of the kingdom: Social conflict and economic relations in Luke’s gospel (Philadelphia: Fortress, 1988).

Biblical studies

Dube Shomanah, M. W., “Reading of Semoya: Batswana women’s interpretations of Mtt. 15: 21-28,” in Semeia 73: (1996), 111-130.

Fiorenza Elizabeth S., In memory of her: A feminist theological reconstruction of Christian origins (New York: Crossroads, 1983), 105-154.

Gallardo, C. B. “Matthew. Good News for the Persecuted Poor” in: Vaage, L.E.: Subversive Scriptures. Revolutionary Readings of the Christian Bible in Latin America. Valley Forge Pa 1997. Trinity Press International. p. 173-192. (20 p.)

Hearon, H. and Wire, A.C.: “Women’s work in the Realm of God.” in: Beavis, M.A. (ed.): The Lost Coin. Parables of Women, Work and Wisdom. London 2002. Sheffield University Press. p. 136-157. (22 p.)

Moxnes, Halvor, Putting Jesus in His Place. A Radical Vision of Household and Kingdom (Louisville and London, Westminster John Knox, 2003) 108-41, 183-91. (35 s.)

Contextual interpretation

Dube Shomanah, M. W., “Jumping with fire,” in Feminist interpretation of the Bible and the hermeneutics of liberation. Edited by Silvia Schroer and Sophia Bieternhard (London: Sheffield Academic press, 2003), 60-76.

Draper, Jonathan, “Jesus and economic justice,” in Discovering Jesus in our place: Contextual Christologies in a globalised world. Edited by Sturla J. St?lsett (Dehli:ISPCK, 2003), 80-99.

Stinton, Diane B., Jesus of Africa: Voices of contemporary Christology (Maryknoll: Orbis books, 2004), 54-108.

Sobrino, J.: Jesus the Liberator, New York 1993. Orbis Books. p. 11-22. 67-104, 121 134. (64 p.)

Published Apr. 5, 2011 9:14 AM - Last modified May 31, 2011 1:27 PM